
Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

author:The little scholar eats melons

There is no doubt that love is the most unreasonable.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Diana has the title of the English Rose, young and beautiful, and has two princes under her knees.

She can win the love of the people, but she can't get her husband's sincerity.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Charles has never been able to forget his ex-girlfriend Camilla, even if she has become someone else's wife.

For this reason, Diana also complained to her mother-in-law and wanted her mother-in-law to restrain Charles.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

But it turned out that the mother-in-law was still on her son's side.

Diana tried everything she could, but in the end she was abandoned.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Camilla, who was favored by Charles, sat on the throne of the queen.

The reason why Camilla can have such an ending depends on Charles's affection and her mother-in-law's fulfillment.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

If not, she's the next Mrs. Simpson...

Around 1930, Mrs. Simpson followed her husband to settle in London.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Mr. Simpson was a wealthy businessman who spent his years at meetings in order to make friends with nobles.

Mrs. Simpson was a regular at various gatherings.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

The following year, at a friend's banquet, she met Prince Edward, the crown prince.

It is said that Edward was actually the lover of a friend at the time.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

But Mrs. Simpson played chess and succeeded in taking her friend's place.

Mr. Simpson knew this, but he didn't think to stop his wife.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

For no other reason, he can rely on his wife's help to expand his career.

The two of them are like-minded, and their relationship has not broken down because of this.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

On the contrary, Mr. Simpson will also cover for his wife.

The husband's alternative fulfillment gave Mrs. Simpson a sense of security.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

She enjoys the benefits of being the crown prince's lover.

While receiving countless jewels, you can also become the protagonist of various banquets.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

At the very least, the aristocrats would not offend Mrs. Simpson on the surface.

As for what they really think, Mrs. Simpson doesn't care.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

She has a harmonious family and is held in the palm of her hand by the crown prince.

Moreover, Mrs. Simpson knew very well that according to the marriage law at the time, it was impossible for her to marry the crown prince.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

All she has to do is have fun in time and try to get what she wants.

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Simpson was self-aware, but Prince Edward was moved by his true feelings.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

With the departure of George V, Prince Edward ascended to the throne.

He couldn't tolerate his sweetheart and husband, and said that he would arrange for them to divorce.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

For this reason, Edward VIII let Mrs. Simpson live in his apartment and did not allow her to contact her husband.

Things have come to this point, completely out of Mrs. Simpson's control.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Fascinated the king and made her very proud.

But if you lose your family because of this, some of the gains outweigh the losses.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

After all, Queen Mary doesn't nod easily.

Mary was of noble birth and was the granddaughter-in-law of Queen Victoria's personal choice.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

At first, her fiancé was the Queen's eldest grandson.

After the death of her fiancé, Mary became the princess of the queen's second grandson.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

In other words, she was destined to marry into the royal family.

Mary did not live up to Queen Victoria's trust.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

She was a good helper to King George V, and she was well liked by the people.

For such a queen mother, Mrs. Simpson clearly does not meet the standards of a queen.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Even if her son has to be her...

After Mrs. Simpson and her husband divorced, Edward VIII had plans to get married.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

With his connivance, Mrs. Simpson has become a regular visitor to the palace.

However, Edward VIII did not expect that his mother, who had always loved him, would be so resolute.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

You can't have both fish and bear's paws, so he can only abdicate and make way for Xian.

At this time, Queen Mary was still not satisfied.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

She disliked Mrs. Simpson and would never show up at the same banquet with her.

Under the hint of Queen Mary, consciously or unconsciously, the nobles also began to reject Mrs. Simpson.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

used to be the protagonist of the banquet, but he became a little transparent who was not welcomed.

Mrs. Simpson could not stand such a gap and often complained in front of Edward VIII.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

In desperation, the two of them could only settle abroad.

With George VI ascending the throne, Edward VIII was canonized Duke of Windsor by his younger brother.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

It stands to reason that his wife deserves the title of Duchess.

How did Queen Mary do it?

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

She didn't hesitate at all, and directly rejected her son's request.

Now, everyone knows that Mrs. Simpson has been completely kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law...

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

To make amends for his wife, the Duke of Windsor lowered himself to the dust.

Mrs. Simpson loved jewelry, and he bought a whole bunch of them.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Mrs. Simpson was going to make a documentary, and the Duke of Windsor gave her a supporting role.

Even if his wife speaks ill of the royal family in front of him, the Duke of Windsor will never stop him.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

His affection was so deep that it proved that Queen Mary's decision was right.

After all, if Mrs. Simpson returns to the royal family, she doesn't know what she will be tossed into.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

In May 1972, the Duke of Windsor died.

Before leaving, he chatted with his niece Elizabeth II for a long time.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Outsiders speculated that the Duke of Windsor couldn't let go of Mrs. Simpson in his heart and wanted his niece to treat each other well.

However, Mrs. Simpson did not return to England.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

She still lives in the "Windsor Cottage", accompanied by a servant.

Mrs. Simpson grew older, and Susanna, who was so highly regarded by her, thought of something else.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Suzanne hid from Mrs. Simpson and sold her jewelry and antiques.

Some servants tried to tell Mrs. Simpson and were fired by Suzanne for no reason.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Moreover, she will find all kinds of excuses to prevent Mrs. Simpson from going out and not letting her see her friends.

Having lost the protection of the Duke of Windsor, the royal family did not care much about Mrs. Simpson.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Moreover, although she had been married three times, she had no children.

In such a situation, the only person Mrs. Simpson could rely on was Susanna.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

In her later years, she was lying in a hospital bed and couldn't even find someone to talk to.

In 1986, at the age of 90, Mrs. Simpson left alone.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Mrs. Simpson was one of the six beauties of the Windsor dynasty and was prettier than Camilla when she was younger.

However, she was not as lucky as Camilla.

Mrs. Simpson: Less beautiful than Camilla, she was not as lucky as her, she was fascinated by the king but was kicked out of the royal family by her mother-in-law

Because her mother-in-law did not accept her and kicked her out of the royal family...

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