
Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

author:Jonny release

Go deep into the window to go through the process and experience excellent service - the county market supervision bureau carried out the activity of "director walking the process".

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

In order to further optimize the business environment, we should deeply find out the "blockages" and "difficulties" in the service, effectively solve the problems encountered by the masses in the process of doing things, improve the service experience of enterprise start-up, promote the re-optimization of enterprise start-up services, improve work efficiency and change work style. On June 25, the main person in charge of the Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, as an ordinary person, went to the market supervision business window of the county government affairs service center to carry out the activity of "the director walks the process", and learned about the difficulties, blockages and pain points of the masses through personal and accompanying experience.

At the market supervision business window of the county government affairs service center, the main person in charge of the county market supervision bureau consulted the establishment and registration of enterprises, food business licenses and other related matters as ordinary people, and learned about the business opening process, time limit, convenience of start-up, cancellation convenience and the promotion of "doing one thing efficiently", and felt the service attitude, business ability and work efficiency of the staff on the spot. At the same time, it also listens to the opinions of the public, understands the service needs, and carries out face-to-face and zero-distance services.

After the process, the main person in charge of the county market supervision bureau also conducted on-site exchanges with the window staff on optimizing the service process, compressing the time limit for processing, and improving the satisfaction of the masses, requiring further optimization of the service process, improving the service efficiency of the staff, and improving the service experience of the masses.

In the next step, the Zhuoni County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau will continue to deepen the "process" activity, strictly follow the work requirements of "delegating power, delegating power, and providing services", adhere to the reform of the commercial system as the main line, continue to optimize the business environment, and take the optimization of the business environment as the "number one reform project" to fully implement various reform tasks. Continue to change concepts, improve capabilities, and excellent styles, do practical things for enterprises, solve problems for the masses, and effectively improve the sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction of the masses. (Correspondent: Hu Guizhong)

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

The County Development and Reform Bureau actively carried out the activity of "the director walks the process".

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

In order to continue to create a first-class government affairs environment, with the goal of "doing one thing efficiently", further optimize the process, links and time limits for handling government service matters, and continuously enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of enterprises and the masses, on June 28, the main person in charge of the County Development and Reform Bureau went to the development and reform window of the government service hall to carry out the activity of "Director Walks the Process", and participated in the process of handling high-frequency service matters such as enterprise investment filing and credit restoration through the empathy experience.

In the development and reform service window, the main person in charge of the county development and reform bureau went through the process as an ordinary clerk, and learned about the enterprise investment filing and approval process through the "Gansu Provincial Investment Project Online Approval and Supervision Platform", and experienced the whole process from online acceptance, material review to the completion of the matter, etc., through the forms of "four changes and four offices" and "five looks and five reforms", and personally felt the "high or not" government service efficiency, the "excellent or not" government service links, the "good or not" government service evaluation, and the "inconvenience" of enterprises and the masses.

After the experience, the main person in charge of the county development and reform bureau put forward requirements for the work of the development and reform service window, to fully understand the importance of the window work, continue to strengthen business learning, be familiar with the service process, timely collect and sort out the blocking points and difficult problems encountered in the service process, continuously improve service quality and efficiency, promote the re-optimization of the service process, the speed of the service service, and the satisfaction of the service enterprises and the masses, and effectively optimize the business environment to the details and grasp the implementation.

In the next step, the County Development and Reform Bureau will carry out the "Director Walks the Process" activity on a regular basis, and continue to make efforts in optimizing the service process, streamlining the application materials, reducing the approval process, and compressing the time limit for processing, so as to comprehensively improve the service quality and work efficiency of the window, continuously improve the satisfaction of enterprises and the masses, continue to optimize the business environment, and strive to let the data run more and the masses run less errands, so as to add vitality to the market and add impetus to development. (Correspondent: Lian Jinliang, Fan Kaili)

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

Zhuoni County Health Bureau: The director sits at the window to go through the process to make government services more intimate

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

In order to further improve the service level of the window, optimize the service process, and provide more high-quality and convenient services for enterprises and the public. Recently, the main person in charge of the county health bureau came to the health bureau affairs window of the county government service center to carry out the special activity of "the director walks the process" and personally experienced the service process of health administrative examination and approval business.

The main person in charge of the Health Bureau first took the identity of "window staff" to learn more about the materials, steps and specific time from application to completion of government service matters such as physician practice registration, nurse change and continuation, and put forward specific suggestions on the problem of stuck points and blocking points in the process of handling, and then personally received a consultation from the masses who handled the "Public Place Health Permit", fully understood the work process of declaration, acceptance, approval, and certificate making of service matters, and delivered the processed documents to the hands of the masses on the spot. After the whole process experience, the director emphasized to the staff: to improve the sense of service, service quality, learn to transpose, think about problems from the perspective of enterprises and the masses, and effectively improve the satisfaction and speed of enterprises and the masses, and strive to achieve the least time, the best service, and the best quality.

In the next step, the Health Bureau will carry out the "Director Walks the Process" activity on a regular basis, and continue to find and solve problems in the experience; We will further improve the standardization, standardization and facilitation of health government services, continue to optimize the business environment, promote the minimalist and one-time handling of more matters, and continuously increase the sense of gain and happiness of enterprises and the public. (Correspondent: Cao Lili)

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

Editor-in-charge/Wang Shuxia Review/Liu Xuehua Chief Review/Zheng Peiyong

Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

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Zhuoni County Market Supervision Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, and Health Bureau carried out the activity of "Director Walks the Process".

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