
Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

author:China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau
Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

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State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council announces central enterprises

"Science Reform Activities" and "Double Hundred Activities"

2023 special assessment results

Pipeline Design Institute

Awarded with outstanding results of the year

"Science and Technology Reform Action" and "Benchmarking" level

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

The special assessment of the "Science and Technology Reform Action".

According to the assessment level, it is divided into

Benchmarking, excellent, good, qualified, unqualified

Five levels

A total of 349 "scientific and technological reform enterprises" participated in the selection

Rated as a "benchmark"

There are 74 enterprises

In the past four years, under the guidance of the demonstration action of scientific and technological reform, the pipeline design institute has continued to deepen the reform, made new progress in the exploration, further strengthened the leadership of the party, improved the corporate governance and management system and mechanism, effectively stimulated the momentum of scientific and technological innovation, steadily increased the contract amount, operating income and profit of market development, increased the income from the transformation of scientific and technological achievements by 77%, and increased the labor productivity of all employees year after year, with an increase of 32.7%.

A series of gratifying achievements have not only been recognized by the State-owned Enterprise Reform Leading Group of the State Council, but also enabled the company to realize the transformation of "changing the old look into a new look".

Strengthen the company's leadership and improve the effectiveness of governance

The train runs fast because of the headband.

In recent years, the Party Committee of the Pipeline Design Institute has adhered to the direction, the overall situation, and the implementation, and has set up a board of directors and a board of supervisors in accordance with the overall design of the scientific reform, forming a modern corporate governance structure of shareholders, party committees, boards of directors, boards of supervisors, and managers. The Board of Directors has five special committees, including the Strategy and Investment Committee, the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, the Science and Technology Innovation Committee, the Audit and Risk Committee, and the Nomination Committee.

In 2023, focusing on the improvement of governance efficiency, the Pipeline Design Institute will formulate and revise a series of institutional documents such as the List of Major Business and Management Matters for Pre-research and Discussion of the Party Committee from the three aspects of "improving the operation quality of the board of directors", "improving the construction ability of the board of directors" and "improving the ability of the board of directors to perform duties and exercise powers", and the board of directors and special committees will deliberate more than 20 major matters throughout the year.

In addition, with the implementation of the "tenure system for managers" and "contractual management", the managers of the pipeline design institute, the managers of each branch and the middle managers signed the performance responsibility letter respectively, emphasizing the rigid assessment and rigid fulfillment of performance.

Since the signing of the contract, under the pressure of "one prosperity, one loss", the management personnel of the enterprise have turned the pressure into a driving force, the initiative and enthusiasm have been greatly improved, they actively visit customers, negotiate business, do their best to develop the market, and at the same time pay close attention to the party building work, unite the strength of the people, and stimulate the spirit and vitality of all employees through various work innovations.

Planning for transformation and development Breakthroughs in diversified businesses

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

In the face of the internal and external situation, the Pipeline Design Institute took the opportunity of the scientific reform to carry out the business structure and market structure optimization research for the future development direction and professional fields in a timely manner, and established nine business development directions: onshore pipelines, oil and gas storage, LNG, oil and gas field surface, new energy, marine engineering, digital intelligence, full business chain consulting, and construction and municipal.

Last year, in accordance with the requirements of the construction of "Digital Intelligence PetroChina" of the group company, the pipeline design institute accelerated the pace of digital transformation, guided by strategy, carried out end-to-end process reconstruction, built an organizational system with clear rights and responsibilities, smooth interface and mutual promotion, and successfully joined hands with Baidu to establish an intelligent pipeline joint venture "CNPC Yidu", focusing on digital and intelligent solutions in the energy engineering industry, and providing customers with value-added services of "industry knowledge + cutting-edge technology". Establish an industry-intensive innovation incubation and service empowerment center. The digital intelligence business is growing rapidly.

In the field of new energy, the pipeline design institute focuses on hydrogen energy utilization, CCUS, new energy storage, photovoltaic and other businesses, continues to strengthen technical breakthroughs, builds a green ecosystem and industrial development and innovation platform that grows together, and forms a path of "driving project contracting with technological innovation and boosting the development of the industry".

In addition, the pipeline design institute has also made new breakthroughs in many aspects such as oil and gas field surface engineering and LNG business, and has successively won strategic emerging business projects including the hydrogen energy pipeline network planning of the group company, the North China Oilfield-Beijing hydrogen pipeline, the surface development of the Ukrainian oil field, the construction of 15 billion cubic meters of production capacity in the northern gas field of Yanchang Central District, and the integration project of hydrogen energy production, storage, transportation and marketing in Wuhai, and the proportion of new contracts signed for strategic emerging business has reached 38%.

Institutional innovation incentives to create a happy land for strivers

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

Talent is the foundation of the industry and the "power source" of enterprise development.

