
In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

author:Rice rice mom childcare

Today, the results of the college entrance examination across the country have been completely opened to inquiry, and the graduates of the third year of high school can also check their college entrance examination scores.

Of course, the champions of the college entrance examination who have attracted much attention have also begun to be exposed one after another, and what follows is naturally the "champion cultivation strategy" that people are most concerned about.

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which is simply a "fairy fight"

At present, the champions from all over the country have basically come out (the data comes from the Internet, if there is any error, please correct):

There are 3 Hainan students who won the college entrance examination, respectively from Haikou Middle School, Haikou No. 1 Middle School and Hainan Middle School, with a total score of 900 points.

Wu Zongqin, the top science student in the college entrance examination in Guizhou Province, is from Jinping Middle School with a total score of 715, and Cheng Zeling, the top student in liberal arts, is from Nanbai Middle School with a total score of 687.

Xie Xinying, the champion of science in Chongqing, is from Chongqing No. 8 Middle School, with a total score of 726, and Xiang Han, the champion of liberal arts, is from Bashu Middle School, with a total score of 706.

The top student in science in Shanxi Province came from Xinzhou No. 1 Middle School with a total score of 710, and the top student in liberal arts came from Jincheng No. 1 Middle School with a total score of 664.

Liaoning Province science champions Li Huansheng and Zhao Yanhe are from Dalian Yuming Senior High School and Liaoning Experimental High School respectively, and Meng Fangfei, the top liberal arts student, is from Yingkou High School, with a total score of 679.

Niu Xu, the top science student in Jilin Province, is from the High School Affiliated to Northeast Normal University, with a total score of 718, and Zhang Shuyu, the top student in liberal arts, is also from the High School Affiliated to Northeast Normal University, with a total score of 702.

Sun Bai, the top science student in Heilongjiang Province, is from Deqiang Senior High School, with a total score of 731. The top student in liberal arts is also from Deqiang High School, with a total score of 691.

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

Shen Yiwen, the champion of Shanghai, with a total score of 634, is from Lansheng of Hua No. 2 Junior High School.

Wang Xinyu, the top science student in Fujian Province, is from Xiamen No. 1 Middle School, with a total score of 719. Kang Kai, the champion of liberal arts, is from Xiamen Foreign Chinese, with a total score of 679.

Zhang Yangjingqi and Zhong Yibo, the top science students in Hebei, are from Hengshui Middle School and Elite High School respectively, with a score of 710. Guo Yitong, the champion of liberal arts, is from Shijiazhuang No. 2 Middle School Experimental School, with a total score of 694.

Yuan Zeyu, the top science student in Henan Province, came from Linzhou No. 1 Middle School, with a total score of 721. Pan Yuxin, the top student in liberal arts, is from Xinyang Senior High School with a score of 687.

Chen Nuo, the top science student in Jiangsu Province, is from Hua Luogeng Middle School with a total score of 713. Wang Xiaohan, the champion of liberal arts, is from Suqian Middle School, with a total score of 686.

Ye Taoming and Zhang Yudong, the top science students in Hubei Province, are from Xiangyang No. 5 Middle School and Wuhan No. 3 Middle School respectively, with a total score of 708. Li Mufan, the champion of liberal arts, is from Xiangyang No. 5 Middle School, with a total score of 680.

Wang Yiwen, the top student in the college entrance examination in Zhejiang Province, came from Zhenhai Middle School with a total score of 726.

Hai Tianyue, the top science student in Ningxia, came from Yinchuan No. 1 Middle School, with a total score of 691. The top student in liberal arts is a student from Yinchuan No. 2 Middle School with a total score of 661.

Dai Siyu, the top science student in Sichuan Province, came from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School with a total score of 715 points. Luo Yanxi, the champion of liberal arts, is also from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School, with a total score of 657.

Inner Mongolia science champions, there are two people, they are from the High School Affiliated to Inner Mongolia Normal University, and Ordos No. 1 Middle School, with a total score of 719. Zhang Yan, the top student in liberal arts, came from Baotou No. 9 Middle School, with a total score of 649.

The top science student in Shaanxi came from Xi'an High-tech No. 1 Middle School, with a total score of 724. The top liberal arts student also came from this school, with a total score of 697.

The champions of each province can be said to be full of flowers, one is more powerful than the other, and their scores are at an unattainable height for many ordinary students. So, how exactly do they learn?

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

Why are the top students in the college entrance examination so good?

is not only smart, but also 3 methods worth learning from, and Xueba will really learn

◎Have good reading habits

Several top students interviewed this year all revealed one thing in common, that is, they all have a hobby of reading, and most of them have liked reading since childhood.

Of course, there are also some people who only like to read during school. Moreover, they treat reading in a very ordinary, active state.

They believe that reading is a natural part of life, and in their leisure time, they will read books naturally, without the urging of parents and the supervision of teachers.

Reading has a great impact on students' grades, even if it is reading some extracurricular reading materials, it will allow students to continue to accumulate knowledge in ordinary times, and the longer the time, the greater the impact of reading on students, and help children's academic performance.

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

◎Treat learning as a hobby, not a burden

There is an old saying called "learning the sea is endless", and people often say that "only when you eat hard can you become a master", which means that children can swallow the hardships of learning in order to usher in a better tomorrow.

But in fact, these statements do not apply to these top students, because in their eyes, learning is not a "toil" thing, but a kind of interest.

For example, Dai Siyu, she is very excited about learning, she is very excited and positive when she is studying, just like a hungry person encountering a big meal.

Therefore, if we want our children to learn well, we should not always instill in our children the idea that "learning is very hard", but let them establish an interest in learning, fall in love with learning, and regard learning as a hobby, so that children will be more active in learning and more motivated to learn.

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

◎ We all like to be "lazy" - get used to summarizing the study habits that suit you

Most of the top students are actually very "lazy", they often do not memorize knowledge points, do not spend a lot of time on carpet learning, but like to be "lazy", they are used to constantly summarizing their own learning styles in the process of learning.

For example, Zhang Yudong is a student who likes to summarize, every time he makes mistakes in his assignments or tests, then he will write them down in his notebook, and then start to analyze and answer these mistakes, and finally achieve complete mastery.

When others are reviewing the whole book, he can continuously strengthen his weaknesses in a short period of time, which not only improves the learning efficiency, but also saves a lot of energy and reduces the burden of learning on himself.

Therefore, if you want your child to learn efficiently, you need to allow your child to be "lazy" and summarize more learning methods that are suitable for you, such as establishing a problem book and habitually creating a mind map.

In 2024, the top scores of the college entrance examination in various provinces will be PK, which can be called a "fairy fight", and the top students will really learn

Write at the end

In the era of exam-oriented education, many students who like "question sea tactics" have become top students, but in the current era of quality education, rote memorization and question sea tactics are an inefficient learning method.

Especially after the reform of the college entrance examination, if children are not able to use their knowledge, they will not be able to get good results at all. Therefore, if your child is struggling to learn, you may wish to learn from the learning methods of the top students, which may help your child avoid detours.

【Interactive topic】What do you think are worthy of our emulation?

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