
"Executive Judge" 08: What is Fang Qiang afraid of? Even if he is afraid, he can settle down

author:Golden beans

I really don't understand, what is Fang Qiang in "Executive Judge" afraid of?

"Executive Judge" 08: What is Fang Qiang afraid of? Even if he is afraid, he can settle down

Afraid of dogs? Afraid of bites? Or are you afraid of people?

Big brother, your 10% stake is worth 30 million in Qin Hong's mouth, don't you know what you hold in your hand? It's an opportunity to change your life.

If you miss it, you won't have it.

Do you think there is more? How can there be?

You are not Qi Lin, graduated from a prestigious school, worked as a judge in the court, and from time to time you can come into contact with some upper-class people.

You are an idle person in society, to put it mildly, you are a gangster, and when you encounter this kind of opportunity, you must seize it desperately!

Don't you want your parents to look down on you? Do you still want to see the eyes of your parents who hate you?

Not to mention that his parents hate him anymore, the audience hates him anymore.

"Executive Judge" 08: What is Fang Qiang afraid of? Even if he is afraid, he can settle down

Qin Hong's one is stopping him! Fang Qiang can not believe Qin Hong, Qin Hong is indeed not worthy of being trusted, and she has no good intentions, but Fang Qiang should really take a good look at the woman in front of him.

But are people sitting in the lobby of Chen Qilun's company?

She's not afraid, what are you afraid of?

And those who hold banknotes and ask for shares in the buyer's strong hand, they are not afraid, what are you afraid of?

It is said that those who are barefoot are not afraid of wearing shoes, but now those who wear shoes are not afraid, but those who are barefoot are afraid first.

it, it's awkward.

Fang Qiang was arrested, he was threatened, didn't those people let you go in the end?

This look is scary, what age is this? The shares in Fang Qiang's hands are his talisman.

Besides, what can you not take risks at all? Do you want to make money?

If you're really scared, it's okay to choose to be safe! Don't expect the 30 million in Qin Hong's mouth, didn't someone offer him 4 million before?

Fang Qiang's shares can be sold at any time.

He was good, he didn't dare to ask for a point, and signed the contract directly.

"Executive Judge" 08: What is Fang Qiang afraid of? Even if he is afraid, he can settle down

In the end, Li Bo gave him 50,000 yuan charitably, and he still has to thank others? They should really rest you!

"Executive Judge" 07: Qi Runyu also has a problem with Fang Qiang's attitude, and frustration education is not right for adults