
Live pig prices on July 2: sudden "variables"! Another bearish strike, pig prices can't rise?

author:Pigs have a lot of nets

Up for 4 days in a row! Today, the national pig price continued to rise, but the increase narrowed significantly, and the overall trend was weak in the north and rising in the south. According to the monitoring of pig data, on July 2, the price of three-yuan live pigs outside the country was 18.17 yuan/kg, an increase of 0.07 yuan/kg from yesterday. From a national perspective, today's pig price trend is 24 up and 7 down. Even though there are still many provinces where the price of live pigs has risen today, it is worth noting that another negative factor in the market is coming, and pig prices may not rise!

Live pig prices on July 2: sudden "variables"! Another bearish strike, pig prices can't rise?

According to the region, the pig price in the northern region suddenly has "variables". Among them, the northeast region "suddenly turned down", for example, Liaoning, Jilin today respectively 0.06, 0.03 yuan / kg, only Heilongjiang weak rebound, the average price of live pigs in each region between 17.85-18.07 yuan / kg, pig prices rise momentum is slightly insufficient;

It is worth mentioning that Shanxi, where the pig price level was relatively low, also successfully broke through to 18 yuan/kg today, and the pig price level in the region was temporarily adjusted to 18.00-18.25 yuan/kg; Pig prices in the northwest region have risen and fallen, Xinjiang today rose and fell 0.22 yuan/kg, fortunately, Gansu, Qinghai continued to rise 0.25, 0.18 yuan/kg respectively, the average price of live pigs in each region between 17.24-18.32 yuan/kg, the price of live pigs has slowed down.

Live pig prices on July 2: sudden "variables"! Another bearish strike, pig prices can't rise?

Pig prices in the southern region rose "moderately and slightly". As of now, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi, without exception, have all rushed back to 18 yuan/kg, and the average price of live pigs in each region is between 18.08-18.40 yuan/kg; Pig prices in East China "stabilized" adjustment, only Shandong weakly rebounded 0.12 yuan/kg, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangsu and other regions rose and fell in a single day, and the average price of live pigs in each region was between 18.30-18.75 yuan/kg;

Pig prices in South China are "bright and bright", Guangdong and Guangxi rose 0.29 and 0.12 yuan/kg respectively today, temporarily in the national high-price pig price area, and the mainstream price is 18.06-18.73 yuan/kg; Pig prices in the southwest region are "big adjustments", Sichuan soared 0.54 yuan/kg overnight, Yunnan, Chongqing also caught up, up 0.14 yuan/kg today, 0.18 yuan/kg respectively, the average price of live pigs in each region is between 17.39-18.22 yuan/kg.

Live pig prices on July 2: sudden "variables"! Another bearish strike, pig prices can't rise?

On the whole, with the continuous evolution of pig prices, pig prices in the six major regions of the country once again show a new pattern. North China, Central China, pig price level is comparable, the price is 18.00-18.40 yuan / kg, East China, South China pig price is not bad, the price is relatively slightly higher at 18.35-18.75 yuan / kg, while the northeast, southwest, northwest is in a relatively low-lying area, the price is 17.65-18.10 yuan / kg. There is not much difference in pig prices in various regions of the country.

Judging from the current supply and demand situation in the market, the overall reduction in the slaughter at the beginning of the month, the superposition of the second breeding waiting for the opportunity to enter, and the short-term shrinkage of the supply side supported the pig price to rise. But in fact, slaughtering companies have tried to reduce prices many times, mainly considering that the graduation season is coming, major colleges and universities are on holiday one after another, pork consumption is bearish, and weak demand continues to restrain the increase in pig prices.

The author believes that the next 2-3 days pig price increase or further tightening, does not rule out the local low price area still has the possibility of making up for the rise, but the overall pig price is mainly adjusted in a narrow range. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Live pig prices on July 2: sudden "variables"! Another bearish strike, pig prices can't rise?