
[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

author:The movie is no more than three

#长文创作激励计划#上周的电影还是那样, it did not drive the market, and the first place in the market was last week's "There is a Commissary in the Clouds", but the box office of "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" every day is not very high, and it is purely the tallest of the short.

This week has officially entered July, and the summer file has gradually entered a more lively stage, although it has not yet become lively. There are not many new films this week, but there is a possibility of a hit, let's take a look!

8 films will be released this week, 1 on Monday, 1 on Wednesday, 5 on Friday, and 1 on Saturday.

Silent Killing, 7.3

[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

Synopsis: In the girls' middle school, where school bullying is rampant, after the girl's fall to death, something mysterious happened. The schoolgirls disappeared one after another, and no one could find them. Behind the collective silence is a vengeance of hatred and killing. Who is a bully? Who are the Silencers? Who is the Rainy Night Murderer? Good and evil will be rewarded eventually, and the truth is coming....

"Silent Killing", directed by Ke Wenli! Director Ke Wenli was born in Malaysia, but he has already made several movies in China, and the once popular movie "Manslaughter" came from him, winning 1.333 billion box office. Because of the director and his realistic topics such as school bullying, this "Silent Killing" is currently regarded as having a high chance of becoming the first hit in the summer file. In fact, this film is a remake of the director's own 2022 Malaysian film of the same name, but it has not been released in China. This theme is still very attractive, and the starring lineup is also very good, so it's worth looking forward to!

Welcome to Me 7.5

[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

Synopsis: Chen Xiaozhou (played by Yu Shi) suffered an accident after falling out of love, and since then he has often seen a large flock of rubber ducks "quacking", which has brought a huge obstacle to Chen Xiaozhou's life. Until a girl named Feng Jiannan (played by Wang Yinglu) appeared, Chen Xiaozhou was surprised to find that as long as he was with Feng Jianan, the duck would not run out to make trouble, and a ridiculous romantic journey began......

"Welcome to Me", Yu Shi Wang Yinglu's work! Yu Shi has been relatively popular recently, has a certain fan base, and Wang Yinglu has a lot of works, and these two leading actors still have a certain attraction. Watching the trailer is a bit of a love light comedy, and the genre also contains fantasy, although most of the domestic movies with this theme have a general reputation, and they were born in good ticket sales. If the quality of this one is acceptable, it is still possible to explode, you can look forward to it!

"Girl" 7.6

[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

Synopsis: The princess of the former dynasty sent her beloved Qingluo umbrella to the Nianwu Pavilion for collection, and before leaving, she hoped that the Qingluo umbrella could accompany the black jade sword of the former general. Qingluo Umbrella's spirit Qingdai realized the owner's wish and found the spirit of the black jade sword in the Nianwu Pavilion. And forgetting to return to the original master, he wanted to avenge his former master, and found a chance to escape from the Nianwu Pavilion. In order to prevent Forgetfulness from provoking a war in the world again, Qingdai and the genius craftsman Moyang embarked on a journey to find Forgetfulness. There were many thrills along the way, and with the cooperation of one person and one thing, they finally succeeded in making Wanggui give up their hatred and prevent an unprecedented crisis in the Nianwu Pavilion. However, they also come at a huge cost......

"Umbrella Girl", an original 2D Chinese comic work! The movie is adapted from Zuo Xiaoling and Wei Ying's comic work "Dream of the Umbrella Girl", which tells a very fantastical story. Judging by the trailer, the art style is beautiful and full of oriental aesthetics. A long time ago, this movie would be broadcast live every Wednesday, and the creation process of some of the pictures of the live broadcast film was very carefully promoted, although the effect was very small. There are still few original animated films in China, and this one is worth looking forward to!

"New Big Head Son and Little Head Daddy 6: Mini Adventure" 7.5

[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

Synopsis: The big-headed son and the small-headed father were accidentally popped up when they experienced the new product "Mini Paradise" invented by the "ancestral villain" Dr. Wang, and returned to the real world in a mini state! The father and son "encountered" a group of magical "partners" in the wild, thrilling, hiding, chasing, and rescue, and a thrilling adventure began!

"New Big Head Son and Little Head Daddy 6: Mini Adventure", the sixth animation! I didn't expect that the "New Big Head Son and Little Head Dad" movie will come out in the sixth part, plus last year's "Marshmallow and Cloud Mother" series has 7 films. In recent years, one has been held every summer vacation every year, mainly for children, you can take your children to see!

"Mrs. Chen Guo" 7.5

[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

Synopsis: An opera movie tells the story of Xian Ying, the "first woman hero", who worked hard all her life to maintain national unity.

"Mrs. Chen Guo", Cantonese opera movie! The film's starring Zeng Xiaomin is the one who played Bai Suzhen in the previous Cantonese opera movie "The Legend of the White Snake: Love", which sold 23.836 million at the box office at that time. I don't know if this "Mrs. Chenguo" can continue such a good achievement. In recent years, there have been more dramas and movies, and more people have paid attention to them, which may be a good thing for the quintessence of the country. You can also look forward to this one!

The other 3 parts, 7.1 Monday "Departure" main theme; 7.5 Friday "The Mystery of the Mountain Village" domestic horror film; 7.5 Friday's "Brain Hole" costs brains.

[What to watch this week] There may be a hit!

It depends on whether the movie will break out this week, there will be a lot of movies next week, and there are still a few that may become hits, I hope they can all explode!