
Rather than give away a big contract, Klay Thompson was dumped and the Warriors sent him to the Mavericks

author:A Xiongkan basketball

Klay Thompson's farce is finally over, and the Golden State Warriors sent him to the Dallas Mavericks in a three-team trade. Klay Thompson joined the Dallas Mavericks in this deal through a three-team trade.

Rather than give away a big contract, Klay Thompson was dumped and the Warriors sent him to the Mavericks

Trade details for the Golden State Warriors, Dallas Mavericks and Charlotte Hornets

Dallas Mavericks trade gets: Klay Thompson

Jinzhou Brave Warriors: 2031 Annual 轮选秀权 (DAL), 2025 Annual 轮选秀权 (DEN/PHI)

Charlotte Hornets trade gets: Josh Green

Rather than give away a big contract, Klay Thompson was dumped and the Warriors sent him to the Mavericks

Klay Thompson has played for the Golden State Warriors for 13 seasons, helped the team reach the NBA Finals six times, and won four NBA championships. Of course, Klay Thompson didn't win a single Finals MVP when he won the championship four times.

This time, Klay Thompson was traded by the Golden State Warriors, which also means that he and the Golden State Warriors have completely torn their faces. In fact, for Klay Thompson, leaving the Golden State Warriors may be the most correct choice.

Rather than give away a big contract, Klay Thompson was dumped and the Warriors sent him to the Mavericks

Because this is the last contract of Klay Thompson's career, it must be maximized. Staying with the Golden State Warriors can only get a two-year contract of less than $50 million, plus the Bay Area's state taxes are very high. It is understood that the state tax is about 30% to 40% of personal income, and after deducting broker fees, Klay Thompson's salary may only be about 35% to 45%.

The Dallas Mavericks, who were traded, are the team that can maximize Klay Thompson's personal interests. The Dallas Mavericks don't have state taxes, which can make Klay Thompson's actual salary much higher. It's a pity that the Golden State Warriors' Big Three has finally come to an end.

Rather than give away a big contract, Klay Thompson was dumped and the Warriors sent him to the Mavericks

Klay Thompson joined the Dallas Mavericks and must have thought about two questions. The first is favorable tax conditions in Texas, and the second is the chance to compete for a fifth title. After all, it's a lot better than joining the Los Angeles Lakers and Orlando Magic. And, with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving, Klay Thompson will be much easier on the offensive end and can concentrate on being a pitcher.

Coupled with the fact that the Dallas Mavericks just went through the 2023-24 Finals, they have the potential to be a team that can make it to the Finals again. In the Dallas Mavericks, there is a better chance of winning the fifth championship of his career than staying with the Golden State Warriors.

Rather than give away a big contract, Klay Thompson was dumped and the Warriors sent him to the Mavericks

The Golden State Warriors would rather trade Klay Thompson away than give him a contract with an annual salary of around $30 million. So, when players in this era talk about loyalty to the team, most of the team will ask you to take a pay cut to renew your contract. However, in this era of player empowerment, they will not be bound by the team's so-called loyalty, and they will choose to maximize their own interests.

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