
Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

author:Jonny release

Gannan Prefecture is free of garbage, and the special supervision red and black list


In order to further promote the special management of garbage-free in the whole region, we will continue to polish the gold-lettered signboard of "garbage-free tourism in the whole region". The Prefecture Office organized the comprehensive improvement of the environment of the streets, communities, towns and villages, highways, scenic spots, and rivers and waters in 8 counties and cities. From the perspective of supervision, all counties and cities closely focus on the arrangements and overall requirements of the state party committee and the state government, continue to consolidate and improve the results of garbage-free governance in the whole region, strictly implement the "monthly ranking" and "red and black list" systems, regularly report, list and sell, and effectively solve all kinds of outstanding problems of environmental remediation through "list-style" management, so as to consolidate and improve the effectiveness of garbage-free governance in the whole region. At the same time, the extension of environmental remediation tentacles in some counties and cities is not deep enough, the management of sanitation and cleaning is lax, the implementation of the daily cleaning system is not strict, the harmless treatment capacity of urban and rural domestic waste is low, and the phenomenon of random dumping and landfilling of garbage still exists.

Based on the rankings and on-site inspections reported by counties and cities, the red and black list of special inspections without garbage in Gannan Prefecture in June is announced as follows (in no particular order, in the order of supervision).

1. Red list

(1) Townships and streets (16): Kagaman Township, Tongqin Street, Cooperative City; Yaliji Office, Tanggaang Township, Xiahe County; Maai Town, Gahai Town, Luqu County; Awancang Town, Ola Town, Maqu County; Bajiao Town, Chengguan Town, Lintan County; Zhagulu Township, Kangduo Township, Zhuoni County; Wangzang Township, Kaba Township, Diebe County; Quwa Township, Pingding Town, Zhouqu County.

(2) Village groups and communities (24): Xinji Village, Kagaman Township, Cooperative City, Rigangma Village, Kajiadao Township, and Tongqin Community, Tongqin Street; Ana Village, Yaliji Office, Xiahe County, Gajilaka Village, Tanggaang Township, and Shajingtan Village, Quao Township; Jiage Village, Maai Town, Luqu County, Xiuwa Village, Gahai Town, Zecha Village, Larenguan Township; Daoerjia Village, Awancang Town, Maqu County, Keqin Village, Oula Town, Tongbao Village, Hequ Racecourse; Lintan County, Yeli Guanchigou Village, Shubu Township, Yiziduo Village, Guzhan Town, Guzhan Village; Panqiao Village, Daoxue Township, Zhuoni County, Cashier Village, Muer Town, Sitaizi Village, Liulin Town; Yigao Village, Wangzang Township, Diebe County, Taowuka Township, Kaba Township, and Nagai Village, Axia Township; Zhouqu County, Bazang Town, Qianbeishan Village, each soap dam group, Hanban Town, Hanbailaa Village, Wuping Town, Bazi Village.

Second, the black list

(1) Townships and streets (10): Lexiu Town, Cooperative City, Dangzhou Street; Sangke Town, Xiahe County; Shuangcha Town, Luqu County; Manrima Township, Oula Xiuma Township, Maqu County; Lintan County New Town; Niba Township, Choni County; Luoda Town, Diebe County; Zhouqu County Festival Town.

(2) Village groups and communities (24): Shenmudao Village, Lexiu Town, Cooperative City, Nixiu Village, Zogai Manma Town, and Zhihemo Village, Dangzhou Street; The second team of Sangke Town, Xiahe County, the third team of Sangke Town, and Xiajie Village, Wanggeltang Town; Luocuo Village, Shuangcha Town, Luqu County, Langmu Village, Langmusi Town, Xinsi Village, Xicang Town; Doulang Village, Manrima Town, Maqu County, Gongzhou Village, Oula Xiuma Township, Xiheqiang Village, Muxi Township; Dongjie Village, Xincheng Town, Lintan County, Gangou Village, Yangsha Town, Qianjiazhai Village, Changchuan Township; Niba Village, Niba Town, Zhuoni County, Xiabadu Village, Zangbawa Town, Guluping Village, Taoyan Town; Puwa Village, Dala Township, Diebe County, Jiaina Village, Dianga Township, and Baigu Village, Duoer Township; Laozhuang Village, Dachuan Town, Zhouqu County, Jiyenuo Village, Boyu Town, Laiyigu Village, Gongba Town.

