
The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

author:Li Peng Peng Sports

Ronaldo once again burst into tears on the field, and this time the president cried sadly, not because the team was eliminated, but because he was slightly dissatisfied with his performance. He has not scored in seven or eight major tournaments, and he is under a lot of pressure, and the problem of kicking away a crucial penalty is indeed not the true level of this Portuguese legend. Fortunately, Costa saved the team, and one penalty save was magical enough, but unexpectedly, he did it three times!

'Even the strongest people have this moment of vulnerability and I'm disappointed and sad because the team needs that goal...... I didn't do it, I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later. "It is indeed sad for a sad president to say such words. You must know that he never admits defeat, but he is a model of perseverance in football, and he must sigh, and the twilight of heroes is often sad.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

Let's start with a penalty dropped

Ronaldo stood in front of the penalty spot, facing the opponent's goalkeeper, he did not choose to look directly, although he looked at the goal line, but his eyes were obviously a little wandering. It must be said that this is a 40-year-old veteran, and it is already excellent to be able to hold out until overtime, and it is normal to have no fitness at this time.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

On the contrary, the opposition goalkeeper was very relaxed, Oblak's swing showed his knowledge of Cristiano Ronaldo, and the ease and joy after the save also showed that he was not under pressure. After all, he was also a candidate for the world's No. 1 goalkeeper.

Unexpectedly, Ronaldo, who has always been full of fighting, actually hugged his head and looked at the sky in the slightly provocative mode of the other party. At this moment, even his iron fans must feel strange: where did the perfect president with unlimited combat power go?

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

After that, the comfort of his teammates caused Ronaldo to completely collapse, and his tears flowed out and fell on the green field that he was very familiar with. This must be a dissatisfaction with oneself, this must be a regret for missing a penalty.

You know, in every moment and every second in the past, it was always this man named Cristiano who saved Portugal; However, when it came time to grow old, it was he who was saved.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

Such a contrast is unacceptable to the president, and it is rare to shed tears on the field. Of course, it must be said that if this goal is scored, the game will probably be over.

He tried his best, but he was really old

Of course, from a technical and tactical point of view, the president is really old. The problem of scoring in multiple rounds of competitions has made a top scorer a little helpless, although he is still fighting hard to create and seize opportunities, but his legs do not listen to him, the acceleration has lost its former power, and the shooting has begun to be more or less lost.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

This is the inevitable law of nature in the football world, this is the problem caused by the increase of age, and this is the difficulty that everyone will encounter when they reach this age.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

However, there can still be no doubt about his efforts, as long as he plays for half a second, he will dedicate half a second, as a captain, his value, his leadership, and his self-confidence in leading the team still exist. This is an inevitable fact.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

Don't worry about the road ahead, there is no one to know

Analogous to Mbappe, Cristiano Ronaldo is also "lucky", Muani's own goal and Costa's excellent performances have kept these two chances of qualifying, giving them the possibility of continuing to compete for the trophy dream. For Ronaldo, this round of crying may be exchanged for good luck in the next round, he is still working hard, and his story is not over.

For example, in the penalty shootout, he completed his redemption and scored the crucial penalty.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

Of course, as a newcomer who admires his younger brother, Mbappe, being able to meet is really a wonderful arrangement from God. Next season, Mbappe is about to follow the old path of Cristiano Ronaldo and start a new story of his career at the Bernabeu; He also longs to be like Ronaldo, carving his own exclusive brilliance. Champions League, Ballon d'Or, World Footballer of the Year, these shiny names, Mbappe wants them too much.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

Therefore, even if Ronaldo really gets old one day, even if Ronaldo is really going to retire one day, in fact, it doesn't matter, the glorious story he created has already inspired too many young people, they will chase his path, they will compare his past, they will imitate his efforts, and they will continue the glory of his old writing.

The crying Ronaldo is helpless due to the aging of his functions, but the heart of the brave still inspires people to move forward

Don't worry about the road ahead, no one in the world knows you.