
Syngenta registered two active ingredients in the United States, isoxazole and trifluoropyridinamide

author:World Agrochemical Network

Chinese Recently, Syngenta announced that two of its innovative active ingredients, isoxazolefenamide and trifluoropyridinamide, are awaiting registration with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in the professional solutions market. THESE TWO TECHNOLOGIES, WHICH ARE BRANDED UNDER THE BRANDS OF PLINAZOLIN® AND TYMIRIUM®, MARK ANOTHER IMPORTANT STEP IN SYNGENTA'S INNOVATION IN AGROCHEMICAL PRODUCTS.

The company's commitment to developing solutions that meet the needs of customers in the turf, ornamental and professional pest management industries adds new vitality to Syngenta's existing product portfolio by improving pest control and scope, as well as helping to alleviate resistance issues, according to the company's head of Specialty Solutions Americas.

PLINAZOLIN® technology: a new option for rapid insect control

PLINAZOLIN technology,® with its contact and feeding control, is able to quickly stop the eating behavior of insects, so that pests can be quickly controlled. The International Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) has included isoxazolefenamide in Group 30, which has no cross-resistance with other insecticides and is suitable for integrated pest management, and PLINAZOLIN® technology is expected to be an important resistance management tool. Once EPA registration is complete, PLINAZOLIN® technology will be available under the brand names Atexzo®, Vykenda® and Vanecto® in the turf, ornamental and professional pest management markets for applications including:

  • Lawn: Atexzo® insecticide for the control of annual bluegrass weevil, mole crickets, canine root mites, weevils, caterpillars and the European mosquito.
  • Ornamental plants: Vykenda® insecticide for the control of thrips, mites, leaf miners, jumping beetles, etc.
  • Professional Pest Management: Vanecto® Cockroach Gel Bait for control of major cockroach species, including German and American cockroaches.

TYMIRIUM® technology: nematicidal and bactericidal dual effect

The TYMIRIUM® technology will be launched as a Trefinti® nematicide/fungicide in the turf and ornamental markets. It will provide control against spear nematodes, root-knot nematodes, and Anguina nematodes, and is effective against spring dead spot disease and other soil-borne lawn diseases. In ornamental plant production, the TYMIRIUM® technology will also provide control of Fusarium spp. and powdery mildew.

Unlike previous molecules in its class, TYMIRIUM® technology is designed to selectively target harmful nematodes while protecting beneficial species that are critical to soil health and biodiversity.

Syngenta registered two active ingredients in the United States, isoxazole and trifluoropyridinamide
Syngenta registered two active ingredients in the United States, isoxazole and trifluoropyridinamide
Syngenta registered two active ingredients in the United States, isoxazole and trifluoropyridinamide
Syngenta registered two active ingredients in the United States, isoxazole and trifluoropyridinamide