
"The Prophet": It turns out that he is the most sober person in the world, who understands and heals his life

author:Yan Yifan


"The Prophet" is the representative work of the famous poet and painter Gibran, with profound artistic conception and clear theme.

The poems in the book condense Gibran's profound and wise thoughts on life and society.

And these thoughts were carried out by him from the height of history and overlooking the world.

Of all Gibran's works, The Prophet is the work that represents his highest achievement, a literary pyramid.

It is a work that Gibran painstakingly wrote, in his own words, "after a thousand years of thought".

Gibran borrowed the words of great wisdom from Mustafa, the protagonist of the book, to convey to the world.

If you are troubled by love, marriage, children, etc., you may wish to read Gibran's The Prophet.

Everyone in the world says that Lin Huiyin is a sober strange woman in the world, and it turns out that Gibran is the most sober person in the world.

01 On Love

"The Prophet": It turns out that he is the most sober person in the world, who understands and heals his life

Gibran wrote in his book:

"Love does not possess nor is it possessed, because love is fulfilled in love.

Know the pain of over-warmth.

Let your knowledge of love ruin yourself and let your blood be shed willingly with joy.

Rest in the middle of the day, silently remember the joy of love.

When the evening tide goes out, go home gratefully. ”

In just a few lines, the understanding of love is very thorough and transparent.

How many people have ever been desperate for love.

If we could see love as clearly as Gibran, the world would not suffer because of love.

Some people are not allowed to pay a heavy price because of love.

Some time ago, the 21-year-old fat cat was dating online for two years, during which he desperately helped people play games to make money, and paid 510,000 yuan to his 27-year-old girlfriend.

Before jumping into the river, he also volunteered to give 66,000 to his girlfriend, and then really left.

When you can't get the love of the other party, you can choose to break up, don't do stupid things.

Love is not about possessing and being possessed, but about satisfying people's inner needs on the basis of equality of mutual understanding and love.

Love is a feeling of freedom, and it is the deepest yearning in people's hearts.

Excessive possession and warmth can make people feel oppressed and constrained, and even bring pain and harm.

Understanding love takes a certain amount of time and experience, and it requires people to constantly explore and think in the face of complex relationships and interpersonal interactions.

Love also requires people to face their own inner needs and the emotional feelings of the other person, and express and communicate them in an equal and respectful way.

Love brings us not only sweetness and happiness, but also wisdom on the road of growth and cultivation.

We must learn to know how to self-restraint and learn to maintain inner independence and freedom in the balance of etiquette and love.

Operate and care for each other's love with heart, and challenge your own bottom line and boundaries.

May we love each other, truly accompany each other, and walk together on a greater and fearless journey in life.

02 On marriage

"The Prophet": It turns out that he is the most sober person in the world, who understands and heals his life

"Love one another, but don't be a chain of love.

Let him be a flowing sea in the middle of the sandy shore of your soul.

Fill each other's cups, but don't sip in the same cups.

Give bread to one another, but do not eat on the same piece.

Happiness dances alone in one place, but still lets each other be alone.

Even the strings on the lyre are separate, although they vibrate in the same tone.

Give your hearts to one another, but do not keep one another.

For only the hand of life can hold your hearts. ”

Gibran's words break down the most important point in marriage:

Marriage is not about two people becoming one, but about two independent individuals who support and achieve each other on the basis of loving each other.

In marriage, don't lose yourself because you love each other.

Instead, express love in moderation and keep a portion of it for yourself.

The lover keeps three points in order to maintain personal independence and space for self-growth.

Everyone has their own unique personality, interests, and ideals.

Think and act independently, not blindly blend in with each other.

Only by maintaining independent thinking and acting can we collide with each other's independent and vivid thoughts and achieve each other.

Respect each other's independent space, everyone is an independent individual and needs to have their own space and time.

In love, respect each other's independence and give each other the right and freedom to pursue their dreams and interests.

But when something goes wrong in love, we also need to have the courage to pull out in time.

Let go of yourself and let go of each other.

It's not about giving up on love, it's about starting over for the better.

03 On children

"The Prophet": It turns out that he is the most sober person in the world, who understands and heals his life

"Your children are not your children.

They came through you, but not from you.

They are with you, but they are not yours.

You can give them love, but you can't give them thoughts.

Because they have a mind of their own.

You can shade their bodies, but you cannot shade their souls. ”

Gibran's views on children are also to the point.

Children do not belong to us, but come through us.

The most we can do for them is to ensure that the children are materially secured.

But the independent soul of children must be grown and developed by themselves.

As parents, how should we face the growth of our children?

Every child is an independent individual with his or her own thoughts, emotions and personality characteristics.

The role of parents is to help children discover their self-worth, explore their life direction, and cultivate their ability to innovate.

Then let the children solve all kinds of strange problems and difficulties in the world by themselves.

We can't just look at a child's abilities and try to reinforce and shape them into what we want them to be.

Instead, listen to your child's voice and encourage them to explore and release themselves, so as to develop a more independent and self-respecting personality.

As a parent, provide a free environment for children to grow up, so that their freedom of thinking and freedom of expression can be exerted and absorbed.

No matter how children are able to develop, we must give them enough tolerance and support.

When we truly understand that "children are not my children", we can take care of these souls that have been lent to us more rationally.

Give them the freedom to grow and the space to develop, and accompany them on the road of life.

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