
Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?

author:The wind of the year

- The origin of the topic

One of the charms of language and culture is that in the process of circulation, while retaining its original meaning, it will also adapt to the situation and introduce new meanings that have become conventional. Tracing history, respecting traditions, and cherishing the legacy of our ancestors is what we need to do.

Today let's talk about Hokkien:




Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?

- "Six" in your impression

  • Speaking of "six", everyone naturally thinks of the number "six";
  • Speaking of "66", everyone naturally thinks of the "66" of "66 Shun"; Those who grew up in the countryside may also think of "hexachlorocyclohexane" (i.e., hexachlorocyclohexane, chemically referred to as "hexachlorocyclohexane");
  • Speaking of "six-six-six", everyone is also easy to think of the thumbs up emoji.
Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?

And "six", "six-six", "six-six", "six-six-six" in Hokkien, and the difference between the above-mentioned "six" is too light to describe beyond recognition.

It's true. You heard it right. Keep going!

Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?

- The meaning of "six" in Hokkien

This article does not deal with the meaning of numbers, and the pronunciation of the "six" is the same as the number "six", which is lák, which means:

Speech and demeanor are not dignified, and appear frivolous or a little crazy.

Did you drop your jaw?! Although it has the flavor of a derogatory term, scolding or criticism is certainly used, but in everyday communication, it has been widely used in joking situations. For example, if someone behaves too crazy and undignified, he will say:

True "six", "six-six-six", such as:

You're really six-six-six!

Describe a person who speaks indiscriminately, and he will say that he is:


Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?

- The standard configuration of "six" is "痟"

If you still can't remember the "six", here is a reminder that it also has a standard configuration - the scab. The original meaning of the scab is a headache, and later I don't know why it has the meaning of madness. In Hokkien dialect, to describe a person who is crazy, he will say:

"Got up", he was a "man".

Therefore, when it has the meaning of madness, it becomes standard with "six". In the same way, to describe people as undignified and frivolous, it can also be said that he:

"Plague Six"


Of course, there are other meanings such as animal estrus, and we will talk about this word next time.

Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?

- Is it this "six" or not?

It is said that the "six six" of the "six six major shun" is taken from the "Book of Changes", which is composed of six six, that is, six yin hexagrams, although it represents the disobedience, but the folk take its opposite meaning, so as to pray for all the best. And whether it is this "six" in the "six six" that the Hokkien people say, I have only seen it in books written by individual experts. I'm looking forward to you being smart, let's discuss it together!

Do you know the "six", "six-six" and "six-six-six" in the population of southern Fujian?
