
6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

author:Sports and fitness number

If you don't understand some common sense of fitness first, many ineffective fitness behaviors will only waste your time and energy, not only will you not achieve good fitness results, but also cause harm to your body.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

These 6 useless fitness behaviors will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

1. Long-term excessive aerobic exercise will only hurt you

Excessive aerobic exercise will consume part of the body's muscles, thereby metabolizing the body's metabolism decreases, muscle loss is not conducive to muscle gain, and excessive aerobic exercise can not make you lose weight better, but will aggravate your body fatigue, make you feel tired, and your metabolic capacity will be weakened, so it is not better to have excessive aerobic exercise, proper aerobic exercise can not only reduce body fat rate, but also help with future fitness training.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

2. The fitness plan is set in stone

With the passage of fitness time, the state of the body itself changes and personal fitness pursuit after a period of fitness is constantly changing, if your fitness plan has been the same, then the fitness effect will only get worse and worse, entering the fitness bottleneck period, it is difficult to gain muscle. Therefore, during the fitness period, it is necessary to formulate and change the fitness plan according to your own needs and changes, so that the development of the body, the growth of muscles, and the intensity of fitness can be changed and constantly break through yourself.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

3. I don't exercise on weekdays, but I work out on weekends

Many people are usually busy with work and study and rarely have the habit of exercising, and their physical fitness and cardiopulmonary function are weak, but on the weekend, they will think about making up for a week's fitness training at one time, and work out frantically on the weekend, and finally exhaust themselves to death, but there is no good fitness effect, but let themselves give up fitness.

If you don't exercise for a long time, it is easy to have fitness accidents when you suddenly go to exercise, such as muscle strains, such as fitness accidents, and even more myolysis, so fitness exercises should be done within your ability, and people who usually lack exercise can go to the gym to run to improve physical fitness, or do small weight training, rather than blindly doing exercises that exceed the physical load.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

4. Don't stretch after fitness

Many people go to the shower directly after exercising, instead of doing stretching movements to relax the tension of the muscles, in the state of muscle congestion, the muscles will become harder and harder, which is not conducive to future fitness training, and muscle repair and growth will also be inhibited.

After exercising, be sure to do a few more sets of stretching movements to relax your muscles, so that the soreness of the muscles can be relieved, and it can also speed up the body's metabolism.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

5. Repeatedly exercise only one part of the muscles during the fitness process

Many people will only repeatedly target one muscle part when doing muscle building training during fitness, which will only make your muscle part tired, not only will not gain muscle, but it is easy to cause muscle fatigue and affect the effect of muscle gain.

For example, in order to pursue abdominal muscles, I am doing abdominal training 4 times a week, so that the muscles are overworked and have been torn, there is no way to repair and grow, and it is naturally difficult for abdominal muscles to appear. Over-targeting a certain muscle group can also affect the coordination and balance of the body's muscle development, and the fitness effect is very poor.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?

6. I keep staying up late after exercising

After fitness, the body is in a state of repair, and it takes a long time to recover better. If you keep staying up late after fitness, your body can't get a good rest and can't be repaired, and your body will always be in a state of fatigue, which will reduce your immunity, get worse and worse on muscle gain, and your health quality will also decline.

6 eggless fitness behaviors that will only waste time and energy, how many do you account for?


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