
The Chinese H-6K bomber flies at night and carries 4 hypersonic missiles

author:Strong Martial Arts

Since Lai Qingde's 520 speech, the collusion between "the United States and Taiwan" has become more and more frequent, and under the voice of US President Biden, in addition to the G7 group, Indian Prime Minister Modi has also had "public interaction" with Lai Qingde. Now it seems that at least eight countries will not allow the mainland to take over Taiwan by force. Recently, the United States, Japan, and the ROK conducted joint military exercises in the East China Sea, the purpose of which is self-evident.

First, these actions of the United States and its allies are forcing China to retreat. In the eyes of the United States, "using Taiwan to contain China" is a very important strategy, so when the measures taken by the mainland are becoming more and more severe, the United States is also giving more and more support to the Lai Qingde authorities. In addition to those mentioned at the beginning, Biden has publicly stated twice that he will not rule out military intervention in the Taiwan Strait, and US military officers have even threatened to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell" in order to threaten China and prevent cross-strait reunification.

The Chinese H-6K bomber flies at night and carries 4 hypersonic missiles

As for India, which has never sided with the side, this time it has also openly provoked the mainland, and the reason is actually very simple, in fact, it is the same as the United States. As a country with a "dream of a great power", although India has developed in recent years, the gap is still not small compared with China. As a neighbor of China, the strategic pressure felt by India is very high. Therefore, India has also joined the anti-China coterie formed by the United States, such as the "Quadrilateral Security Dialogue" mechanism. Then, it is reasonable to follow the United States to play the "Taiwan card." More importantly, there are still border differences between China and India, and India can also change the strategic deployment of the PLA by playing the "Taiwan card", so as to reduce the pressure on the Indian army on the border.

From these perspectives, for these countries, in order to achieve those ulterior motives, the "Taiwan card" "must" be played, and "must" force China to retreat.

The Chinese H-6K bomber flies at night and carries 4 hypersonic missiles

The second point is that with the solidarity of these countries, Lai Qingde is becoming more and more unscrupulous. Although Lai Qingde's attitude softened a lot a few days after the PLA military exercise around Taiwan, it didn't take long for Lai Qingde to start clamoring again, which was inseparable from the support of these countries behind him. For example, at the centennial celebration of Whampoa, Lai Qingde openly criticized Ma Ying-jeou's "first battle is the final battle", believing that this is "capitulationism" and cannot be accepted. For another example, after the mainland issued an opinion on punishing "Taiwan independence," Lai Qingde said that if he was identified as "Taiwan independence," "then more than 20 million people on the island would be 'Taiwan independence.'" This practice of openly "kidnapping" the people on the island to serve his own political self-interest shows that Lai Qingde does not realize the seriousness of the problem and is ready to go all the way down the road of "resisting reunification by force."

It is foreseeable that the more countries that fan the flames on the Taiwan Strait issue, the more rampant Lai Qingde will be, and in his view, these are "life-saving straws." However, he ignored the fact that these "life-saving straws" were also the "catalysts" for the demise of "Taiwan independence."

The Chinese H-6K bomber flies at night and carries 4 hypersonic missiles

Third, in the face of the military exercises of the United States, Japan and South Korea, China's H-6K bombers flew at night and responded with live ammunition. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) responded to the U.S.-led military exercise, and at the same time as their military exercise, the H-6K bomber took off for night flight, and, it is worth noting that this time the H-6K carried four YJ-21 hypersonic missiles. You must know that the range of the YJ-21 can reach up to 2,000 kilometers, and it is also known as the "aircraft carrier killer". The purpose of the PLA's action this time is obvious, although the United States can send aircraft carriers to intervene in the Taiwan Strait, the PLA's YJ-21 is not vegetarian, and the regional denial system led by it is completely capable of keeping the US military out of the Taiwan Strait.

Therefore, on the whole, the support that Lai Qingde received was all "on paper" and had no practical significance. At present, Lai Qingde has only one choice, that is, to support the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait, otherwise, it will be too late to regret it if the mainland begins to take "resolute measures."

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