
1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

author:Xi'an popular science
1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

For the majority of dry rice parties

Meat can be without

The fragrant white rice must be filling

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

But when you reach a certain age

Every time you have a physical examination, you have to worry about blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids

You'll be watching short videos at the same time

While anxious, I heard that rice is a high GI food

I heard that sugar-controlled rice is more popular now

Is sugar-controlled rice an IQ tax......

Don't worry, we'll take a look today

How to eat healthy in the most affordable way

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly


Let's take a look at what sugar control rice is

In other words, our ancestors longed for white rice for thousands of years, and now it has a new label called: high GI food. GI is a measure of the postprandial blood sugar response caused by food, and the higher the GI value, the less conducive to blood sugar control (the GI value of the rice we usually eat is between 71-90, which is indeed quite high).

Why is rice high in glycemic value? It has to do with its starch.

Starch can be roughly divided into three main categories:

(1) Fast digestion starch: It can be digested and absorbed within 20 minutes in the small intestine, such as roasted potatoes and ripe bananas.

(2) Slow-digesting starch: It can be digested and absorbed in the small intestine for 20-120 minutes, such as natural corn starch.

(3) Resistant starch: It cannot be digested and absorbed in the small intestine and will not be converted into sugar. However, it can reach the colon after 2 hours and be fermented by the microbial flora in the colon, resulting in the production of short-chain fatty acids, which reduces the intestinal pH value, reduces the number of pathogens in the intestine, and increases the number of intestinal probiotics. It is not difficult to see that resistant starch has excellent performance such as sugar control.

Based on this principle, sugar-controlled rice appeared.

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

The resistant starch content of the ordinary rice we eat is about 1%, while the resistant starch content of sugar-controlled rice is mostly more than 3%, and some even achieve more than 10%.

However, this rice has a hard taste and is almost 5 times more expensive than regular rice, or even higher.

So, how can ordinary families not only satisfy the appetite of the dry rice party, but also effectively control the blood sugar of their family members, and even control fat and lose weight?


Steamed rice 1 change to help you control sugar

This change is

Find a good rice match for refined white rice

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Rice + mixed bean rice pairing

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Studies have found that black beans, chickpeas, flower kidney beans, and black kidney beans can significantly reduce postprandial blood sugar response when eaten with rice. Replacing half of the rice with lentils can reduce blood sugar response by 20% after a meal.

This is because the content of resistant starch in mixed beans is significantly higher than that of refined white rice, and it is also rich in dietary fiber, vegetable protein and other components. Using them to replace some rice for cooking can better control blood sugar and help prevent diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Rice + oatmeal pairing

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Whether it is whole grain oats or peeled oats, when mixed with rice 1:1, the postprandial glycemic index is significantly lower than that of pure white rice.

This is mainly due to the β-glucan in oats, which is a type of water-soluble dietary fiber, which in the stomach can delay the rate of food emptying, inhibit the diffusion and absorption of glucose in the small intestine, thereby slowing down the rate of blood sugar rise after meals.

Rice + corn rice pairing

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Corn has a medium glycemic value, and mixing it with rice with a high glycemic value can reduce the overall GI value and delay the rise in blood sugar after meals. At the same time, corn is also rich in dietary fiber, vitamin B group, zeaxanthin, potassium and calcium content is also good.

Rice + brown rice pairing

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Compared with eating white rice, eating brown rice can reduce the average daily blood sugar area by 19.8%, and eating brown rice mixed with beans can reduce it by 22.9%, and insulin sensitivity is improved.

This is because, compared to polished rice, brown rice is encapsulated by seed coat, which can not only hinder the entry of water, but also prevent the expansion of starch grains, thereby reducing the degree of gelatinization, and the rich dietary fiber of brown rice can enhance satiety, delay gastric emptying, and reduce postprandial blood sugar response.

However, don't soak brown rice overnight in advance, as doing so will make the brown rice's post-meal glycemic value close to that of refined white rice. Remember, soak for 1-2 hours before cooking!


Eating like this will have a better effect on sugar control

Rice + protein foods

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Adding protein to carbohydrate-based meals can help lower the glycemic response. In other words, compared to eating only rice, it can help delay postprandial blood sugar with protein-rich foods such as chicken breast, tofu, milk, prawns, and eggs.

Rice + non-starchy vegetables

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which not only enhances satiety and delays gastric emptying, but also needs to be chewed carefully when eating, which increases the eating time. The polyphenols in vegetables can also inhibit the action of carbohydrate digestive enzymes and slow down the rise of blood sugar after meals.

Finally, let me summarize it for you

Compared to ordinary rice

Sugar-controlled rice has a higher content of resistant starch

Sugar control is better, but expensive

Ordinary rice that every household eats

As long as the rice is steamed properly

It can achieve a better sugar control effect

Let's arrange it for the family!

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly


Source: Popular Science Suzhou, Popular Science China Copyright Protection Statement: Xi'an Popular Science is a public welfare public account focusing on disseminating science and popular science knowledge, and does not participate in any commercial activities or obtain commercial benefits through the content (including text, pictures, audio, video, software, programs, etc.) collected and edited. The copyright of the content of this official account belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact and delete it in time, if you need to reprint, please indicate the source, thank you!

1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly
1 small change in cooking can help the whole family stabilize blood lipids and blood sugar! Collect quickly

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