3. Black spots (43 outstanding points)

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Garbage is scattered in the river in Nixiu Village, Zogai Manma Town, Cooperative City;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The daily cleaning system of Huajiacai Village, Nawu Town, Cooperative City is not in place;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage bin in Zhihemo Village, the street of the cooperative city, overflowed, and the garbage was not cleaned up in time;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

There is a lot of garbage scattered in Shenmudao Village, Lexiu Town, Cooperative City;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The daily cleaning of Jiangkara Village, Jianmukel Street, Cooperative City is not in place;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage bin on Sangxiong Road, Sangke Town, Xiahe County overflowed, and the garbage was not removed in time;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Sangxiong Road, Sangke Town, Xiahe County, sundries are piled up in front of the shop;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Xiahe County, Wanggeltang Town, the lower village of the street dumped construction waste at will;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Xiahe County, Wanggeltang Town, Dellong Temple, river dumping construction and domestic garbage;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Dumping construction waste on the west side of Hongqiang Village, Madang Town, Xiahe County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Luqu County Langmusi Town along the highway littered construction waste;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Luqu County, Xicang Town, Xinsi Tuanjie New Village intersection of debris piled up indiscriminately;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage removal and transportation along the highway in Mari Village, Larenguan Township, Luqu County is not timely;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

A large amount of domestic garbage is piled up in the parking lot of Dazhuang Observation Deck in Shuangcha Town, Luqu County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Debris is piled up along the Jizha Temple highway in Ala Township, Luqu County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage in Doulang Village, Manrima Town, Maqu County has not been put into the box;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The streets of Qihama Town, Maqu County, are piled up with domestic garbage at will;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The daily cleaning in the area of responsibility of the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology of Maqu County is not in place;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage overflow in the area of responsibility of the traffic police brigade in Maqu County, and the removal is not timely;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

There is a lot of garbage scattered in the responsibility area of the Agricultural Bank of Maqu County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Gangou Village, Yangsha Town, Lintan County, accumulates domestic and construction waste at will;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

In Gangou Village, Yangsha Town, Lintan County, sundries are piled up in front of and behind the houses of individual farmers;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Qianjiazhai Village, Changchuan Township, Lintan County, dumped domestic garbage;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The domestic garbage in Shangbao Village, Taobin Town, Lintan County has not been cleaned up;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage removal and transportation of Taizishe in Qiqi Village, Dianzi Town, Lintan County is not timely;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The daily cleaning of Luoda Village, Luoda Town, Diebe County is not thorough, and the garbage is not cleaned up;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

garbage accumulation in the field of Gaozhai Village, Dala Township, Diebe County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Dumping domestic garbage around the garbage collection point in Jiaina Village, Dianga Town, Diebe County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Accumulation of domestic garbage in Baigu Village, Duoer Township, Diebe County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Tangga Village, Sangba Township, Diebe County, has poor environmental sanitation and has not cleaned up garbage;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Diebe County Niao Township landfill around the litter dumping construction waste;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage scattered in the river in Daodaika Village, Yiwa Town, Diebe County, was not cleaned up in a timely manner;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Zhouqu County, Fengdie, Guawegou Highway littered construction waste;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage in the ditch of Sanyan Village, Chengguan Town, Zhouqu County was not cleaned up in time;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Zaoyuan Village, Nanyu Township, Zhouqu County, sundries are piled up indiscriminately;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

The garbage in Zhenjie Village, Dongshan Town, Zhouqu County has not been cleaned up;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

Accumulation of domestic garbage opposite the T-shaped estuary landfill in Qujuna Town, Zhouqu County;

Red and Black List of Special Supervision of No Garbage in Gannan Prefecture (June)

There is a lot of garbage scattered in the environmental sanitation area of Zhuoni County Tobacco Monopoly Bureau;

Nalang Village, Nalang Town, Zhuoni County, has a serious accumulation of domestic garbage;

Debris in Guluping Village, Taoyan Town, Zhuoni County, is piled up indiscriminately, and the environmental sanitation is poor;

The garbage in Xiabadu Village, Zangbawa Town, Zhuoni County, was overflowing, and the removal was not timely;

Dumping of household garbage at an informal garbage dump in Niba Township, Zhuoni County;

Construction and household garbage were dumped in Niba Village, Niba Town, Zhuoni County.

In the next step, all counties and cities should conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements and work requirements of the state party committee and the state government, keep an eye on the goals and tasks, highlight the effectiveness of the work, and solidly promote the special treatment of waste-free in the whole region with greater efforts, stricter requirements and more practical measures, and make full use of the relevant policies of the state, provinces and states, and actively plan the "end disposal" system projects such as urban and rural garbage collection, transportation and disposal, renewable resource sorting facilities, kitchen waste, construction waste, garbage transfer stations and compressed removal vehicles, and strive to be included in the "15th Five-Year Plan" The state's economic and social development plan fundamentally solves the problem of "end disposal" of garbage-free in the whole region.

(Office of the State-wide Waste-Free Leading Group)