
"July 1st" is a letter to the majority of party members in the whole region

author:Zhongjie perspective
"July 1st" is a letter to the majority of party members in the whole region
"July 1st" is a letter to the majority of party members in the whole region

Comrades of the Party members of the whole region:

On the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Organization and Personnel Department of the Party Group of the CPC Zhongjie Industrial Park would like to extend cordial condolences and holiday congratulations to the comrades of the Communist Party who have worked hard and fought on all fronts, industries and fields in the whole region, and extend the highest respect to the old party members and comrades who have made important contributions to the construction and development of the Communist Party of China.

The clarion call of the new era urges people to forge ahead, and the voyage of re-departure sets sail. The development of Zhongjie is inseparable from the efforts of every Communist Party member, and the development of Zhongjie will also rely on the striving for excellence and exemplary leadership of each Communist Party member. Here, I would like to issue a call to the majority of Communist Party members in the whole region, hoping that everyone will strive to be the "five examples" and contribute to the development and prosperity of China and the Czech Republic.

First, we must strive to be an example of defending loyalty. We must always maintain a high degree of political vigilance and political acumen, resolutely safeguard the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, and ensure that the Party's decisions and arrangements are fully implemented. At the same time, we must actively participate in the organizational life of the party, conscientiously fulfill the obligations of party members, strictly abide by the party's discipline, and be consistent with words and deeds. Second, we must strive to be an example of firm faith. We must persist in taking the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a fundamental political task, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 1st and 2nd Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of the provincial and municipal party congresses, integrate them into our own work, and be firm believers and loyal practitioners of scientific theories. Third, we must strive to be an example of a pioneer in development. We must actively participate in the overall development of the park and give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members. We must dare to take responsibility and innovate, actively explore new ways and new methods of development, have the courage to face difficulties and challenges, and dare to take risks and responsibilities. Fourth, we must strive to set an example in serving the masses. We must cultivate the lofty realm of "I will be without me", take "everything for the people" as the starting point and focus of our work, focus on the urgent and difficult problems of the masses, focus on the infrastructure of people's livelihood, and solidly promote people's livelihood with tenacity, one after another, year after year, so that the fruits of reform and development can benefit the people of the whole region. Fifth, we must strive to be an example of promoting healthy trends. We must actively practice the core values of socialism, abide by social morality, professional ethics and family virtues, establish good morality, use our words and deeds to influence and drive the people around us, and jointly create a civilized and harmonious social environment.

Let us go hand in hand, guided by the "five examples", with more enthusiasm, more pragmatic style, and firmer faith, and forge ahead bravely in the journey of the new era!

I wish the Communist Party of China eternal youth! I wish all party members and comrades in the district good health, smooth work, and happy families!

The Party Group Organization and Personnel Department of the CPC Zhongjie Industrial Park

July 1, 2024

Editor: Ren Ziqi

Editor: Yu Guoshu Cui Zhikai

Review: Meng Hui

E-mail: [email protected]

"July 1st" is a letter to the majority of party members in the whole region