
712 Earth Genes (4-6)

author:Hutong neighbors 234463220712

Author: Hu Yousheng, graduate student, senior engineer

712 Earth Genes (4-6)

Chapter 6 Earth's Sunlight

Tens of billions of years ago, the Milky Way galaxy, which was formed by the collision of two galaxies with similar distances, the Luopan Galaxy and the Mihe Galaxy, due to the huge collision energy, completed the final decay after nearly 1 billion years of maintenance and transition, and finally formed a huge galaxy with hundreds of billions of stars and a large number of star clusters, nebulae and a huge galaxy with a distance of 160,000 light-years from the beginning to the end of the explosion.

One billion years after the formation of the Milky Way, the nebulae in its interior collided and converged to form the solar galaxy. Hundreds of millions of years passed, and the Earth was gradually formed by the aggregation of colliding debris outside the solar galaxy. When the sun collides and burns brightly on the earth, the earth is still a lifeless, lifeless ball of water and soil.

After the solar galaxy energy collision formed the stellar combustion luminescence and released energy, it was affected by the gravitational pull of the solar galaxy to cause a collision, and the collision explosion fragments slowly converged into the earth after hundreds of millions of years, and due to the collision, combustion and the combination of various cosmic elements, the earth's surface has the sun and sunlight, water, air, soil, and all the material basic factors that form life on the earth and a small number of terrestrial prokaryotes.

1 billion years after the formation of the solar galaxy, the aggregation explosion before the last decay of the solar planet released hundreds of millions of times greater energy than before, and the explosion shock wave pushed the earth to a more suitable space position for the growth and reproduction of life on the earth. After the death of the "dinosaurs" and a small number of terrestrial prokaryotes by the sun's rays, tens of millions of new terrestrial life were reborn, which were different from other cosmic life characteristics.

The sun of the solar galaxy shines on the ocean formed by a large amount of water, and the fish are tumbling and jumping, from small to large, from one to many, with shrimp, turtles, large yellow croaker, and sharks; The sun shines on the land, small trees slowly grow into big trees, a hundred flowers bloom, thousands of trees compete for spring, small birds and big birds fly in the sky, earthworms and insects drill around in the soil, frogs, squirrels, monkeys, and tigers jump around in the woods, and the fields are running around.

In the beginning, all life on the earth lived together in equality and harmony, but with the increase in the number of species and the need for survival between different species, it slowly evolved into a life-and-death struggle between races for food and resources.

Human beings were the first to use tools, and they were the first to start brain thinking, and the formation of language ability made human beings gradually occupy an active position in life on earth, and changed into the king of life on earth, and became the master of life on earth.

The development of human science and technology, the formation of economy, and the drive of interests have become the themes that human beings on the earth have been pursuing permanently, and politics, race, country, plunder, killing, and war have come into being; The development of living materials, survival tools, and weapons of war is even more available; Lies, treachery, and forcible seizures have caused the earth to decline again after less than 100 million years.

The Earth Human Alliance is convening more than 20 heads of government to meet on the top floor of a 201-storey, 1,006-meter-tall tower in the riverside city of Donghae, a riverside city in the Dragon Kingdom, to discuss the topics of Earth energy, human survival and the alien migration program.

"The earth's energy has been basically depleted, and the number of human beings and other life on the earth is declining sharply, so it is recommended that the existing energy on the earth should be shared and used together." The geographical location of Etuozhuang is special, and the energy shortage is the most, after the deputy head of the country of Longguo made a brief welcome speech, the prime minister of Etuozhuang first threw out his own views.

"How do humans survive should be the most important topic today, and without human beings themselves, what energy and immigration to other planets are there to talk about. Environmental pollution, nuclear war pollution, new human diseases, and food shortages must become the top priority problems of the 'Earth Human Alliance'", Batu has the largest land area affected by the nuclear war, and its population has also decreased sharply in recent years, and the area affected by nuclear weapons pollution and new human diseases is also the largest, and the young government president of Batu has also put forward his country's views and opinions.

The leaders of various governments at the meeting of the "Earth Human Alliance" are arguing and arguing in full swing, all fighting for the best interests of their countries.

In the Pacific region, submarines and aircraft carriers have withdrawn from the stage of history, and new energy island ships have just become the new masters of the Pacific region. The new energy small shuttle device and space neutron ray gun have become the most controllable and lethal weapons standard for new energy island ships. The national flag of the Dragon Kingdom fluttering high in the bow and stern of the new energy island ship is particularly conspicuous under the strong sunlight.

In the Atlantic region, with the demise of the original most powerful Qin State, most of the land belonging to Batu and Shudong was polluted by nuclear war, and its national strength, technology and population were declining day by day. Under the strong sunlight, it is mostly rusty and a pile of rotten iron.

Before the Third World Nuclear War, in order to realize the early realization of the relocation of human beings to extraterrestrial planets on the earth, the Dragon Kingdom had already secretly developed a space neutron thin slice fusiform spacecraft and a space pipeline module generator. The last time the Dragon Kingdom established a temporary habiting space station in the goldfish-type galaxy, it used the space black hole generated by the collision of the two galaxies of the Golden Sphere Galaxy and the Silver Disk Galaxy to complete its space-time distance flight between the universe, otherwise the human shuttle would not be able to reach the Goldfish Planet.

In less than a thousand years, the space black hole generated by the collision of the Gongpan Galaxy and the Mihe Galaxy will decay and close, and if human beings cannot complete the development of the space pipeline module generator within this thousand years, human beings will not be able to fly away from the solar galaxy, and the earth humans who have temporarily inhabited the space station on the Goldfish Planet will not be able to return to the solar galaxy or the earth.

"The current human alliance policy of the Dragon Kingdom is environmental sharing, resource sharing, and development sharing. There is nothing left to argue about on the planet where human beings live, and everyone must unite to save humanity." The Vice-Heads of State of the Dragon Kingdom expressed their national views and made a concluding statement at the meeting of the Alliance.

Before the end of the alliance meeting, the deputy head of state of the dragon country also revealed to the leaders of the participating countries the development of the space neutron thin shuttle spacecraft and the space pipeline module generator of the dragon country, and warned all countries that only by uniting and overcoming the difficulties together, the human race on the earth will not be wiped out, and the dragon country now has the ability to fly over the distance of time and space in the universe, and the dragon country is also willing to work together with everyone to send the earth human beings to the outer planet of the universe as a last resort.

The alliance meeting finally decided that the dragon country, Etuozhuang, Tra country, and Batu country will form the alliance leadership country, and the dragon country will become the chairman of the alliance leadership country, leading the earth human beings from gradual extinction to rejuvenation, or flying through the stars, or escaping and ascending to heaven.

Located in the hunch of the Sun Moon Pavilion sand dunes on the southeast side of Basket Lake opposite Jiaxi University, the morning sun has risen, the golden jade-like sand grains are shining, and under the sunlight, the tall poplar trees, the dense leaves are also golden yellow. In an open area, rows of two-story buildings are lined up all the way in the sky, and the secret "363" research base for the development of space neutron thin-slice shuttle spacecraft and space pipeline module generators is located here.

The breeze blows, and the leaves of the poplar forest shine in the sun, emitting a dazzling golden light, and the light waves sparkle and shoot straight into the sky.

712 Earth Genes (4-6)
712 Earth Genes (4-6)

[The copyright of this original belongs to Hu Yousheng (screen name: Hutong Youlin), and may not be reproduced or used for commercial purposes without the author's authorization. 】