
Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

author:Ahu's snack light

The ancients all said that you should "not eat from time to time" and "eat according to the season", which means that you should eat the corresponding ingredients in what season, at this time it is summer and summer, and there are many vegetables to eat, and winter melon is an ingredient that you can't get around.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Winter melon in summer is cheap, but it is very nutritious. Its sugar content is very low, and the nutrients in it can inhibit the formation and accumulation of fat, which is beneficial to water and swelling, and the ancients believed that its melon skin and seeds also have the effect of dispelling dampness and reducing inflammation.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

There are many ways to eat winter melon, and I have shared the practice of stewed flower nails with fresh meat of winter melon, stuffed tofu with winter melon, and smooth meat soup with winter melon and tomatoes. Winter melon is bland and tasteless, the key is to rely on other ingredients to "flavor", today to give winter melon flavor is black black bean sauce and green pepper, stir-fry and stew to taste enough, super rice.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Without further ado, let's share the recipe of stir-fried winter melon with green pepper minced meat and tempeh, simple side dishes to help you eat a good appetite, please see the following breakdown for detailed steps:

——Stir-fried winter melon with minced meat and black beans with green pepper——

Ingredients: 1 piece of winter melon, 1 piece of minced pork, a small handful of black bean sauce, 2 green peppers, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, cooking oil, starch water

Step 1: Prepare a piece of winter melon, remove the gourd and skin, wash it, and then cut it into slices and set it aside for later use. It is recommended here that the winter melon slices should not be cut too thinly to prevent them from being fried.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Step 2: The prepared accessories include two green peppers cut into small pieces, a piece of minced pork, and some red millet peppers to increase the spiciness. There is also some minced garlic used as a small ingredient, and a small handful of black tempeh to taste.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do
Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Step 3: Heat the pot, pour a little cooking oil into the pot, stir-fry the green pepper in small pieces, press it with a spoon when stir-frying, and fully release the fragrance of the green pepper. When the surface of the green pepper is slightly wrinkled, put it out and set aside.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Step 4: Pour some cooking oil into the pot, stir-fry the minced pork until it changes color, then put the tempeh and minced garlic into the pot, pour in some light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to stir-fry the fragrance, and then fry the winter melon slices in the pot.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Step 5: After stir-frying the winter melon slices, pour in a small half bowl of boiling water, sprinkle in some chicken essence and salt (add less salt), and simmer for a minute or two to let the winter melon fully ripen and absorb the flavor.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

Step 6: Put the green pepper and red pepper into the pot, turn on high heat and stir-fry, fry the fragrance of the green pepper, the soup at this time is further reduced, take out the starch water and pour it into the pot, so that the remaining soup thickens, and you can get out of the pot after stirring well. This dish seems simple, out of the pot on the fragrant, very rice, mainly due to the green pepper and tempeh, winter melon slices to eat the taste and feeling of meat, when the weather is hot and there is no appetite, make this plate, help you sweep away a pot of rice.

Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do
Stir-fried winter melon with green peppers: a home-cooked dish suitable for summer, it is delicious to stir-fry and stew! It's cheap and easy to do

- Ahu's cooking tricks -

No matter how simple the dish is, there are cooking tips: in fact, this dish tastes good without minced meat, and vegetarian dishes can also taste meaty, so if you are interested, you can try it.

Because of the flavor of tempeh and green peppers, this dish is even more delicious. Also keep in mind that tempeh is very salty, so be careful with the salt at the end of this dish, and you can taste it before seasoning it when you cook it yourself.

I'm Ahu's snack light, a gluttonous eater who likes to study different ways to eat food! It is a good time to eat winter melon in summer, and the most common way to eat it is to stew soup and stew, in fact, it is also delicious to eat stir-fried, and it is even more appetizing with tempeh and green peppers. If you like today's fried winter melon with green pepper minced meat and tempeh, you can follow me, and leave a message, like, forward and "watch" this article, there will be more exciting content presented tomorrow, thank you for reading, see you tomorrow!

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