
The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

author:Eat all over Fuzhou horse language

Many horse friends have been asking, whether the peaches are on or not, I have to ask Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao said that there is too much rain this year, the peach harvest has been greatly reduced, and the peaches in the early stage are small, or wait for this period of time to bask in the sun, sweeter and then share it with friends, and now, finally waiting.

Highly praised white phoenix peach

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

Xiaoxiao's home is on the shore of Cuiping Lake in Gutian County, I have written an article about Xiaoxiao's fruit for four years to share, don't say much here, compared with other peaches, Xiaoxiao's peaches have the biggest advantage of picking and sending, not spraying preservatives, up to 100 boxes a day, her parents have limited labor, this is already the largest amount of picking in the morning and evening, if it is not cost-effective to hire people, and the quality is not guaranteed, it will mix in the bad peaches.

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

Each box of peaches is carefully selected by Xiaoxiao's parents, and there are no flaws in the box. This year's peaches will be smaller than in previous years, and the whole Gutian is like this, smiling and smiling, not shoddy, and honest management.

Officially shipped on July 3, 100 boxes per day, shipped in order of order, please be calm and wait for the peaches to come to the door.

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

The peaches are all freshly picked in the morning, and they are not more than five hours away from the tree.

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

Xiaoxiao said that it is too fresh, not in a hurry to eat, let it be put for two days, it will be softer to be more delicious, and it can be placed in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

Everyone directly scans the code to place an order, a box of 10 catties of 115 yuan, more preferential than many platforms, SF free shipping in the province, SF air freight outside the province, plus 20 yuan freight per box, SF will definitely send it to the door, so don't let the peaches stay in the guard room or the nest. If you have logistics or quality, you can contact Xiaoxiao 13400559328 directly.

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

There are also 5 pounds, please scan the code below.

The authentic Gutian Baifeng Tao of the Xiaoxiao family is finally here, you have been waiting for a long time.

Thank you for your support, Xiaoxiao's peaches are deeply liked by horse friends, rave reviews, 10 catties looks like a lot, but it only takes three days to eat, don't hesitate, this is the best white phoenix peach you can buy.