
Go to the grassroots level丨Popular science lectures into the enterprise, so that employees can enjoy health services at zero distance

author:Zhongjie perspective
Go to the grassroots level丨Popular science lectures into the enterprise, so that employees can enjoy health services at zero distance

On June 11, the "Love in the Summer, Science Popularization and Health" activity jointly carried out by the Cangzhou Federation of Trade Unions, the Group Work Department of Zhongjie Industrial Park and the Cangzhou People's Hospital was held in Jingshan Salt Industry Co., Ltd. in the park, and more than 60 employees attended the hearing.

Go to the grassroots level丨Popular science lectures into the enterprise, so that employees can enjoy health services at zero distance

During the activity, 5 experts from Cangzhou People's Hospital gave lectures to employees from gastrointestinal maintenance and early cancer screening, lung nodule screening and treatment, screening and treatment of common tumors, scientific weight loss, screening and prevention of common brain diseases, etc., introducing the early symptoms and coping methods of common diseases, guiding everyone to improve their vigilance against physical abnormalities, and giving a vivid and practical health knowledge lesson to the employees.

Go to the grassroots level丨Popular science lectures into the enterprise, so that employees can enjoy health services at zero distance

This activity not only improved the health science literacy of the majority of employees, but also stimulated everyone's motivation to actively participate in health management. Employees have said that the popular science lectures have a strong guidance and operability, and they have benefited a lot after listening, and they should apply what they have learned in their work and life in the future, and combine what they have learned with what they have learned, so as to escort the health of themselves and their families.

Author: Gao Lexian

Editor: Ren Ziqi

Editor: Yu Guoshu Cui Zhikai

Review: Meng Hui

E-mail: [email protected]

Go to the grassroots level丨Popular science lectures into the enterprise, so that employees can enjoy health services at zero distance

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