
The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

author:Stimulate the practical classroom
The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

Sentence | Non-mainstream juvenile

Editor|Non-mainstream teenagers

With the increasing number of child abduction and trafficking incidents, everyone has also increased their vigilance, but anyone who sees something wrong on the side of the road will choose to help call the police.

Recently, an enthusiastic netizen in Shanxi found that a two-year-old child was particularly wrong when he was watching an acrobatic performance.

The performer did not take into account the child's feelings at all, and made the child do a lot of dangerous actions during the process.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

Netizens uploaded the video of the scene to the Internet, and people with children couldn't stand it, and they complained:

"She's still so young, isn't that cruel?"

The video also sparked official attention.

If it's your own child, how can you bear to treat it like this? Soon, the relationship between the acrobat and the child sparked various speculations.

Everyone suspects that the child was trafficked, is it a human trafficker, or is there something else going on?

What happened

On June 28, Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, welcomed a group of people who performed acrobatics, which are usually free to watch and do not require tickets.

And the time they choose to perform is usually around 6 to 8 o'clock in the evening, so it attracts many men, women and children.

Everyone likes to go and have a good time, and usually after the acrobatic performance, they will sell all kinds of small things, such as ointment for bruises, or other small bits and pieces, but they are all voluntarily purchased.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

But this time, one of the little girls attracted everyone's keen attention.

In order to highlight the difficulty of the performance and attract attention, the man placed a two-year-old child on the bench, and the last one held the bench high in the air, without any protection.

The crowd of onlookers at the scene all sweated for the child, for fear that one of them would accidentally fall off.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

The acrobat was unimpressed, and without protection, the bench kept spinning.

Fortunately, the child did not move during the whole process, and kept cooperating with the performance, and finally got off the bench safely.

Surprisingly, the child, after getting down, reached out to one of the women in the acrobatic team and begged for a hug.

The woman ignored it, ignored this action, and picked up the child directly to continue the next round of acrobatics.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

This impersonal action instantly triggered all kinds of speculation from everyone.

Everyone thought, "Is this child their own?" It can't be trafficked, right? ”

Despite all the speculation, there is not enough evidence to make a rash move.

After the video went viral, it attracted the attention of the police.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

Because juggling by young children is definitely not allowed, but the rules are rules, after all, the police can't manage everything, and there are always omissions.

Now the only trace is that the license plate is a Guizhou license plate.

The police said that if they encounter this Guizhou license plate next time they enter the jurisdiction, they will definitely investigate the matter.

But now, the team has long since left without a trace, and everyone can only silently pray for the safety of this child.

Netizens are hotly discussed

She was just a child, how scared she must have been.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

It is strongly recommended to continue the investigation trail.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

I hope everyone can contribute.

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

All kinds of acrobatic troupes should be strictly investigated!

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, how can their own children be willing to treat them like this?

The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked


I have seen an acrobatic troupe perform before, and I will ask the local people if they are willing to send their children to the team to learn acrobatics?

It's scary to think about it, and the danger of an underage child being sent to an unfamiliar place can be imagined.

Therefore, if there are children in the family, we must pay attention to the personal safety of the children.

I also hope that this incident is just a misunderstanding among netizens, and I hope that all children can grow up safely.

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The 2-year-old girl was thrown into the air just for acrobatic effect, and netizens questioned whether she was trafficked
[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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