
Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

author:Stimulate the practical classroom
Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Sentence | Non-mainstream juvenile

Editor|Non-mainstream teenagers

When it comes to actor Zhao Wei, everyone must feel very embarrassed.

You must know that Zhao Wei was popular all over the country with the corner of Little Swallow, and then it was smooth sailing, and her popularity rose.

Taking advantage of this shareholder wind, she also relied on her keen investment vision to turn to behind-the-scenes business, which can be said to be fame and fortune and made a lot of money.

No one thought that she would be banned after that, and there was no such person in the entertainment industry.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

And after Zhao Wei was banned, the worst thing turned out to be her mother.

At the same time that his daughter was banned, his son was also divorced, and his ex-wife took away hundreds of millions of family properties, and his lover who had been with him for half his life also died.

has lived the life of a rich wife all her life, but when she is old, she faces a family breakdown.

At the same time, it also caused everyone to think deeply, is there her mother's responsibility behind Zhao Wei's desperation?

The first half of Zhao Wei's life with her mother

Before getting married, Zhao Wei's mother Wei Qiying was an authentic rich lady.

In that era, it was already worry-free, living in a big house, and eating delicacies from the mountains and seas.

When others were still running around for a living, Wei Qiying only had to read books, drink afternoon tea, and talk about literature with three or two friends every day.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

This kind of life did not end until later, when the suppression of capitalism began to end, when Wei Qiying's family was considered a bad component and was suppressed.

From the beginning of the court, to the later doors, even Wei Qiying was worried that he would not be able to get married.

Fortunately, I met Zhao Wei's father in the end, and I liked her very much, and the two of them finally achieved positive results.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Zhao Wei's father still had a red background at that time, which was already a very good choice for Wei Qiying at that time.

In this way, Wei Qiying didn't have time to endure hardships, so she started her happy life again.

Then she soon gave birth to a son and a daughter, brother Zhao Jian and daughter Zhao Wei.

The family was happy for a while, and Zhao Wei and Zhao Jian grew up in such a harmonious family.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

As the pearl of the family, Zhao Wei's character has been unafraid since she was a child.

Because she knows that no matter what trouble she has, she has family members to support her.

Sometimes Zhao Wei is too naughty, and her grandparents blindly spoil her, causing Wei Qiying to have a headache.

Later, he simply took Zhao Wei to his side, and under Wei Qiying's nose, Zhao Wei barely settled down for a while.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Later, under the introduction of her uncle, Zhao Wei inadvertently made a cameo appearance in a small role, which suddenly stimulated her interest in acting, and since then she has been out of control and devoted herself to acting.

The family naturally gave full support, and her uncle was originally an actor, so Zhao Wei's acting career was exceptionally smooth.

Once, the invitation of the Huanzhu Gege crew completely changed Zhao Wei's fate.

"Huanzhu Gege" became popular overnight

At that time, when Zhao Wei received the invitation from the crew of "Huanzhu Gege", she was not actually the role of Xiaoyanzi at first.

But Zhao Wei herself likes this role very much, and she fought with the director many times during the period, but unfortunately she was not agreed.

It wasn't until the actor who originally played Xiaoyanzi went out of action that it was Zhao Wei's turn.

The director didn't expect that such an unexpected change of roles would create a classic.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Zhao Wei's original personality was very similar to Xiaoyanzi, outgoing and cheerful, eccentric, so she came to life all of a sudden.

Later, with this role, people all over the country remembered Zhao Wei, and since then she has continued to make appointments and advertisements.

But after becoming popular, Zhao Wei lost her enthusiasm for acting at the beginning, and she began to focus on business.

After all, no one will be afraid of money, and Zhao Wei is particularly persistent in making money.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

She not only earned it by herself, but also pulled all her family over to help her.

My mother was my personal secretary, my brother was my business partner, and even my sister-in-law came to help.

Zhao Wei's family relied on their business talent and Zhao Wei's keen investment vision to make a lot of money in business.

Maybe it was fame and fortune when he was young, and he completed his life goal too early, and then Zhao Wei began to float.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Not only did he wear the Japanese flag on his body, but he also turned against his former girlfriends, and there were even rumors that he injured people just because he couldn't get angry because he failed to do business.

Even after getting married, he maliciously manipulated stocks, which was directly hammered, not only noticed by the official, but also fined a huge amount of money after investigation.

The most important thing is that Zhao Wei's position is very unclear, and she even used "Taiwan independence" artists during this period.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Due to her series of operations, the filter of the character of Little Swallow was quickly shattered.

No matter how likable the role she plays, this time the audience will never buy it again, and everyone began to boycott Zhao Wei.

From fame and fortune to falling to the bottom, how did Zhao Wei get to this point?

Is Zhao Wei's mother the source?

As the saying goes, the son is not the fault of the father.

Everyone can see that Zhao Wei's mother will always be indispensable by her side, including Wei Qiying as her personal secretary and the mother and daughter at that time to persuade her brother to go to the sea to do business.

Zhao Wei's every step was with her mother, Zhao Wei was young at that time, and she was dazzled by the world of flowers.

Do mothers really not know the seriousness of the matter?

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Seeing Zhao Wei take a wrong step like this, many people speculate that maybe Zhao Wei has come to this point and is closely related to her mother.

Zhao Wei's mother has lived a prosperous life for most of her life, and now that her daughter can make a lot of money, she naturally won't have a second word.

Just imagine, if Zhao Wei took the wrong first step, her mother could dissuade her a little, would she face a different result?

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

But the specific truth is unknown, after all, according to Zhao Wei's character, even if someone around dissuades her, she will definitely not listen.

It can be seen that she is a very assertive person, and what she wants to do will not be changed at will.

And after Zhao Wei was investigated, the worst thing was her mother.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Because before her daughter's accident, her son had just faced a family dispute and was divorcing his wife.

In the end, this relationship was not recovered, not only divorced, but also divided hundreds of millions of family properties.

The son here has just been divorced, and the daughter over there has been investigated again, which is even worse for Wei Qiying.

However, the emaciated camel was larger than the horse, and although most of the property was searched, the family must have left something missing.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

The most important thing is that after Zhao Wei's brother has been in business for many years, in fact, the company has become independent from Zhao Wei.

Although Zhao Wei was investigated, it should have little impact on Zhao Wei's brother.

Although Zhao Wei's family is not as wealthy as before, compared with ordinary people, the living conditions should be relatively good.


Today's netizens often ridicule: "My mother's favorite idol is becoming more and more popular every year, and my favorite idol enters one a year." ”

I don't know if the temptation in the entertainment industry is too great, or if there is any other reason, in short, if the current artists are not careful, they will be found to have violated the law and discipline.

Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

If you want to fan a star now, the first thing to pray for is to hope that he can abide by the law.

I also hope that everyone can maintain their original intentions, face worldly interests, and still be able to regulate their own behavior.

This is not only an explanation to fans, but also a guarantee for their own lives.

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Zhao Wei's mother was really miserable, she was swept away by her daughter-in-law with hundreds of millions of family properties, and her daughter was investigated for an accident again!

Information sources:

Sohu Entertainment "Zhao Wei's mother suffered a great change in her later years! Son divorced, daughter banned, husband died of illness》

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