
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model

author:Netinfo Yutian
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model

Today I will tell you the story of the old model Jia Chaojiang.

Last spring, 73-year-old Jia Lao fell ill and underwent a total gastric resection at Tangshan People's Hospital. During the period of recovery from discharge, the old man still ran on the road of re-examination and treatment and voluntary haircut for the people with tenacious perseverance and a fiery love to serve the people. The old man made his vow at the age of thirteen, and now it has been sixty-one years, rain or shine, and his heart is like fire.

During the illness of the elderly, they also received help and care from the leaders of relevant departments and the majority of caring people. The elderly take everyone's care and love as the driving force, and after taking care of their bodies, they continue to give back to the society with a grateful heart. Because the body was still in the recovery period, the elderly could not go far at that time, so they went to the city's Boyong Park, the underground square and Xusheng Park, as well as several nearby nursing homes to serve the elderly. In order to better dedicate himself to everyone, Jia Lao even ranked the order of his voluntary haircuts, set the time, and fixed the day and where. Over the years, serving everyone has long become the norm in Jia Lao's life.

Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model

This year, the old man's health is getting better and better, and he has extended the footprints of voluntary haircuts to Liu Xianzhuang Village in Yahongqiao. The 10th and 25th of each month passed, and it was a day to give haircuts to nearly thirty elderly people. Every time he followed the commuter bus from the city, the old people in the village welcomed him very much and appreciated him even more. Jia Lao also goes to the hospital from time to time to give haircuts to those patients who are hospitalized. In April of this year, when my mother was sick and hospitalized, the old man took the opportunity to go to the hospital for a follow-up examination, and personally visited my mother and gave her a haircut. Yesterday, Mr. Jia told me again that the Marxist-Leninist Institute in Tangshan had come to his house to look for him, and he personally sent him the letter of appointment of the off-campus counselor. The old man was very happy, and immediately called me to tell me the news, and warmly invited me to go with him someday. At four o'clock this afternoon, Jia Lao was invited by Yutian Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to serve the hospitalized patients with everyone in the past, and there were fifteen or sixteen of them. To be honest, in the past six months, because of family affairs and some temporary writing tasks, I rarely go out with the elderly, and I am very ashamed of the old man's words. Sometimes I can't help but think that Jia Lao's persistence for more than 60 years may be the understanding and support of his family, as well as the sincere care of those who have been taken care of by him in the society, which has given the old man infinite strength, so that he has adhered to his original intention for more than 60 years, and his belief in learning from Lei Feng to volunteer haircuts for the people is stronger than a rock.

Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model
Stick to Lei Feng Road, push and cut and send affection - talk about Jia Chaojiang, a moral model