
Celebrate "July 1st" to pursue the red footprints and inherit the revolutionary spirit

author:Zhongjie perspective
Celebrate "July 1st" to pursue the red footprints and inherit the revolutionary spirit

In order to encourage all party members not to forget their original intentions, continue to move forward, and draw spiritual strength from the party's glorious history, recently, the Investment Promotion Bureau organized party members and cadres to visit and study the red education base at the site of the tragedy in Dazhao Village, Huanghua City.

In the Huanghua Martyrs Memorial Square, all party members and cadres solemnly raised their right hands, reviewed the oath of joining the party, accepted the baptism of party spirit, and absorbed the strength to move forward.

Celebrate "July 1st" to pursue the red footprints and inherit the revolutionary spirit

When you enter the museum, you will be greeted by precious relics, which quietly tell the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs. Subsequently, the party members and cadres listened to the vivid stories of the martyrs and deeply felt the great sacrifices they made for the liberation and rejuvenation of the nation.

The relevant person in charge of the Investment Promotion Bureau said that this red education activity made the party members and cadres feel the traces left by history and time, and experienced the spiritual strength of the revolutionary martyrs' hard work. In the future work, the Investment Promotion Bureau will continue to be down-to-earth, selfless dedication, devote itself to work with greater enthusiasm, and contribute to the high-quality development of the park!

Author: Liu Hongyue

Editor: Ren Ziqi

Editor: Yu Guoshu Cui Zhikai

Review: Meng Hui

E-mail: [email protected]

Celebrate "July 1st" to pursue the red footprints and inherit the revolutionary spirit