
Twelve ancient style poems

author:Qingyanwei Literature

Author: Zhouzi (Korla)

Twelve ancient style poems

1. New Year

Rui Xue Mao Nian fish meat is fragrant, and the family reunion wine is long.

Frost Huamei laughs at the spring voice, the hometown of Dongfeng Green in the New Year.

2. New Year

On Chinese New Year's Eve, a pot of wine, the ode to a new charm.

The cold and snow are abundant, and the family is happy to draw pictures.

3. New Day

The passage of time is the same as that of ancient and modern, and the epidemic and disease are several serious.

The cold day of Forty-Nine is here today, when is the end of the year?

Twelve ancient style poems

Fourth, the Chinese New Year

The sun rises in the cold and the frost is exhausted, and the years are increasing.

I hope that the plum blossoms are red like fire, and the spring is warm and the sun is hard and ice.

Fifth, new seedlings

In the cold season, the wheat seedlings are green, and the wax moon urges the spring of ten thousand wood spirits.

The ice melts and blesses the world, and the plum fragrance is proud of the snow and blooms.

Sixth, the new scene

The moonlight sky counts for nine days, and the frost is clear and willow is waxing.

The warm wind comes to the end of winter, and the fertile field wakes up for another year.

Twelve ancient style poems

7. New feelings

January spring comes to the New Year's flavor, and the cold is happy to complain of mourning.

If you don't return to Zhouzi, you will miss your home, and you will be warm and affectionate to your hometown.

8. New songs

At the end of the year, Yu Qiongfei flies, and the exotic chrysanthemum has yellow eyes.

The pines and cypresses are all shaking, and the nostalgia is looking forward to the return of spring.

IX. Niino

The chrysanthemum smiled and the cold came, and the tiger roared and the wealth was urging.

Mei Ruibing was born for nine days, and the snow is vast and the wilderness is dark and spring.

Twelve ancient style poems

10. Fresh air

At the beginning of the third watch, the night slumped and slept, and the plum blossoms smiled for nine days.

The cold moon is light and the smoke is crying, and the spring breeze is gradually starting to welcome the new year.

11. New farming

The snow and willows of the cold double bridge are withered, and the cold stars reflect the spring map.

The plum blossom announces the ploughing of the cattle, and the bacon smokes the tiger journey.

XII. Xinliu

Welcome the tiger and the cow are lucky, and the winter frost is all over the cold day.

The snow is overwhelming, and the spring is late, and the wind prunes the willow branches for another year.

Twelve ancient style poems

The author Zhouzi, whose real name is Zhou Jianguo, is a native of Korla, Xinjiang, a senior technician, a vocational teacher of a college and secondary school, and has published more than 3,000 poems.

Editor: Li Xunxiu/Wu Jun/Chang Xianyun Editorial Department of Qingyanwei Literature