
Women's desires are getting stronger and stronger, and perhaps these diseases are "at work", and they are confirming the recognition of shyness

author:Panda Medicine

For female friends, the level of desire is inextricably linked to the level of sex hormones. Sex hormones mainly include estrogen, progesterone and androgen, among which androgens play a decisive role in sexual demand. Even if the level of androgen secretion in women's bodies is significantly lower than that of men, it is also an important hormone in regulating female sexual function, which not only determines the level of female desire, but also correlates with the arousal threshold.

In general, a woman's cycle of desire fluctuations is a month, which is mainly affected by the menstrual cycle, after each menstrual cycle, the level of progesterone in the woman's body decreases, and the level of estrogen increases. About half a month after the end of the menstrual cycle, women often enter the ovulation stage, at this time, the estrogen level in the body will rise, and in these days, women will show a relatively strong desire, which is a very normal physiological performance.

Women's desires are getting stronger and stronger, and perhaps these diseases are "at work", and they are confirming the recognition of shyness

And once the ovulation period is over, the level of estrogen secretion decreases, and the woman's libido decreases. Until the next menstrual period, women will have a stronger desire.

As the so-called "chromophobia", demand is human nature, but if women show extraordinarily strong desires in a certain period of time, or even obvious abnormalities, then you need to be vigilant, and the following types of diseases may be at work.

1. Menopausal syndrome

For every woman, after a certain stage, she will face menopause, during which the specific manifestation is that the level of estrogen secreted by the ovaries decreases, but at the same time, the pituitary gonadotropin increases, therefore, during this period, women will show obvious hyperdesire, if their desires are not satisfied, there will even be mania, anxiety and other symptoms.

2. Brain diseases

Women's desires are getting stronger and stronger, and perhaps these diseases are "at work", and they are confirming the recognition of shyness

If a woman's hypothalamus and central areas are affected, the risk of gonadal lesions will also increase to a certain extent, and in the process, it will lead to an abnormal increase in the level of gonadotropins released, which in turn will cause women to show strong and abnormal desires.

3. Polycystic ovary syndrome

For patients with PCOS, there is often anovulation and difficulty ovulation, which increases the risk of infertility, and at the same time, the desire for married life is often particularly strong.

4. Thyroid disease

Women's desires are getting stronger and stronger, and perhaps these diseases are "at work", and they are confirming the recognition of shyness

For patients with thyroid diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, the rate of metabolism is faster than others, and in terms of marital life, there is a situation of excess energy, and the desire is also stronger, especially for patients with mild hyperthyroidism, the intensity of desire will be particularly prominent.

All in all, women's desire is sometimes like a menstrual cycle, there are always a few days a month that will be extraordinarily strong, and in the final analysis, it is closely related to the change in the level of estrogen secretion in their own body, with the continuous development of the physiological cycle, the intensity of desire will also change, it is very normal to have a certain demand, and there is generally no need for excessive intervention, but if the desire is so strong that it is difficult to control itself during a certain period of time, it is necessary to consider whether it is caused by the above diseases, and it is recommended to seek medical examination.

[This graphic and text is exclusively and originally produced by "Panda Medicine" new media, the author is Shang Jing, without authorization, please do not reprint or copy]