
On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

author:Whampoa Life Hub


On TV:

Huangpu relocated to the community

The heat is scorching and the power outages are frequent

There were six power outages in a week

Recently, residents of Wenchong resettlement houses in Huangpu District, Guangzhou reported to Guangdong Minsheng TV that in the past week, there have been frequent power outages in the community, and each power outage is at night, causing everyone to be so hot that they can't sleep.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

Residents living in buildings C1 and C2 revealed that there have been six power outages in the building in the past week.

Residents said there would be power outages at 9 p.m. every day, sometimes 10 p.m., and each outage would last an hour and a half. This situation started more than ten days ago, I haven't tried it before, it was only this summer, and it stopped at ten o'clock in the evening on the 29th, and stopped again in the middle of the night.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

It is understood that buildings C1 and C2 are the resettlement houses of Wenchong Phase 5, which have been closed for about a year. At present, most of the villagers have moved in, including many elderly people and children.

Residents reported that there are more than 200 families in these two buildings, and the elderly and children are more likely to suffer from heat stroke.

The temperature in Guangzhou has reached more than 30 degrees Celsius in recent days, and every time there is a power outage at night, many residents can only go downstairs to find a cool place, and may need to take a shower several times a day, and sometimes even the whole family has to go downstairs because it is too hot indoors.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

Another resident reflected: "Even taking a bath is a problem, the house is dark, I don't know where to escape the heat, I take a bath in vain, and the food in the refrigerator is also broken." ”

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

During the final exams, Ms. Zhang's two children were unable to concentrate on revision due to the heat and often made noise at home. Now, as soon as the children come home, Ms. Zhang urges them to take a shower first, otherwise there is no hot water to bathe.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

It's time for the final exams, and it's so hot that I can't sleep well every night, and I usually don't fall asleep until 12 p.m. or 1 a.m. In order to cope with the high temperature, they also recently bought an outdoor fan so that they could blow some wind at night, and they also chose to buy a charging one, otherwise they would not be able to use it.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"


It has been more than a year since the repossession of the building

Still using Pro Power?

It is understood that on January 7, 2023, a celebration with the theme of "Happiness in Guangdong - Opening Ceremony of Xingfuli in Wenchong Historical and Cultural District, Guangzhou and the Joy of Housewarming in Wenchong Relocation Phase V (Building C1C2)" was held in Liudetai Square of "Guangzhou Happiness Lane" in Wenchong Street.

This marks the official opening of Xingfuli in Wenchong Historical and Cultural District, and the successful completion of the delivery of 248 sets of relocation houses in Building C1C2 of the fifth phase of the relocation house.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangzhou Huangpu release

In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the relevant situation, the TV reporter went to the Wenchong Property Management Office for an interview.

The relevant person in charge replied: Although buildings C1 and C2 have been delivered for one year, they still use the temporary power supply left by the Vanke project department. The property had been monitoring the temperature and current of the cables to ensure the proper operation of the temporary cables, but as the weather heated up, the power was overloaded, causing the existing switchgear to overload, triggering trip protection.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

In other words, the existing switch is overloaded, and it will trip if it cannot meet the actual needs of the site. The property can only wait for the equipment to cool down after the trip before re-supplying the power, and they are doing their best to ensure the electricity needs of the residents.

The person in charge said that at present, the property management office has also been communicating upwards to promote the transformation of temporary electricity into municipal electricity as soon as possible. Before the official conversion, they plan to take temporary measures, such as adding cables to share the load, with a view to improving the power supply situation.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

Vanke's brand department revealed to the TV reporter that in order to meet the villagers' desire to move into their new homes as soon as possible, the building was delivered to the villagers after it was completed and accepted.

Due to the peak of electricity consumption caused by high temperature in summer, the voltage stability has decreased, and the developer has arranged emergency line maintenance as soon as possible to ensure the living needs of the villagers. At present, it has been declared that the municipal electricity will be switched in July, and it is expected that the electricity problem can be completely solved this month.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

In addition, the editor inquired from the leadership message board that the same problem also occurred in the eighth phase of Wenchong resettlement housing?

On June 2, a netizen left a message saying that the eighth phase of Wenchong Resettlement Housing has had frequent power outages since the handover of the building, and although the property and developers have been contacted many times, the problem has never been fundamentally solved. As the weather gets hotter and hotter, frequent power outages have brought trouble to the daily life of residents, and these electrical appliances have been damaged to a certain extent in the long term, and even shorten the use time, please help solve this problem.

So far, there has been no official reply.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Screenshot source: leadership message board

It is reported that the eighth phase of Wenchong Relocation Housing will be delivered in December 2023, including two residential buildings H7 and H8, which is located opposite Area F of Vanke City Light on Wenchong Middle Road, close to Phase 7 of Relocation Housing and Xingfu Lane.

It has been more than half a year since the building was closed, and according to the situation of Phase 5, is Phase 8 also using temporary power supply? If so, it is hoped that the developer can also apply for the switch of municipal electricity as soon as possible to solve the problem of residents' electricity troubles.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Guangdong Minsheng "DV Scene"

Vanke City Light, the Internet celebrity real estate, is a commercial house in Vanke's old renovation project west of Wenchong Shihua Road in Laohuangpu, and it is basically sold at present. However, Vanke's renovation project has not yet been completed, including the construction of commercial facilities and the ninth phase of relocation housing, as well as the relocation of financial plots.

According to the latest official reply on May 24, the transformation of the urban village west of Wenchong Shihua Road is divided into 10 phases, including phases 1 to 9 and financial plots. At present, the construction of phases 1-8 of the relocation house has been completed, and the 9th phase of the relocation house is under construction and is expected to be completed in 2027.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Screenshot source: leadership message board

The construction of the financial plot has started in 2020, and the approval, exploration, and assessment of the impact of the financial plot have been completed, and the pile foundation and support units have entered the site one after another, and it is expected to be completed in 2026.

According to information provided by villagers in May, a number of large machinery and equipment, including excavators and pile drivers, are parked on the construction site of the financial plot, and construction workers are also working.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Source: Wenchong Life Circle

In addition, there are also netizens who inquire about the change of the plan for the number of floors of the ninth phase of construction, the original plan is 44 floors, and the plan will be changed to 33 floors in 2022.

On June 17, the official reply: It is understood that in 2022, the ninth phase of the resettlement housing of the urban village reconstruction project west of Wenchong Shihua Road will be affected by the floor height control regulations, and the overall building height will be restricted, and the type and number of resettlement houses that have been shaken have not changed.

At present, Wenchong Economic Cooperative, Wenchong Street, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City, is formulating a plan with the developer to organize the affected villagers above 34 floors to renegotiate the floors, and the villagers will be notified in time after the plan is to be voted.

On TV: Huangpu, a relocated community, has power outages six times a week? Villager: Sorry!

△ Screenshot source: leadership message board

Finally, it is a good thing to continue to promote the work related to the relocation of housing, but as far as the fifth phase is concerned, everyone has been moving in for more than a year, and they are still using temporary electricity, so what is the point of handing over the building early?

At present, what the residents of Phase 5 hope most is that the project department can speed up the progress and switch to municipal electricity as soon as possible; The residents of Phase 8 also hope that the problem of frequent power outages can be solved as soon as possible, so that everyone's minimum quality of life can be guaranteed.


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