
Story: Snake Man

author:Lilac 180

There is a son of a family named Hua Yu in Meizhou City, he likes to eat snake meat in his life, and he will have a plate at every meal, so there will be hunters to send snakes to the door every day.

His mother, Fang, believed in Buddhism, and saw that snakes died every day because of her son, so she often advised her son to quit this appetite, saying that snakes are spiritual animals, and a large amount of predation will be retributed.

Story: Snake Man

Hua Yu didn't care, he had eaten the snake for so many years, and he didn't see any retribution on him.

Seeing that he could not persuade his son, Fang was worried that his son would suffer retribution in the future, so he moved to live in the Buddhist hall, chanting scriptures for his son every day, and copying scriptures, hoping to alleviate his son's sins.

One day, Hua Yu suddenly felt a little itchy in his arm, but he just scratched it a few times, and he didn't care. Two days later, he noticed that the skin on half of his arm was similar to snake skin, so he asked a doctor to come and see him.

This doctor is a famous local doctor, he has been practicing medicine for decades, and he has never seen this strange disease, so he can only say apologetically: "The old man can't do anything, please be smart!" After speaking, he picked up the medicine box and said goodbye and left.

Story: Snake Man

Seeing his son's itchy face full of pain, he kept scratching every inch of skin on his body, and every time he scratched it, snake skin would grow until it spread all over his body, leaving only his face intact. Because of this, Hua Yu rarely appears in front of people, for fear that others will find out about his strange appearance and say that he is a snake monster.

Only then did the Fang clan know that this was the punishment of the Snake Ancestor for his son. She could only watch her son struggle in pain on the bed, but she couldn't do anything, so she hugged her son and cried.

At this time, a subordinate hurriedly came to report: "Madam, there is a wandering monk from outside the door, and he said that he has a medical treatment for the young master."

Fang was overjoyed, hurriedly invited someone in, and knelt down and begged: "Master, save my son!"

Story: Snake Man

The wandering monk hurriedly said: "Donor, please hurry up, Hua De (Hua Yu's father) was kind to me when he was alive, and he calculated that Ling Gongzi was in trouble a few days ago, so he came to help", and took out a pill for Fang Yu to take.

After taking the pill, Hua Yu suddenly felt no itch or pain, his heart was overjoyed, he hurriedly rolled up his sleeves to see that the snake skin was still there, and hurriedly asked the wandering monk what was the matter.

The wandering monk looked at Hua Yu and replied: "You have fallen under the curse of the snake ancestor, if you want to break this curse, you must do a good deed every day, and you must not have evil thoughts and eat snake meat; For every person you help through, you restore an inch of your skin. With that, he took his leave and left.

After this experience, Huayu talked about the snake's color change, let alone eating the snake. In order to become an ordinary person, he would go out every day to help the poor, and at the same time, the skin on his body was restored to its original state little by little.

Story: Snake Man

Looking at their expressions of gratitude, Huayu found the meaning of life. In the past, he only did good deeds for himself, but after that, it became his own life principle.

Since then, Huayu has been more attentive to the family business. The shops and restaurants in Washington's name have gradually grown under his careful care, and half of the money earned each month will be used to help others tide over difficulties, as well as to set up schools in remote and poor areas for people to study for free. Gradually, his image became taller in people's hearts, and every time I saw him, they all respected him as a "good man of Yuda".