
Today's Peking Opera industry is three outstanding Zhang Pai Qingyi, some of whom went abroad, some of whom withdrew from the stage, and some of whom passed away

author:Jiang Feng's fishing fire is so worried

The Zhang School of Peking Opera is a Danjiao school founded by Master Zhang Junqiu, and it can be said that the art of the Zhang School is the most influential after the four major schools of Mei Shang and Cheng Xun, and there was once a saying of "ten Dan and nine Zhang".

Let's talk about these three pity Peking Opera Zhang Pai Da Qingyi today.

Yang Shurui

Yang Shurui is a famous Peking Opera actor, Gongdan Jiao, Zongzhang School, and his tutelage is Peking Opera master Zhang Junqiu.

Today's Peking Opera industry is three outstanding Zhang Pai Qingyi, some of whom went abroad, some of whom withdrew from the stage, and some of whom passed away

Teacher Yang Shurui has a crisp and sweet voice, a generous singing voice full of charm, and a dignified and generous performance, and she was also the leader of the Zhang School of Peking Opera at the beginning.

In the nineties of the last century, the Mei Lanfang Gold Award Competition was held, and there were eight gold medal winners in the Danjiao group, including Yang Shurui.

Today's Peking Opera industry is three outstanding Zhang Pai Qingyi, some of whom went abroad, some of whom withdrew from the stage, and some of whom passed away

It's just that later Teacher Yang Shurui also went abroad early to develop, and rarely appeared on the stage, which is actually a pity.

Lei Ying

Lei Ying is a famous Peking Opera actor, Gongdan Jiao, Zongzhang School, and his tutelage is under the famous Peking Opera master Mr. Zhang Junqiu.

Teacher Lei Ying is a disciple of Master Zhang Junqiu, who once worked in the Tianjin Youth Peking Opera Troupe, and was also the top brand in the troupe.

But later, she left the team during a performance in Hong Kong and never returned, and gradually withdrew from the stage, which is also a pity, because her artistic level is very high.

Jiang Yishan

Jiang Yishan is a famous Peking Opera actor, Gongdanjiao, Zongzhang faction, and his tutelage is Xue Yaping and Mei Baojiu, two Peking Opera performance artists.

Today's Peking Opera industry is three outstanding Zhang Pai Qingyi, some of whom went abroad, some of whom withdrew from the stage, and some of whom passed away

Teacher Jiang Yishan is one of the best Peking Opera performers of the younger generation, and her performances of both the Mei School and the Zhang School are very successful, and they can interpret the characteristics of the genre.

Today's Peking Opera industry is three outstanding Zhang Pai Qingyi, some of whom went abroad, some of whom withdrew from the stage, and some of whom passed away

Teacher Jiang Yishan used to work in the Beijing Peking Opera Company, and can be said to be an outstanding young actor in the theater, and is also deeply loved by fans and audiences.

Today's Peking Opera industry is three outstanding Zhang Pai Qingyi, some of whom went abroad, some of whom withdrew from the stage, and some of whom passed away

It's just that Teacher Jiang Yishan passed away early, which is really a pity.

(Statement: The content of this article is the original of Jiang Feng Yuhuo, it may not be reproduced without authorization, some of the pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete, thank you.) )