
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

author:New bell tower
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

Today's clock tower

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

A few days ago, the 34th National Land Day in Jiangsu Province was held in Yangzhou, and the medals of "Jiangsu Province Natural Resources Conservation and Intensive Utilization Model County (City, District)" and "Jiangsu Province Land Law Enforcement Model County (City, District)" were awarded on the spot. In 2023, Zhonglou District was awarded the title of the first batch of "Natural Resources Conservation and Intensive Demonstration Counties (Cities)" in the country, and achieved the honorary "Grand Slam" within two years.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

In 2023, the GDP of Zhonglou District will reach 94.33 billion yuan, the per capita GDP will reach 141,100 yuan, the average annual land supply rate will reach 98%, the average annual stock land supply rate will reach 82%, and the construction land use area per unit GDP will reach 10 hectares per 100 million yuan, contributing 10% of the city's total economic output with 3% of the city's land.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

Behind a series of honors and achievements, Zhonglou District has thoroughly studied and implemented Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, implemented the strictest system of cultivated land protection and land conservation, adapted measures to local conditions, implemented comprehensive policies, and strived to promote the conservation and intensive use of natural resources. For a long time, Zhonglou District has been aiming at the conservation and intensive utilization of natural resources and the creation of land law enforcement, constantly improving the organizational structure, innovating policies and mechanisms, strictly supervising and managing it, actively exploring new models of saving and intensive land use, and creating a new atmosphere of land management in accordance with laws and regulations.

Guided by planning, a new pattern of land space development and protection will be constructed.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

In recent years, Zhonglou District has adhered to the concept of "planning science is the greatest benefit, planning mistakes are the biggest waste, and planning toss is the biggest taboo", compiled the annual list of key planning projects for five consecutive years, and successively carried out the preparation of 73 planning projects such as "Zhonglou District Land and Space Planning", "Spatial Development Master Plan" and "Comprehensive Transportation Planning", and carried out all-round planning research on Zhonglou District from the fields of strategic planning, special planning, urban design, etc., and gradually formed a land and space planning as the guide and detailed planning as the basis. The planning support system supplemented by special planning, with planning research and urban design as the method, ensures that every inch of land is planned clearly and clearly.

Innovate and change, and achieve a breakthrough in the conservation and intensive utilization of natural resources.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

In the upgrading and remediation of industrial parks, the "7+X" comprehensive evaluation index system was pioneered, and a "three-level" enterprise evaluation classification was formed, and 36 stock industrial projects were implemented in the past two years, with an average floor area ratio increase of 85%; There are 46 new industrial projects, with an average plot ratio of over 2.0 and an average tax revenue of over 400,000 yuan per mu, and the "double contract" supervision has achieved full coverage. Deepening the "list + special class" mechanism, it has successively issued the "Implementation Rules for the General Evaluation and Design Review of Construction Projects" and "Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Strict Land Transfer Procedures" and other working mechanisms, from 30 hours to 28 hours, constantly refreshing the fastest record of "starting construction when land is acquired".

Precise prevention and control, and create a new model of digital technology-enabled management.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

Increase the "civil air defense + technical defense" and other innovation and improve the way of supervision, become the province's real-time intelligent supervision pilot area, based on the tower base monitoring equipment, the Zhonglou District cultivated land resources for all-weather automatic inspection, regular capture of photos and through artificial intelligence recognition technology to automatically monitor and screen all kinds of suspected illegal acts, timely generation of early warning, and return the verification and disposal results to the natural resources "cloud supervision" platform system, the formation of a closed loop of law enforcement and supervision, to achieve the discovery of natural resources violations of automation, identification of intelligent, real-time early warning, disposal networking, digitalization of supervision, out of a "grid + intelligent" natural resources law enforcement and supervision of a new path. The problem of "non-grain" cultivated land protection supervision has maintained a "zero" record for three consecutive years. Zou District Town has been awarded the commendation of municipal cultivated land protection incentive unit for three consecutive years. Promote the coordination mechanism of "forest chief + river chief + road chief + fire protection + grid member + forest ranger", and gradually build a work pattern of complementary advantages, resource sharing, and joint prevention and control.

Take the lead in demonstrating and exploring a new model for the protection of natural resources in the whole region.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

In view of the current characteristics of permanent basic farmland, such as scattered and scattered permanent basic farmland, poor regularity, and mixed with construction land, Zhonglou District implements a dynamic protection mechanism for permanent basic farmland, and explores and optimizes the layout of permanent basic farmland through the implementation of "dual control" of permanent basic farmland. Zou District Town, Zhonglou District, has actively carried out the comprehensive renovation project of land and space, which is the first "provincial demonstration project of comprehensive improvement of land and space" that has passed the provincial review and obtained provincial approval. The project clearly implements 13 sub-projects in four categories: agricultural land consolidation, construction land consolidation, ecological protection and restoration, and public space governance, forming a rural production, life, and ecological space layout of "five pieces along the way, and two belts and four hearts". The city's urban-rural integration development model has emerged, effectively improving the agricultural production, living conditions and rural ecological environment in the demonstration area, and playing a strong demonstration role in promoting rural revitalization.

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!

In the future, Zhonglou District will cherish the honor, fully implement the national, provincial and municipal decision-making and deployment, climb to the heights, strive to be the first, do a good job in the conservation and intensive utilization of natural resources, actively explore new conditions and new ways to improve the allocation and utilization efficiency of land resources, and make every effort to build a first-class modern urban area in the Yangtze River Delta.

Source: Bell Tower Natural Resources and Planning Bureau

The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
The "double model" bell tower is the first time! The only one in the city!
