
Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

author:There is a daddy

Reading guide: If your family has a large amount of education funds, but you have a pair of children at home, who will you vote for? Traditionally, most of them have been given to boys, because boys have always had more priority than girls throughout history.

Some people say that educating a boy is just educating an individual. To educate girls well is to educate a family, a nation, or even a country.

It is deeply believed that in a family, when a woman is given the role of mother, their influence on the child may last for a lifetime.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

Some people also say that the happiness of a family and the future direction of a child's life are hidden in the education and guidance of the mother.

Some women are very vicissitudes after giving birth and look much older than their actual age. Some of them are still young after giving birth to babies, and they can't tell that they have given birth to children at all.

In fact, if there are three characteristics in a woman's body, even if she has given birth to a child, she "does not look old", see if there are you?

Characteristic 1: Optimistic attitude

When the baby is small, it is easy to worry, from waw wow to toddler, you can eat and dress warmly. Since the baby went to school, the mother has been anxious, worried that the child will lose at the starting line, and that they will not be productive when they grow up.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

Mothers can try to be bigger, which does not mean ignoring it, but providing a broad environment for their children to grow up.

A mother, if she can maintain an optimistic attitude, no matter what difficulties she encounters, do not become emotional, and maintain a positive and healthy attitude, her wrinkles will also be reduced and she will look much younger than her peers. A person's state of mind can affect the body and appearance.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

Many girls have a slim figure and a sweet face before they get married. But after getting married, after entering the trivial life of firewood, rice, oil and salt, he was grinded out of his temper, and he was angry with his husband and children at every turn, and his appearance naturally became very vicissitudes.

Once many women around them become mothers, they no longer have their own freedom and space, they put their children first, and fathers are second.

Every day, I revolve around pots and pans, around children, and the focus of life is on children. Doesn't pay attention to her appearance, and even goes to the kindergarten to pick up her child in pajamas, how can such a sloppy mother be young?

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

Tips: Paying attention to your inner world and being a happy parent can bring a better growth environment and a healthy attitude to your children. Mothers are optimistic and find a sense of balance, pay attention to the growth of their children and pay attention to their own needs, and only then will they become happy young mothers.

Feature 2: There is a sense of relaxation

Women should not put all their thoughts on the family and children, but learn to enjoy life.

On weekends, dress yourself up beautifully, hand over your children to your father, or send them to your in-laws, go out to play by yourself, and enjoy rare freedom and happiness.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

Some mothers pay too much attention to their children, and anything related to the baby will overwhelm the old mother, and the more this education, the easier it is to have problems.

We need to understand that the stability of the relationship between husband and wife is the foundation of family happiness. If a mother focuses too much energy on her children, it will lead to cracks in the relationship between husband and wife, giving children too much expectation, bringing them an invisible sense of oppression, as well as feelings of loss and anxiety.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

The sense of relaxation is the tolerance of oneself and one's family, don't be tense every day. For example, if the child's grades are not good, the husband's salary is not high, and the mother's mood is not good. I want to control my child all the time, and the more I try to control it, the worse it gets, and this vicious circle will make life a mess. If the old mother can learn to tolerate, she will be young forever.

Mothers with a sense of relaxation learn to manage their emotions, give their husbands and children enough support and understanding, and the family lives happily. Mothers know how to listen to their children's inner thoughts, communicate with their babies with gentle tones and attitudes, accept different points of view, and respect their children's choices. Children will also pay attention to self-growth, maintain a positive attitude and good emotions, and mothers will naturally maintain a youthful appearance and mentality.

Characteristic 3: Ability to communicate

According to a report, there is a big communication problem between parents and children in China.

As a mother, I am often worried that my child will catch a cold if she wears less, but as soon as the words come out, it becomes: You wear so little stinky and beautiful clothes a day, who will look at you? I was afraid that the child would fall if he jumped around, but the exit was: If you are disobedient and run around like this, I don't want you anymore.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

A lot of words are obviously good, but when they are spoken, they change the taste, and this way of communication can easily make love distorted and turn into a fight against criticism and accusation.

Mothers with communication skills will ask the reason for the problem when the child makes a mistake, and then listen patiently. Accept your child's mistakes, calm your emotions, and then analyze the problem together and find a way to solve it together.

Effective communication allows children to gain respect and learn to reflect on how to solve problems.

Mothers who are "not old" after giving birth have three excellent characteristics, and the more they occupy, the younger they are

Many mothers are too strong, in front of their children, they always feel that they have the final say in everything. Mothers should learn to show weakness and let their children know how to take responsibility. Mom is relieved and will look younger.

For example, when I take my child to the supermarket, I directly tell the baby that the items are too heavy and the mother can't carry them, hoping that the baby can help me. Children will feel that they are a useful person, they will be very happy, and they will learn to protect their mother.

In our ideology, parents should be strong in authority. In this case, the child is like a flower in a greenhouse, unable to experience sunlight, thus losing the opportunity to explore and experiment.

Broken thoughts:

Mom has these qualities, and her appearance and mentality will be very young. Seriously, instead of constantly asking their children to meet their own expectations, parents should improve their own growth and guide them to a better future.

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