
Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members

author:Huanan Fusions
Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members

Produced by Sunan Yugur Autonomous County Financial Media Center

Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members

On July 1, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Lu Sidong, secretary of the county party committee, visited some old party members, sent them the party's care and warmth, thanked them for their contributions to the party's cause and the economic and social development of the autonomous county, and extended holiday blessings and sincere greetings to the party members who are fighting on all fronts in the county through them.

Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members

Lu Sidong came to the home of veteran party member Zhong Ziqi, awarded him the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", and talked with him about family life, reminiscing about the past, and talking about development. When he learned that his family was harmonious and his old age was happy, he was encouraged to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, pay attention to taking care of his health, always maintain his original intention, and continue to exert his residual enthusiasm for the party's cause.

Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members

At the home of Gao Yulian, a 77-year-old veteran party member, Lu Sidong listened carefully to the old man's account of the experience of unswervingly following the party since joining the party for 50 years, asked her about her physical condition, family life and medical expenses, and encouraged her to take care of her health, maintain an optimistic attitude, report difficulties and problems to the organization in a timely manner, and strive to make her life better.

Lu Sidong emphasized that veteran party members are witnesses, participants, and devotees of our party's centennial struggle, and have played a vanguard and exemplary role in their respective posts. Party organizations at all levels should earnestly care for and care for old party members, do a good job in service and guarantee work with heart and affection, properly solve all kinds of difficulties and problems encountered in the lives of old party members, and earnestly care for them ideologically, in life, and spiritually, so that they can truly feel the warmth of the party and the government. It is necessary to guide the majority of party members to learn from the outstanding old party members around them, inherit the spirit of hard work and selfless dedication of the older generation, carry forward the fine style, maintain the attitude of struggle, strive to be the first in the new era and new journey, and make contributions to the development of various undertakings in Sunan. (All-media reporter Zhang Haitao reports)

Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members
Sunan: Lu Sidong's "July 1st" visited the old party members

Editor of this issue: Zhang Lijuan

Preliminary review of this issue: Zhang Haitao

Review of this issue: Wu Shengwen

Final review of this issue: Wu Xuefeng