
China's 2,600 Dongfeng missiles, not enough for a campaign consumption? U.S. Think Tank: Only 80 pieces are enough

author:Fun walks the world

After the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China knew that only when it was strong could it not be beaten, bullied, and avoid the humiliation of history repeating itself. Although in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it faced a technological blockade and economic sanctions from the United States.

However, with an indomitable spirit and relying on their own efforts, the Chinese have completed the path of the West for 200 years from scratch in more than 30 years. Major breakthroughs have been made in the economy and military industry. For example, the scale of the economy has jumped to the second place in the world, and the military strength has stabilized the top three in the world.

China's 2,600 Dongfeng missiles, not enough for a campaign consumption? U.S. Think Tank: Only 80 pieces are enough

During the Cold War, in the face of nuclear blackmail by the United States and the Soviet Union, the Chinese created their own atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs, and then developed the Dongfeng series of missiles, which have now developed to the third generation.

At this time, one may ask: If war breaks out, will China's existing 2,600 Dongfeng missiles be enough to deal with a campaign? There are different opinions on this. Some argue that these missiles appear to be insufficient compared to the hundreds of millions of bombs consumed by the United States during the Vietnam War.

China's 2,600 Dongfeng missiles, not enough for a campaign consumption? U.S. Think Tank: Only 80 pieces are enough

But U.S. think tanks take a different view. They believe that China's missile technology is so mature that most of it is nuclear, and that only 80 Dongfeng missiles are enough to make it difficult for an adversary to withstand, and if 20 more are added, it is enough to resolve a local conflict. These high-precision weapons are powerful enough to inflict a fatal blow on the enemy.

Taking the anti-ship missile - Dongfeng-21D as an example, its range is about 3,000 kilometers, the strike speed is more than Mach 10, and the variable trajectory performance in its middle range, even the best American air defense system is not afraid in front of it, because it cannot be stopped at all.

China's 2,600 Dongfeng missiles, not enough for a campaign consumption? U.S. Think Tank: Only 80 pieces are enough

According to the simulation calculations of US experts, only 80 missiles are needed to paralyze 41 military bases in the US mainland, thus greatly reducing the combat effectiveness of the US military. If it is replaced by the Dongfeng-41 intercontinental missile, its power is even more amazing.

The DF-41 missile has a range of up to 14,000 kilometers, can carry 10 sub-warheads at a time, strikes at a speed of about Mach 20, and can fly to the mainland of the United States in only half an hour. At the moment, no air defense system is capable of effectively intercepting missiles of this speed, including the United States. As an American military expert said: "Who in the world dares to easily receive a 'Dongfeng Express'?" ”

China's 2,600 Dongfeng missiles, not enough for a campaign consumption? U.S. Think Tank: Only 80 pieces are enough

Take, for example, the war in Iraq. At that time, the US military successfully paralyzed Saddam's ground-based radar and air defense system with only 291 "Tomahawk" missiles, making Saddam's more than 800,000 army forces useless, and it was defeated in just over a month. You must know that the "Tomahawk" missile is not comparable with the intercontinental ballistic missile, and its lethal power is relatively small.

However, war is not a simple numbers game. Victory or defeat on the battlefield depends not only on the advanced nature of weapons, but also on strategy and tactics. War is complex and changeable, and there are various uncontrollable factors in it. By no means is it said that there are many missiles to win.

China's 2,600 Dongfeng missiles, not enough for a campaign consumption? U.S. Think Tank: Only 80 pieces are enough

For example, in the Vietnam War, the United States spent 20 years investing, more ammunition than the sum of World War II, and the result was not a disgraceful withdrawal. Another example, the Korean War, which of the fighters, aircraft carriers, missiles, tanks, etc., in the hands of the United States, was not the most advanced, and the result? It was not defeated by the volunteer army armed with backward equipment.

It is worth mentioning that China's original intention in possessing missiles has always been to maintain peace and homeland security. Compared with the 5,044 nuclear weapons in the United States, China only holds 350 nuclear weapons, which is less than a fraction of it, which fully reflects China's concept of peaceful rise and defensive national defense policy.

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