
Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

author:Beautiful girl said entertainment



In this lively summer vacation, not only is the weather hot, but people's mood is also warmed up by the reunion. As the saying goes, "home and everything prospers", the happiness of the family and the joy of reunion can always bring infinite positive energy to people. Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, a couple, grabbed the tail of the children's summer vacation and flew to Taipei to prepare to spend an unforgettable time with the children.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

At the same time, Zhang Lan's old man was not far behind, and appeared at the airport excitedly, ready to join this family reunion. In this digital era, a video of Aunt Xiao Yang inadvertently revealed their secret destination, which sparked a heated discussion among netizens.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

The small family details revealed by Zhang Lan in the live broadcast room, and Linlin's deeds of specially cutting her hair in order to see her grandmother, added a bit of warmth.

Where will their families write their happy chapters this summer? Could it be this beautiful place that has been leaked by Aunt Xiao Yang's video now?

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

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When Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei flew to Taipei with their children, the entire airport was filled with their laughter. The summer heat also seems to be getting less hot, as the family reunion brings a hint of coolness.

Although Zhang Lan is old, her mood is like a kite in the sky, flying to the clouds with the plane. Her appearance at the airport is not only a simple start to a trip, but also a beautiful moment of family reunion.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

Although the destination this time is not explicitly stated, you can get a glimpse of it from Aunt Xiaoyang's video.

The seaside scenery in the video is beautiful, and the children on the beach are running and playing, and their laughter almost bursts through the screen, infecting everyone who watches.

Linlin's neat haircut specially to see her grandmother, coupled with her innocent smile, is undoubtedly the most moving scenery this summer.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

And Wang Xiaofei mentioned in the live broadcast room that the importance of children's education from an early age is particularly important at this moment.

He emphasized not only learning knowledge, but also cultivating children's outlook on life, values and worldview. This warmth of family and the power of education cannot be replaced by any school or book.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

This reunion is not just a simple trip, it is more like a family party. Everyone is expressing their love for this home in their own way. Big S's sentence on Weibo "Good days will come" is not the best interpretation of this happy time now?

Her childlike innocence is still alive, and by cutting her hair short and making faces, she shows not only a kind of relaxation, but also a deep love for life.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

On this trip, everyone found their own joy. The children left their laughing footprints on the beach, while the adults shared their stories in the evening breeze.

Such a time, simple and warm, is the purest happiness in everyone's heart.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

Sublimation at the end

Through this family reunion, it is not difficult for us to find that no matter how the world changes, the warmth of home is always a harbor for people's hearts.

Zhang Lan, Wang Xiaofei and Da S's actions have shown us the importance of family and the power of family affection.

In this fast-paced society, perhaps we should think more about how to grasp every moment with our families.

Big S makes a grimace at home! The child and grandmother are on vacation in Japan, and Xiao Linlin specially cuts her hair to see her grandmother

In the warmth of home, everyone can find their own peace and happiness. Let us not forget our original intention, cherish the people around us, and create more "good days" with our families.

Because in this world, it is really hard to find a warmer place than home!


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