
The party flag is flying|Glory in the party for 50 years, work hard to keep the original intention

author:and the United States Nankai

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Nankai District carried out celebrations and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the veteran party members who have reached 50 years of party age.

The party flag is flying|Glory in the party for 50 years, work hard to keep the original intention

Yaoyuanli Community, Xingnan Street, held a commemorative medal awarding activity of "not forgetting the original intention, forging ahead, and being glorious in the party for 50 years", and awarded commemorative medals to 8 old party members in the community. At the event site, the "National Anthem" was first played and sung; The scene also specially arranged to review the oath of joining the party, and the sonorous oath of the old party members echoed for a long time, as if returning to those eventful years; Through chorus and recitation, the community choir and children conveyed the people's deep feelings for the party and the motherland.

The party flag is flying|Glory in the party for 50 years, work hard to keep the original intention

The sports center street held a theme activity of "remembering the party's kindness and forging ahead" to celebrate "July 1st". More than 70 people participated in the event, including representatives of veteran party members who have been "glorious in the party for 50 years", party members of neighborhood organs, secretaries of community party organizations, representatives of retired party members of organs, representatives of "two new" party members, representatives of new development party members, and representatives of democratic parties. The event distributed commemorative medals issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China to the representatives of veteran party members who have been honored in the party for 50 years, and at the same time presented flowers to congratulate them. The old party members proudly held up the medals on their chests, and their faces were filled with happy smiles. After the award of the commemorative medal, representatives of veteran party members took the stage to share their thoughts on the party's 50 years. All the participants watched the micro-video "I want to say to the party". Young party members and development targets from the streets and communities, as the fresh blood and reserve force of the party members, came to the stage to tell the story of the red family letter of the revolutionary martyrs.

The party flag is flying|Glory in the party for 50 years, work hard to keep the original intention

Xuefu Street held a commemorative medal awarding ceremony for "50 years of glory in the party". The award ceremony kicked off with the solemn national anthem, and all the party members who participated in the event stood up and sang the national anthem in unison. A short video of old party members saying a word to the party was played on the spot, and the camera recorded the voice of not forgetting the original intention and mission, and every picture was full of the precipitation and power of faith over the years. The responsible comrades of the Party Working Committee of the sub-district awarded commemorative medals to the representatives of the party members of "50 years of glory in the party". The commemorative medals shine with the glorious history of selfless dedication and loyalty of the old party members. Liu Qiuli, a retired military party member, spoke on behalf of the old party members, saying that the commemorative medal on his chest is the glory of his life, and he will continue to carry forward the glorious tradition in the future, continue the blood of the communists, and contribute his own strength to the development of the party and the country.

The party flag is flying|Glory in the party for 50 years, work hard to keep the original intention

The community of Guanyuanli on Water Park Street held the July 1st commendation activity of "Cohesion and Cohesion to Cast the Soul of the Party", and awarded commemorative medals to the 50-year-old party members who have been glorious in the party, and honorary certificates were awarded to the outstanding party branches, outstanding party branch secretaries and outstanding party members in the community. Subsequently, the community carried out a literary and artistic performance, and 10 cultural and sports teams and representatives of retired soldiers in the community brought the chorus "Ode to the Motherland", the Ping Opera "Embroidering the Red Flag", the Yangge performance "Sing Mountain Songs to the Party Again", the sign language "Grateful Heart", the solo dance "The Backbone of China", the duet "Our Motherland Song Sweet Flowers", the allegro "Baiquan Tu", cross talk and other wonderful performances. It is hoped that the majority of retired soldiers will stand at a new historical starting point, enhance their sense of honor and mission, inherit the red gene, and cultivate patriotic feelings.

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