
Tencent has made a move! Cracking down on the remarks of "inciting confrontation between China and Japan", netizens have fried the pot!


Some of Tencent's recent initiatives have sparked widespread attention and discussion from all walks of life. Tencent's efforts to rectify some inappropriate remarks that incite antagonistic emotions not only demonstrate the company's sense of social responsibility, but also take a positive step towards building a harmonious and healthy cyberspace.

Tencent has made a move! Cracking down on the remarks of "inciting confrontation between China and Japan", netizens have fried the pot!

In the age of the Internet, freedom of speech is a double-edged sword. It gives us the right to speak our minds, but it can also be misused to spread rumors and spread hatred. Tencent's move has undoubtedly pressed the "pause button" on those who try to sow discord and create confrontation.

Tencent has made a move! Cracking down on the remarks of "inciting confrontation between China and Japan", netizens have fried the pot!

Tencent's efforts alone are not enough. Building a clear network requires the participation of the whole society. As ordinary netizens, we should improve our own quality, do not believe or spread rumors, and express our opinions in a rational and friendly manner. When encountering inappropriate remarks, we must have the courage to report them and resolutely resist them, so that the rumors will lose the soil for them to spread.

Tencent has made a move! Cracking down on the remarks of "inciting confrontation between China and Japan", netizens have fried the pot!

Looking back on the past, from cracking down on online rumors to rectifying online violence, to curbing inciting antagonistic speech, every special action has marked an in-depth advancement in the governance of the online environment.

Tencent has made a move! Cracking down on the remarks of "inciting confrontation between China and Japan", netizens have fried the pot!

These efforts have made our online home more pure and harmonious. We look forward to more responsible and effective Internet companies like Tencent joining this "Clean Network Action" in the future to jointly protect our cyber home.

Tencent has made a move! Cracking down on the remarks of "inciting confrontation between China and Japan", netizens have fried the pot!

Cyberspace is vast, it is not only an ocean of knowledge, but also a station for the soul. In this land of freedom, let us work together to build a firewall with civilization and harmony, and jointly create a positive and positive online world.