
The new urban area will hold the 2024 "Small Bench and Big Lecture Hall" for the practice of civilization in the new era and a special event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

author:Xi'an New Town

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, draw forward strength from the century-old party history, and encourage the majority of party members to inherit the great spirit of party building, on the afternoon of June 28, the third phase of the new urban area and the new era of civilization practice in 2024 "small bench lecture hall" and special activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China were held in the auditorium of Xi'an No. 38 Middle School.

The new urban area will hold the 2024 "Small Bench and Big Lecture Hall" for the practice of civilization in the new era and a special event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The event kicked off in the micro-video "Confidence, Spark into a Torch", with the "micro-ceremony", "micro-performance", "micro-sharing", "micro-preaching" and other links slowly spreading, the cohesive ceremony, the recitation with emotion, and the preaching that hit the hearts of the people were presented in front of the audience successively, guiding party members and cadres to inherit and continue the party's red blood, unswervingly listen to the party's words, be loyal, clean and brave.

In the micro-propaganda session, Professor Bo Yiping of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee brought the theme of "The Great Achievements of the Party Central Committee in Yan'an for 13 Years". Professor Bo's wonderful lecture deeply attracted the audience, and they all expressed that they wanted to understand the spiritual strength of their ancestors, highlight their beliefs, inherit the qualities of not being afraid of strong enemies, not afraid of risks, dare to struggle, and be loyal and responsible, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and contribute to the high-quality development of Xincheng.

The new urban area will hold the 2024 "Small Bench and Big Lecture Hall" for the practice of civilization in the new era and a special event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The spark shines on the journey, and the red heart will always be to the party. In the land of the new urban area, generation after generation of Communist Party members have adhered to their original intentions, worked silently and selflessly, showing the demeanor of the party members of the new city. A solemn ceremony was held at the event to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and the commemorative medals were awarded to the representatives of six old party members, and all party members were called on to take them as an example, full of passion and continue to struggle. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, and abide by the party's ......constitution," under the leadership of Comrade Cheng Bingxian, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Taihua Road Street, 19 new development party members faced the bright red party flag, raised their right hands, and solemnly swore an oath. Zheng Zheng's oath was sonorous and powerful, expressing his determination to be loyal to the party and fight for the party's cause for life.

The new urban area will hold the 2024 "Small Bench and Big Lecture Hall" for the practice of civilization in the new era and a special event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The event came to an end with the impassioned chorus of all party members "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China". The new urban area will further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force of party members and cadres, stimulate the confidence and enthusiasm of the directors to start a business, keep in mind the original mission, be determined to pioneer and innovate, and present the 103rd anniversary of the party with excellent results.

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