
When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

author:Xiaobai food

Speaking of my neighbor, it really makes me cry and laugh, angry and annoyed!

In the communities where I lived before, the neighborhood relationship was very harmonious, it was really like a spring breeze, and I deeply felt the beauty of "distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors". But here, everything changes.

When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

This strange neighbor has never stopped from morning to night. All day long, making all kinds of noise, either here or there, I felt like my ears were going to be tormented out of calluses. There are still mountains of garbage at the door, the hallway is full of their shoes, and in the summer, they can be seen moving a bench to sit there and brush their shoes, which is like the back garden of their home. In the past few years, I haven't had a few days of pure life, and I have endured it every day, and I can't bear it anymore!

When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

Let's talk about their door first, my door is good, they have to say that the two doors are too close to each other to be beautiful. I also dislike that my door is small and old-fashioned, so I have to change it. I'm wondering, what's in their way? I'm not going to change it to mine, am I? They're really looking for trouble! And their house has a bunch of things, the door is full of them, and they like to grow vegetables when they have nothing to do, which is really speechless. Put a bunch of agricultural supplies at the door, I have endured it for so long, and now I really can't stand it, everyone help me find a way, every day when I go out, the fire comes up, and when I get home from work, the fire comes again. Don't want to go home.

Another time, when it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, the neighbor came to me and said that he couldn't drive because he was drinking at home, and asked me to drive his car to the station to pick up his sister. I was confused, what kind of logic is this? I have a family with children, who is fine! And you're just a nodding acquaintance, and I don't know anything about my surname. I euphemistically said that I couldn't go, my wife was not at home, and the children were still young and I didn't feel at ease at home. As a result, he was still angry, and he took this matter for granted? Can't you call her sister if you can't go by yourself?

When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

It's a garbage dump in front of their house, and there's a mess of everything. Recently, it has been even more excessive, and I actually put the baby stroller in the elevator room in front of my house, how many sundries are there! And the eldest brother's mother, picking up cardboard boxes and plastic bottles every day, and the cardboard boxes and plastic buckets piled up in the corridor are simply a paradise for cockroaches!

When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

What broke me the most was that they didn't stop in the middle of the night. One moment the child cries, the other time the husband and wife quarrel, and they can toss until one or two o'clock in the night. I have to go to work the next day, and I can't sleep because of their noise. I'm going crazy, how can I live this day!

I sometimes wonder if I should sell my house and get away from this strange neighbor. But I am not reconciled, why should I give up my house because of them?

When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

So I decided that I couldn't be so weak anymore. I'm going to find a suitable opportunity to talk to my neighbor and tell him all about my grievances and thoughts. If he still doesn't change, then I'll look for a property, and if it doesn't work, I'll solve it through legal means. I also wanted to organize a neighborhood party or something, so that everyone could get to know each other, maybe that would make him aware of his problems.

I'm also trying to adjust my mindset and not let this strange neighbor affect my life. I started listening to music, doing sports, reading books, and trying to keep myself calm in the face of these troubles.

When you encounter this kind of strange "neighbor", you just want to sell your house and leave, and the longer you get along, the more unlucky you are!

Life is like this, there is sunshine and wind and rain, but we cannot be defeated by wind and rain. I believe that as long as I persevere, I can always find a solution to the problem and get back to my original peaceful and beautiful life.

Friends, have you ever met such a strange neighbor? How did you deal with it? Come and share it with me! Let's find our own peace and happiness in this complicated life together!