For a long time, the pipeline design institute has taken talent training as the top priority of development. In accordance with the requirements of scientific reform, they started from the top-level design, established rules and regulations, and relied on the three systems of post management, performance appraisal and salary distribution and incentives, and further promoted the project of "strengthening the enterprise with talents", and selected and trained talents by market-oriented means to form a "siphon effect" of talents.

The Pipeline Design Institute has innovated the mechanism of selecting and employing personnel, and has built a rank system that includes three major categories, six sequences, 55 sub-sequences, eight ranks and 20 grades. The establishment of a personnel exit mechanism and the implementation of market-oriented incentive policies such as dividends for scientific research projects have stimulated the innovation vitality of employees to the greatest extent.

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

In the process of implementing the remuneration mechanism, the Pipeline Design Institute vigorously promotes the "precise incentive", based on the incentive principle of the core technical backbone, pioneers the implementation of medium and long-term incentives for post dividends, and establishes a performance-oriented internal total wage distribution mechanism according to the hard indicators such as income, profit, and labor productivity of the branch, so as to achieve "efficiency increase, wage increase, benefit reduction and wage reduction".

At the same time, combined with the development strategy and business needs, the pipeline design institute has established a "big talent concept", and created an external expert resource pool covering nine major businesses, including hundreds of senior engineers, who can provide timely support and help when scientific research and projects are needed, so as to make the best use of talents in the world.

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

The implementation of the market-oriented selection and employment mechanism and the implementation of the "striver-oriented" assessment culture have opened up a new world for the strivers of the pipeline design institute, so that the lazy have lost the soil for survival, the overall positive employees, the labor productivity of all employees, per capita operating income and other indicators continue to improve, and the ability of the pipeline design institute to innovate and lead the high-quality development of China's energy projects has been continuously enhanced.

Scientific research is fast and writes the "futuristic style" of science and technology

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

The core of scientific and technological reform is to stimulate the momentum of scientific and technological innovation of enterprises. Focusing on this fundamental starting point, while building a system and talent guarantee, the scientific and technological innovation engine of the pipeline design institute has increased its horsepower.

Last year, the Pipeline Design Institute continued to improve the open scientific and technological innovation system, proposed to build a "1+3" scientific and technological innovation system for enterprises, focused on innovation directions, flexible innovation models, integrated innovation resources, and established 14 innovation platforms to create a new situation of scientific and technological innovation of "openness, cooperation, integration and symbiosis".

A series of traditional business and strategic emerging business technologies continue to make new breakthroughs and reach the international advanced level——

In terms of onshore pipelines

The world's smallest diameter 8-meter shield atmospheric cutterhead design technology.

Above-ground storage

Lightweight, assembled and standardized design and construction technology of floating roof oil storage tank with 150,000 square meters and below, as well as automatic production technology for tank plate processing.

New energy

Core technologies such as supercritical carbon dioxide pipeline flow guarantee technology, source-sink matching and pipeline transportation scheme optimization technology, pipeline brittle fracture control and toughness crack prevention technology, pipeline corrosion control technology, etc.

Digital intelligence

The oil and gas pipeline station is based on the intelligent operation and maintenance technology of the whole equipment diagnosis and management system.

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

In addition, in terms of LNG, the pipeline design institute has mastered the design and construction technology of large-scale LNG film tanks and LNG full-capacity tanks, helping to achieve "corner overtaking" in the LNG business field.

According to statistics, since the scientific reform, the pipeline design institute has carried out a total of 176 internal and external scientific research projects, obtained 160 patents, including 91 invention patents, and won 22 scientific and technological progress awards at or above the provincial and ministerial level.

The innovation potential stimulated by the scientific reform has also brought tangible benefits to the pipeline design institute. Based on the self-developed national invention patent passive cooling system, the pipeline design institute and the manufacturer's first domestic "passive cooling skid-mounted equipment room" passed the technical appraisal and was exported to foreign countries.

Nowadays, the market-oriented product research and development system has been formed, the pipeline design institute has set up equipment or software product research and development projects for the first time, implemented patent licensing transfer for the first time, and scientific and technological products such as skid-mounted huts and Wis-series have been well received by the market, forming a new model for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

In the face of fierce market competition

Pipeline people will maintain the belief of victory

Break through the barrier and persevere

Accelerate the construction of a world-class pipeline bureau

The energy storage and transportation company continues

Contribute new and greater strength

Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?
Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?
Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

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Wentu | Zhou Fengshan, Xu Jingda

Edit | Zhang Fan

Proofreading | Yuan Shengxiang

Executive Producer | Liu Liyan

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Awarded the benchmark of the SASAC's "Science and Technology Reform Action"! How does the pipeline design institute do it?

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