
Zhu Jian visited and expressed his condolences to the representatives of the families of veteran cadres, veteran party members and party members who died in the line of duty

author:Hengyang release

On July 1, the "July 1st" party founding day, Zhu Jian, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, visited and condoled the families of some old party members, old cadres, and party members who died in the line of duty, sent the warm care of the party and the government, extended sincere greetings and high respect to them, and awarded some old party members a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

Zhu Jian visited and expressed his condolences to the representatives of the families of veteran cadres, veteran party members and party members who died in the line of duty

When he came to the home of the veteran cadre Shan Baozhong, Zhu Jian asked him about his physical condition and living situation with concern, and briefed him on the economic and social development of Hengyang. Zhu Jian said that since the beginning of this year, Hengyang has vigorously implemented the development strategy of "manufacturing the city and rejuvenating the city through cultural tourism", and the main economic indicators have maintained high growth and ranked in the forefront of the province. In particular, this year, Hengyang will host the 3rd Hunan Tourism Development Conference, and the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will seize the favorable opportunity, adhere to the goal of "running a meeting and rejuvenating the city", vigorously promote the construction of a number of projects that can be felt by the people's livelihood, further improve the urban function, improve the quality of the city, and make the masses feel more satisfied and happy. At the same time, Hengyang also vigorously promotes the development of emerging industries, accelerates the construction of intelligent metering and weighing instrument industrial parks, and strives to create new economic growth points. These achievements in the development of Hengyang condense the wisdom and sweat of the old leaders, and I sincerely ask the old leaders to continue to care about and support the development of Hengyang, put forward more valuable opinions and suggestions, continue to shine, and gather strength for the high-quality development of Hengyang.

Zhu Jian visited and expressed his condolences to the representatives of the families of veteran cadres, veteran party members and party members who died in the line of duty

Under his leadership, the retired five branches of the five branches have been rated as "advanced party branches" in Zhuhui District and Hengye Center, and his personal has also won the honorary titles of "outstanding party worker" and "outstanding communist member" of Hengye Center for many times. Zhu Jian came to Li Gaoyuan's home, chatted with him face-to-face, expressed his appreciation for his unfading spirit in retirement, and awarded and wore a commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to him. Zhu Jian also went to the No. 5 Canteen of Hengye Workers and exhorted the community to deeply understand and study the history and culture of Hengye, a warm big family, give full play to the characteristics and specialties of old party members and old comrades in accordance with local conditions, actively solve a series of "urgent, difficult, and longing" problems of the masses, and constantly enrich the lives of the elderly groups, so that they can enjoy more dividends of reform and development.

Zhu Jian visited and expressed his condolences to the representatives of the families of veteran cadres, veteran party members and party members who died in the line of duty

When I came to the home of Zou Guoxiu, a family member of a party member who died in the line of duty, I learned that her husband had been a police officer for 31 years, had been working at the grassroots level of the police station for more than ten years, and died in a car accident on December 5, 2003. Zhu Jian encouraged her to strengthen her confidence, take care of her health, and live an optimistic life. He exhorted the departments concerned to show more concern for the daily lives of the families who died in the line of duty, and to find ways to help them solve practical difficulties, so that they can always feel the warmth of the party and the government.

Qin Zhenheng, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Hengyang High-tech Zone, and Liao Yizhi, Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, participated in the visit and condolences.

Source | Handheld Hengyang client

Edit | Zhou Sitong

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