
Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

author:Love cultural creativity

Although the chance of winning the jackpot is lower than the chance of being struck by lightning, I am afraid that there are still countless people who have dreams. And someone once asked on the Internet, if you don't mention it, what subtle signs or changes in your life will leak the news that you won the lottery, and the answer of netizens is:


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

I'll look poorer because I'll be covered in the fur of the 10 or so kittens I've adopted.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

My house will be super clean because I can afford to hire someone to take care of it.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

You may wonder where I have gone, and why I haven't seen anyone for a long time.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

The supervisor asked: Why are you two hours late? I replied: Speak to me politely. Superintendent Huoda: I give you a verbal warning for your disobedience. I replied: I want you to give a verbal warning for disobeying the behavior of the boss of the company. The director went berserk: What did you say? I told him: That's right. I bought the company this morning. So I came in two hours late.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

A netizen revealed that he knew a friend who had won the jackpot, and the family sold their house and continued to work, but only part-time (many people may not know the reason behind it). The reason they moved was that they had been struggling for years to get a better house, so they were saving. I was one of those people who knew the truth, and they told me privately about the winnings, but they didn't let me know how much I actually won. When they go on vacation, they tell others that they are going to Spain, but they don't say a word about their first class and first class hotels. They lived very quickly, but they were very tight-lipped, and they also found reasonable excuses for changing houses, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. Compared with those who spend money like water after winning awards, get infected with bad habits, and become destitute after a period of time, their conservative and low-key style is admirable. Unless you look closely, it's not easy to spot the difference.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

I would travel more often. Traveling is my pleasure, and doing charity creates fulfillment as well. I might even get a master's degree, or even a Ph.D., and then I might be engaged in consulting, teaching, or research, nurturing more talents for society and helping others turn their lives around. But none of this will be done in a high-profile manner, and I want to achieve all the darts silently.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

I would replace my rented dentures. It also helps the elderly in the family to replace their teeth with better use.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

I'll go buy ink for printers. When you don't have money, you have to be careful about this kind of expenses.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

My family and friends will suddenly have a lot of luck*** I will use the winnings to surprise them and make their dreams come true for years, but in some indirect way, without letting them know that I have won the jackpot. I will also quietly improve my quality of life, but everything will be done in a very low-key way.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

I think when I stop complaining about my work, people will notice that something unusual has happened to me. But I haven't decided whether to resign yet. I don't like obnoxious bosses, but I can't afford to be good colleagues.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

I'll buy a farm, I don't want to be exposed to too many outsiders, I just want to cook for the people I love. As long as I have money, I want to regain these old hobbies.


Smile and look like a possible semblance after winning the jackpot! If you don't say it, others will know that you have a vision

Smile and I'll start smiling.