
【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

author:Beautiful Xinhan River
【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

"The Limin Street community celebrates the founding day of the party

——'Red Heart to the Party, Literature and Art Conveyance' Literary and Artistic Performance" Activity

On July 1, the Limin Street community held a theatrical performance of "Red Heart to the Party, Literature and Art".

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

At the event site, the classic melodies such as the red song "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" were loud and high-spirited, full of love and admiration for the party. Subsequently, the wonderful performance of Henan Opera brought the audience into a vivid historical scene, and the actors showed the charm of traditional culture to the audience with superb acting skills and affectionate interpretation.

The Party Branch of Baimasi Town celebrates the "July 1st" party spirit education

Practical activities

On July 1, party members and young cadres of the organization branch of Baimasi Town went to the Luoyang Group of the Communist Party of China to carry out the party spirit education and practice activities to celebrate the "July 1st" to further learn the history of the party, feel the party's kindness, strengthen the party spirit, and establish righteousness.

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Everyone expressed that they should not forget their original intentions, continuously enhance their awareness of the purpose of serving the people, and contribute their own strength to the high-quality development of Baimasi Town.

The Beiguan community of Xixi Street carried out cultural performances

On July 1, the Beiguan Community of Qianxi Street carried out the "Eventful Years, Don't Forget the Original Heart" Appreciation of the Party's Kindness and Walking with the Party in the Gucang Street Neighborhood Center.

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

The performance kicked off with the chorus "Sing a Song to the Party", and the song and dance "Back to My Mother's Home", the female solo "Dedicate Everything to the Party" and other programs were staged in turn, which won the applause of the residents at the scene.

Caring for party members to send warmth, recalling the original intention and passing on the party's feelings

--On the eve of "July 1st" in Yangwen Community, Yangwen Street, visited and condoled with old party members

Recently, the Yangwen Community of Yangwen Street visited the party members in the jurisdiction and sent them the party's care and holiday greetings.

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

The street workers went into the homes of the veteran party members, carefully inquired about their physical condition and living conditions, told them to pay attention to their own health, and expressed their gratitude for their contributions to the party and the community over the years, hoping that they would continue to give full play to their spare energy and make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the community.

The "July 1st" of the Mapo Community Party Branch condolences to the old party members

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, carry forward the glorious tradition and fine style of the party, and fully reflect the care and love of the party branch for party members. Recently, the Mapo Community Party Branch carried out the "July 1st" visit and condolence activities, visited the old party members in the community, and sent them the organization's care and holiday blessings.

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

When he came to the homes of old party members, he not only sent flour, rice, oil and other condolence items, but also brought them the "spiritual food" and "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era", so that the old party members could always grasp the "direction of the times". The secretary of the community party branch had a cordial conversation with the old party members, understood their physical condition, living conditions and the current difficulties in the family, expressed gratitude to the old party members for always playing the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and told them to take care of their health, maintain a good attitude, and report any problems and difficulties to the party organization in a timely manner, and hope that they will continue to give full play to their residual heat to put forward opinions and suggestions for the community party building work.

Through visits and condolences, the deep feelings of community party organizations and party members in the jurisdiction have been effectively enhanced, the cohesion and combat effectiveness of party organizations have been further enhanced, and the role of grassroots party organizations in serving the masses, uniting people's hearts and promoting harmony has been brought into full play.

The community of Xiaoli Village, Wenli Street, carried out theme party day activities

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 27, the Party Branch of Xiaoli Village Community of Wenli Street carried out themed Party Day activities with the theme of learning the history of the Party, feeling the Party's kindness, strengthening the Party spirit, and establishing righteousness.

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

During the event, all party members solemnly swore in front of the party flag in the memorial hall of the Luoyang Group of the Communist Party of China, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and the sonorous and powerful oath echoed in the memorial hall. After taking the oath, under the guidance of the commentator, everyone listened carefully to the birth process of the Luoyang Group of the Communist Party of China and the development process of each period. Relive the eventful years of the establishment of the party organization, and encourage the majority of party members to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the party. Everyone unanimously expressed that they should engrave the red memory in their hearts, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members in their future work, and contribute their own strength to the development of the community.

【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".
【Celebration of July 1st】All departments in Qianhe District carried out a series of activities to celebrate the theme of "July 1st".

Beautiful Xinhan River

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03|[Warm Qianhe] "July 1st" condolences to old party members, strong warmth and warmth
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Co-ordination | Yu Bin

Audit | Wang Shaofeng

Edit | Xu Hongli

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