
The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

author:Released in the call
The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".
The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Recently, the Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital organized a series of themed Party Day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further promote the party's fine traditions, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and stimulate the sense of responsibility and mission of party members.

The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Warm oaths and fulfill promises. "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China, support the party's program, abide by the party's constitution, and fulfill the obligations of party members...... under the leadership of the oath-taker, all party members face the bright red party flag, raise their right fists, solemnly swear, and fulfill their solemn commitment to the party. The party members are passionate, with a sonorous and powerful oath, remind themselves to always keep in mind the "first identity" and "first duty", embody the party's fundamental purpose, ideals and beliefs into the specific practice of performing their duties, demonstrate the party's strong cohesion and appeal, and express unlimited loyalty and firm belief in the party.

The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Sing red songs and turn your heart to the party. All party members sang the song "In the Northernmost Heart" to the Party Central Committee, the high fluttering party flag and the shining party emblem inspired the party members and cadres to be in the northernmost part and the political determination of the party Central Committee, fully expressing the infinite love and loyalty of party members and cadres to the party, enhancing the firm ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres and the dedication of hard work, unity and cooperation, stimulating the sense of mission and responsibility of party members and cadres, and creating a strong atmosphere of single-mindedness and unity and progress.

The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Follow the example and be a pioneer. Party members and cadres watched the feature film "Role Model 8", and by watching the infectious deeds of Li Guike, the "Great Doctor of Cangshan", the party members and cadres felt the beauty and strength of human nature, and felt the sharing and transmission of love. As medical workers, we should apply this selfless dedication to practical work, fully carry forward the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and the professional spirit of doctors who are benevolent and save lives and help the wounded, and continue to learn business, improve skills, change work style, and provide excellent services, so as to protect the lives and health of the people in the whole region.

The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Make contributions and benefit people's livelihood. The Party Branch of the District Hospital organized Party member volunteers and provincial hospital experts to go deep into Bishui Town to carry out the "Medical Service at the Grassroots Level" free clinic activity. Carry out home physical examination and free clinic for the elderly who are incapacitated and bedridden for a long time in the town, effectively solve the problem of "difficulty in seeing a doctor" for the elderly with limited mobility, and care for the elderly with practical actions. In the clinic of Bishui Health Center, free clinics for obstetrics and gynecology, general medicine, infectious diseases, and surgery were carried out, and a total of 54 residents were provided with free clinics.

The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Through the development of a series of themed party day activities, all party members and cadres are guided to always keep in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, build a "patient-centered" service concept, base themselves on their posts, pioneer and innovate, forge ahead, and use their own practical actions to build their hometowns better, protect their ecology better, and make people's lives better.

The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

Producer: Sun Jianbo Review: Li Zhenkai Editor: Bai Yu Editor: Leng Xiumei Contributor: Huzhong District People's Hospital

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The Party Branch of Huzhong District People's Hospital carried out a series of themed party day activities of "Practicing the Leader's Entrustment and Promoting the 'Three Betters'".

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