
The first new intelligent reading space in our state was unveiled and opened

author:Yanji sound

On June 29, under the guidance of the State Bureau of Culture, Radio, and Tourism, Yanbian Library and Yanji Xinhua Bookstore, the first new intelligent reading space in our state - the smart city study room "Yuexiang e-Station" was officially unveiled and opened to the public free of charge.

The first new intelligent reading space in our state was unveiled and opened

Located on the fourth floor of Yanji Xinhua Bookstore, the smart city study room "Yuexiang e-Station" provides readers with "one-stop" reading experience services with intelligent and digital services as the main content. Its services include book borrowing, graded reading for children, reading kiosks, audio-visual capsules and other modern digital intelligent services. At the same time, brand reader activities, lectures, exhibitions, etc. are carried out from time to time throughout the year to achieve "service activities and normalization of activities" in an all-round way. In addition, the smart city study room is also set up with self-service water bar, coffee bar and other leisure spaces, which can meet the diversified and personalized needs of readers.

The first new intelligent reading space in our state was unveiled and opened

The completion and opening of the smart city study room aims to allow the masses to enjoy high-quality public cultural services, create a "cultural living room" at the "doorstep" of the masses, let the results of cultural development benefit more people, effectively solve the "last mile" problem of public reading services, further expand the depth and breadth of national reading, help promote the construction of "scholarly Yanbian", and enhance the cultural taste and cultural atmosphere of the city.

The first new intelligent reading space in our state was unveiled and opened

On the day of the unveiling ceremony, dozens of readers experienced digital equipment and related services such as reading kiosks, Goethe electronic borrowing machines, 4D scribble creations for scholars, and U3D integrated reading all-in-one machines, and deeply experienced the new reading experience brought by digitalization.

(Yanbian Daily, Yanbian Morning News)