
Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

author:Phoebe is a regular Jiujiu

On June 25, Tang Shangjun, a Guangxi candidate known as the college entrance examination maniac, opened a live broadcast, which was watched by more than 100,000 people online.

Tang Shangjun has attracted public attention for taking the college entrance examination for 16 consecutive years, during which he has been admitted to 985 and 211 schools many times but took the initiative to give up enrollment and choose to repeat, pushing him to the forefront of public opinion.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

Tang Shangjun's goal is Tsinghua University, and his obsession with Tsinghua has made his youth for more than ten years wasted, and he has been living under the attention of the public and the media.

In 2024, Tang Shangjun's college entrance examination results have not been announced to the public, but this time he made it clear

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

Similar to Tang Shangjun, there is a Jiangxi girl who repeats her studies for 6 years because of her obsession with one book and because she desperately wants to change her fate through the college entrance examination, and she is called the female version of Tang Shangjun.

But unlike Tang Shangjun, she hid her repeating from her family, lying that she was going to school and working in the south.

Next, let's listen to the girl's story together.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

The picture has nothing to do with the heroine

The protagonist of the story is named Yang He (pseudonym).

In 1995, Yang He was born in an ordinary rural family in Jiangxi. His parents are not highly educated, only have a primary school diploma, and go out to work all year round.

Yang He also has an older brother and a younger brother.

Obviously, Yang He's situation is more awkward. Girl, second, father at home doesn't love the child that the mother doesn't love.

Yang He has deeply experienced this since he was a child.

The three brothers and sisters were all left by their parents to raise their widowed grandmother in the countryside since they were children, but when they were in elementary school, their elder brother and younger brother were taken by their parents, and only Yang He stayed in the countryside to accompany his grandmother.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

The figure has nothing to do with the people in the article

Since then, Yang He has secretly vowed in her heart: she will change her neglected fate.

However, Yang He found that no matter how hard she tried, her grades were hovering in the middle.

At one time, she also accepted her fate, if she couldn't get into a good university, she would be like most other rural girls, get married, have children, and live a dull life.

Yang He's grandmother suffered from cervical cancer, and because she had no money for treatment, she was tortured for a long time and died of pain.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

The figure has nothing to do with the people in the article

The scene of grandma being tortured before her death has always been in Yang He's mind, and Yang He seems to be able to smell the rotten woody smell emanating from her grandmother's body before she died.

All this stimulated Yang He, who was in his second year of high school, to study hard.

From that day on, Yang He got up early every day, got up early and went to bed late, and used the question sea tactics to numb himself.

In 2013, 18-year-old Yang He walked into the examination room and took the first college entrance examination in her life.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

Due to insomnia before the exam, Yang He's first college entrance examination score was not satisfactory, and her score was much lower than her estimate, especially the serious abnormal performance of liberal arts, resulting in her score only passing the second line of Jiangxi Province that year.

After the results came out, Yang He was very frustrated. She originally wanted to apply for a second school, but a message in the parent group changed the trajectory of her life.

One of the parents in the parent group said: Girls, just go to a decent university. If it's a boy, it doesn't matter if he wants to repeat it for a few years, as long as he has the energy to do it.

The parent's words stimulated Yang He again, why does it matter if a boy repeats his studies for a few years, and a girl can barely go to college?

So Yang He made a crazy and bold decision: to repeat it without telling his family.

Since she was repeating her studies without telling her family, it was impossible for Yang He to choose the school at her doorstep, and because she had no money, she couldn't go to the college entrance examination training institution to register for classes.

In the end, Yang He chose an ordinary high school in Nanchang City to repeat his studies.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

Before officially repeating her studies, Yang He did not forget to find a photo of the admission letter of a second-class school in Yunnan from the Internet, and took a photo with her name and sent it to her parents who were far away, telling them that she had been admitted to a second-class school in Yunnan.

