
Qin An blogger, I am your loyal fan, and I suggest that you do a program as soon as possible to encourage the Taiwan army to catch the soldiers

author:Qin'an Strategy

After the publication of this article, it aroused great concern among netizens, and the clear distinction between rewards and punishments has always been our party's policy and is also the basic logic of the healthy development of human society. In the course of facing the great reunification of the motherland, it is necessary to liberate Taiwan as soon as possible, and while dealing with the "Taiwan independence" diehards with "trial in absentia, lifelong accountability, and death penalty," it is necessary to introduce the "Measures for Major National Incentives for Promoting National Reunification" with equal weight. Qin An: The countdown to the reunification of the summer solstice, starting from beheading, urgently needs to introduce major incentives to promote reunification

Qin An blogger, I am your loyal fan, and I suggest that you do a program as soon as possible to encourage the Taiwan army to catch the soldiers

I paid special attention to the netizen "A Loess High Slope", who should be my hometown in the northwest, who not only left a message at the back of the article, but also sent me his views in a private message. After reading his message, I attach great importance to the Qin'an strategic platform, which is originally a platform for gathering popularity, wisdom and strength, and many netizens have published articles here.

"A Loess High Slope" said, hello! I'm a big fan of yours. Now, I suggest that you do a program as soon as possible to encourage all the Taiwan military brothers to catch up and advise them to achieve peace and reunification. It is very important that this netizen not only put forward suggestions for making a show, but also clarified what the show should include. I have also implemented this episode of the program: The "countdown to reunification" between the two sides of the strait begins with "beheading," and it is urgent to introduce a major reward method for promoting reunification

In fact, it was this netizen who first attracted my attention in the public comments of my article, the master is in the people, and the wisdom is hidden on the Internet, which is also an important source of the power of our think tank. He left a message, saying that the Taiwan military as a whole will be classified as the Taiwan Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and the officers will be promoted to three levels, and the arrest of independence will be completed, all foreign military personnel on the island will be wiped out, and all electronic warfare systems in Taiwan will be paralyzed.

As soon as you read this, it is in line with the wisdom and thinking of the great man that "power comes out of power with the barrel of a gun," but objectively speaking, the Taiwan theater is smaller, so it might as well be assigned to the southern or northern theater, and if necessary, there must also be a Pacific theater and go to the deep blue, so that there can be a safer line of defense, and the anti-China forces will absolutely not stop provoking because of our forbearance!

The content of the proposal includes four aspects, and I analyzed them one by one based on the accumulation of 28 years of military career and discussed the feasibility.

Qin An blogger, I am your loyal fan, and I suggest that you do a program as soon as possible to encourage the Taiwan army to catch the soldiers

First, the establishment of the Taiwan Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) was announced, and its primary tasks were to capture alive all key Taiwan independence elements, detain foreign military personnel in Taiwan, seize foreign dignitaries and their planes in Taiwan, and prepare for the successful rendezvous of officers and men of the Taiwan Theater and the Eastern Theater of the People's Liberation Army on the island. As long as they fulfill these missions, they will be heroes who have contributed to the reunification of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and will surely go down in history.

Although I talked about it earlier, the establishment of the Taiwan theater is not a long-term strategy, but this fan's idea of promoting the uprising of the brothers in the Taiwan army and making historic contributions to the reunification of the country is correct.

Second, all "Taiwan independence" elements within the former Taiwan military should be brought to justice on the spot. This suggestion from netizens is deterrent. From an objective point of view, once the liberation of Taiwan begins, those who resist stubbornly will inevitably be physically eliminated, and devastating blows will inevitably be dealt to them. However, what we need to stress is that even if the former "Taiwan independence" elements do not stubbornly fight to the end on the road of separatism, we will always give lenient treatment, and in particular, if they promote cross-strait reunification in turn, we will not only not blame the past, but will also give heavy rewards. This point should be emphasized!

Qin An blogger, I am your loyal fan, and I suggest that you do a program as soon as possible to encourage the Taiwan army to catch the soldiers

Third, it will provide detailed military deployment intelligence to the Eastern Theater. This suggestion should be a way to contribute to the first awakening of the Taiwan military brothers. As a matter of fact, based on the PLA's powerful reconnaissance capability, we are well aware of the military deployment of the Taiwan military on the main island and the outer islands. Especially in the face of a super destructive strike, if you stubbornly resist, the details of internal arming are no longer very important. All of them should be made as soon as possible for the brothers of the Taiwan army to make meritorious contributions, and there is no need to emphasize the danger anymore.

Fourth, it will paralyze all of Taiwan's electronic warfare software and hardware facilities. Judging from the last suggestion of this netizen, I have a better understanding of the role of electronic warfare in modern warfare. This is indeed a major combat mission, and the military information system is the nerve and blood of winning wars, and its importance is self-evident. In particular, it is true that the US military has been in collusion with the "Taiwan independence" authorities for a long time, and even the Paving Claw radar in Leshan, Taiwan, is actually in the hands of the US military.

Once, Tsai Ing-wen visited the Leshan Paving Claw radar station, and American personnel appeared behind Tsai Ing-wen in the TV program. It can even be held that the Taiwan authorities have used this as a trick to blackmail the mainland.

For this reason, the use of electromagnetic bombs to destroy the military information system of the Taiwan military is a primary task while striking at important and key targets, and we believe that the PLA has made adequate preparations.

Qin An blogger, I am your loyal fan, and I suggest that you do a program as soon as possible to encourage the Taiwan army to catch the soldiers

To sum up in one sentence: The masses of the people are the real heroes, let us pool our wisdom and make our own contributions to promoting cross-strait reunification.

Qin'an, July 2, 2024, Tianshui Yuanchuan.