
It's time for the rainy season to be filial

author:Gu Maoquan
It's time for the rainy season to be filial

"In the Huangmei season, it rains at home, and the grass pond is full of frogs." The current season is the rainy season, and the silky plum rain is sprinkled on all feet of the earth, and everywhere is hazy, and the Lixiahe area is like a fairyland on earth. The ethereal rain is like making the earth wear a light and charming tulle. Holding a small umbrella, looking up at the dark gray sky, walking on the spacious and tender country cement road, comfortable and leisurely. The small crystal clear water splashes on the shoes, stepping on the light footsteps, slowly walking in, into the world in the rain; The world in the rain is poetic, romantic and charming.

Six days ago, my little sister, who was sick with her old age, "asked for leave" and went to Shanghai to take care of my sister-in-law who had undergone minor surgery, and I was obliged to become a "substitute". When I came back that day, I saw my mother's face yellow, panting like a cow, coughing incessantly, struggling to walk, and moaning constantly, so I couldn't help but forcibly pull her to the town center health center for hospitalization. Due to the stimulation of the CT strong cold air conditioner, or the side effect of a certain drug in the hanging water, my mother was trembling and miserable at night, and I continuously turned on the oxygen concentrator to the maximum to help her inhale oxygen. Two hours later, he miraculously got better, and went to the ghost gate again to walk without danger. In the past few days, I took her to the town health center to hang water, halfway I saw the stitches and needles to buy good vegetables, and came back at noon The old lady sat by the pot stove to command, I cooked the vegetables in an orderly manner, fish soup, boiled fish, braised pork...... I, a layman who rarely cooks rice in the pot, actually cooked delicious meals one after another, and the old lady ate them fragrantly, full of praise, and I was overjoyed. Yes, my mother is at home, my parents are not there in life, I only have the way back, and my mother is here, I am so happy!

It's time for the rainy season to be filial

I am not a very competent filial son, but filial piety is always there, filial piety I am often Hongyi, how many times I use my clever experience, my hard work and tireless hard work to save my parents from the death line dozens of times, the life line of my parents has been extended again and again, the surrounding neighbors and friends have praised me for my filial piety, I am happy every time I hear it. But this time in the summer hospitalization, my mother's mother's same ward, the same village of my eldest sister one-year-old Fang's filial piety I admired, I moved, I and her comparison is really "a little witch to see a big witch", I and her gap is too big, even the old mother really praised Sister Fang: "It's not simple, rare, her parents are really cultivated in the previous life." "When I went home at noon, I praised everyone and talked about the details of Sister Fang's filial piety.

Sister Fang has two sisters in her family, she is a little girl, and she found a junior high school classmate of a high school classmate in a neighboring village to join her husband's family. When my father was 60 years old, he was seriously ill and bedridden, incontinent, and unable to take care of himself. Eleven years ago, my 80-year-old mother was paralyzed at home, and my mother suffered from the genetic disease Parkinson's "shaking disease", her hands and mouth kept shaking, and she couldn't even drink a sip of water on her own, and her life was completely dependent on the help of others. Sister Fang did not hesitate to embark on the long journey of taking care of her mother 24 hours a day, there was no day and night, no holidays, no "substitutes", eleven years were like a day without regrets, and the old mother's life was forcibly extended by her for eleven years.

It's time for the rainy season to be filial

On the same day, my mother was hospitalized in the afternoon, and as soon as she got into bed, the ninety-one-year-old Aunt Fang shouted to go to the toilet. His clothes and pants and the plastic mats under his body were already filthy, and the air was immediately filled with the smell of feces, which was extremely smelly. I saw that Sister Fang used the genetic disease "trembling disease" to tremble, skillfully grasping the feces with both hands, not wearing a mask, not avoiding her head, quickly took off her mother's clothes and pants, put on a plastic pad, and almost carried her mother to the bathroom to clean...... A quarter of an hour later, the clean mother appeared on the hospital bed again, and the elder sister still said to her mother in a hearty voice: "You will live to be a hundred years old." ”。 If the old lady hadn't heard this with her own eyes, she wouldn't have "bought her life" so vividly to praise Sister Fang.

There are many filial men and women in the world, but to do something like Sister Fang, I think it is rare, it is difficult to pick one, what she does is really a model, if you do a good interview and dig it, write a reportage Its deeds must be wonderful and touching.

It's time for the rainy season to be filial

There are also many disobedient sons in the world, an old man in the ward next door to my mother, the two sons did not care, and no one took the lead in helping him treat when he was sick, and it was his niece who couldn't stand it so he was seriously ill for treatment. An old lady who raised four sons in two wards was seriously ill and blamed each other, and it took a long time to be reluctantly admitted to the hospital under the strong condemnation of neighbors, but they quarreled every day for alimony and treatment fees...... These disobedient and unfilial sons are many times more ugly and ashamed than Sister Fang!

"Filial piety comes first, and longevity is long. Parents are living Buddhas, why burn incense far away. "I advise those unfilial sons, learn more about the filial piety of the eldest sister of the school, people are doing the sky is watching, generation to generation to generation, your parents are miserable because of your unfilial piety today is your tomorrow! If you are an upright person, you should assume your due filial piety, because you are a human being and not an animal, and even the animal knows that "the crow feeds back, and the lamb kneels to suckle", otherwise you are not even as good as an animal! (7.2)

It's time for the rainy season to be filial