In order to allow herself to go out to work during the summer vacation, she told her parents that the school was going to carry out summer social practice, and Yunnan was far away and it was inconvenient to go back and forth, so she would wait for the winter vacation to come back.

The parents, who didn't care much about Yang He, were convinced of the school and summer social practice that Yang He said.

Fortunately, Yang He's parents paid her tuition and living expenses in advance.


Yang He found a job as a waiter in a hotel in Nanchang, and the salary was not high.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

The figure has nothing to do with the people in the article

Where would a fledgling high school student think that being a waiter is so tiring.

Staring at orders, pouring water, cleaning up the table, washing dishes, changing the table, staring at the area of fifty or sixty people alone, overloaded with work every day, Yang He was busy and dizzy.

When he first started working, Yang He always made mistakes, either he couldn't find anyone when he was staring at the order, or he was scolded by the guests for serving the wrong dish, or even when the food was served quickly, he would be scolded for disrupting the banquet process.

After less than a month of work, Yang He made himself bruised all over his body, either by the fire when he moved the bottom of the pot, or when he was boiling wine, or when he was serving soup, he was scalded by hot soup.

That month Yang He was miserable.

Fortunately, Yang He's business level and anti-blow ability have improved later, so she didn't cry until midnight because of her clumsiness. also made Aunt Liu, the department manager who often criticized her before, look at her with admiration.

Later, Yang He also received a full attendance award at the summary meeting at the end of the month.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

In this way, Yang He used the two months of summer vacation to earn tuition and living expenses for himself.

The night before he started to repeat, Yang He wrote down in his textbook one by one and seriously: Yang He, you can! Don't be afraid to leave your hometown!

Yang He did well in the hotel during the summer vacation, and the department manager, Aunt Liu, was very sympathetic to her plight, and made an exception to allow her to work as a temporary worker in the hotel at night and on weekends.

So, Yang He attended classes during the day, and after the evening self-study, she had to rush to the hotel to wash the last batch of dishes, and then return to the dormitory before the dormitory closed at 10:10.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

In addition to working in a hotel on weekends, Yang He also went to a training institution to work as a custodian teacher.

In order to squeeze out more time for studying, Yang He went to the classroom at 6 o'clock in the morning to study on his own, and then went from 10:30 to 12:00 in the evening.

In order to save money, Yang He only eats two meals a day, and her scratch paper is also checked with a pencil first, and then with a black gel pen.

Although the life of repeating is very hard and tiring, Yang He does not regret her choice at all.

In this way, in the midst of working and studying day after day, Yang He ushered in the second college entrance examination in her life.

This time, she is 40 points higher than the second line of Jiangxi Province, but only 5 points worse than the first line.

Yang He looked at her college entrance examination results blankly, she reflected for 3 days and 3 nights, and came to a conclusion: this score is not worthy of her efforts.

So, Yang He chose to repeat again.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

At the same time, she also told her parents, who were thousands of miles away: her sophomore year was heavy on her studies, and she would not go home during the summer vacation and Spring Festival.

Fortunately, my mother was still thinking about Yang He in her heart, and called Yang He on the eve of the Spring Festival.

The sudden visit of his mother and younger brother disrupted Yang He's revision plan and was about to expose her lies.

Yang He didn't want to give up her college dream just like that, and she didn't want her lies to be exposed, she planned to do a full set of plays.

She first contacted her high school classmates who were studying in Yunnan, lied that her younger brother wanted to be admitted to her university, and asked her classmates to take her around the campus in a few days, and then take her younger brother around when her younger brother came to Yanghe.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

The high school classmates agreed to Yang He's request, and Yang He gritted his teeth and bought a ticket to and from Yunnan, and took his mother and younger brother to visit "her university".

This trip to Yunnan cost Yang and several living expenses, and she gnawed on dry bread for a long time before the college entrance examination.

In the summer of 2015, Yang He stepped on the college entrance examination room for the third time.

This time, Yang He was only 1 point away from the first line.

So, Yang He continued to choose to repeat.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

For the third time, Yang He was under a lot of pressure, which caused her to have a long-term poor appetite and rapid weight loss.

Just when Yang He thought she could save a sum of money for food, she was diagnosed with chronic gastritis.

And she spent a lot more money on medical treatment than she saved on a diet.

In the summer of 2016, Yang and the back of the battle.

If he can't get on one this time, Yang He won't have any reason to ask his parents for money again. Because according to the normal time, Yang He has "graduated from college".

The night before the college entrance examination, Yang He lost sleep again.

Due to too much pressure, Yang He suffered from acute enteritis and fainted in the English test room.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

Obviously, Yang He failed in the fourth college entrance examination.

There was only one path in front of her: repetition.

Repeating this year, Yang He faced great financial pressure.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and her other part-time training institution was reported by parents for charging indiscriminately, and the training institution closed down.

Fortunately, when Yang He needed help the most,

With the help of this group of kind-hearted classmates, Yang He solved the tuition and living expenses of her fourth repetition.

This time, Yang He worked hard to brush up on the questions and do the questions, and she was familiar with almost all the question types in the college entrance examination.

This time, Yang He finally crossed the first line in Jiangxi Province.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

But she's also only 1 point above the first line. With this score, it is almost impossible to get into a good school.

Gritting his teeth, Yang He repeated it again.

This time, Yang He scored the highest score in the past year, exceeding the first line by 51 points. This time, Yang He can apply for a better 211 school.

When filling in the volunteers, Yang He hesitated again.

At this time, Yang He had fallen into her own paranoia and madness: only by taking a 985 exam could she be worthy of her hard work for so many years.

So, Yang He repeated his studies for the 6th time and took the college entrance examination for the 7th time.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

It's a pity that this time Yang He is only 32 points higher than the first line, and she can only go to an ordinary 211 school.

This year, Yang He is 25 years old, and many of her classmates who are the same year as her have already graduated from undergraduate or even graduate school.

Yang He felt confused, and the huge gap in reality made her want to be self-shaved for a while.

Fortunately, when she stood on the roof of the building, she didn't have the courage to jump, so she could only climb down from the roof crying and seriously fill in the college entrance examination volunteer.

In the end, Yang He was admitted to the history department of the College of Humanities, an ordinary school in the south.

When she was in a classroom with a group of teenage boys and girls, she realized that because of her obsession, she had wasted six precious years.

Female version of Tang Shangjun: Is it worth it to repeat studying for 6 years without telling your family and being admitted to an ordinary book?

The long-distance run of life is regarded by her as a sprint, and the college entrance examination, which is a staged summary of the exam, is regarded by her as a major life event once and for all.

She just insisted on crawling and rolling.

When she was no longer obsessed with 985 and didn't want to live in a lie anymore, she finally mustered up the courage to call her mother, and she confessed her experience over the years.

Unexpectedly, her mother did not reproach her for concealing and deceiving, but comforted her vigorously: nothing is more important than life. Although a lot of time is wasted, you can also see more scenery on the detours of life.

Mom kept apologizing to her, bluntly saying that she had neglected her all these years, after all, compared to her brother and younger brother, she really made her parents worry.

Yang Hecai realized that it was her paranoia and arbitrariness that kept her living in darkness and depression.

After the estrangement in his heart was lifted, Yang He became more and more cheerful and optimistic, and started his beautiful life.

However, netizens have mixed opinions about Yang He's practice of repeating for 6 years.

Some netizens praised Yang He for sticking to his dreams, determination and perseverance, and finally being admitted to an ideal university.

Some netizens also criticized Yang He for being too paranoid, if she chose to go to an undergraduate in her second college entrance examination, it should not be a problem to enter a good 985 graduate school with her self-discipline and hard work. There are thousands of paths, and she is paranoid about choosing only one.

What do you think about the fact that the girl pretended to go to college and repeated her studies for 6 years without telling her family? Welcome to discuss in the comment area
