
I am grateful for the sparks that year, and welcome the peace of the world today

author:Micro blue dot ink Lily
I am grateful for the sparks that year, and welcome the peace of the world today

In the fiery July, with the warmth of summer, in the sun and the growth of all things, everything is good and good, the memory of the affectionate years, the elegance of the passage of time, the loyalty and fiery feelings of the heart and line, offer the most beautiful red and the most verdant verdant in the world, bless the party's birthday, thank you for the sparks of that year, and welcome the peace of the world today.

Looking back at history, revisiting the oath, singing a mountain song, reciting a clear word, filling in a heart poem, looking up at the bright sparkle of the night sky together, as if seeing the stars on Jinggang Mountain that year, the fire of the prairie is shining in the land of China, so how many shining names, with them and their clear love for the party, and the party's birthday are engraved in the monument of history, engraved in the peace of the world in the prosperous world, every time I think of it, I am deeply grateful.

"A small bamboo row, in the middle of the river, walking on both sides of the towering green mountains, the eagle spreads its wings and flies, even if the wind and rain are sudden, the burden of revolution is on the shoulders, and the party's teachings are in mind......"

I am grateful for the sparks that year, and welcome the peace of the world today

The red heart builds dreams, burns the starlight, passes through the century, and reflects the red and vast sky. From July 1921 to July 2024, the Communist Party of China has overcome all obstacles and forged through the vicissitudes of life, from thanking the hardships of that year when the sparks burned the prairie to welcoming the beauty of the present world.

Without the Communist Party, there would have been no New China. In the past 103 years, the Communist Party of China has been indomitable and resilient, and has accepted 103 years of trials and hardships in the centennial journey, and reaped 103 years of magnificent waves. Thanksgiving for the sparks that year, the Communist Party of China did not forget its original aspiration, kept its mission in mind, sought happiness for the people, sought rejuvenation for the nation, and welcomed the peace of the world today.

"Sing a song to the party, I compare the party to my mother; My mother gave birth to only my body, and the glory of the party shone on my heart......"

I am grateful for the sparks that year, and welcome the peace of the world today

"Although it is hard to find thousands of waters, the sand is blown away and the gold is reached." Grateful for the sparks that year, the Communist Party of China remained true to its original intention, remained consistent, and forged ahead through a hundred years of trials and hardships; Welcome the peace of the present world, step through thousands of mud into a beautiful new era, and lead the Chinese people from success to new success, from glory to new glory.

"Thousands of rivers and mountains do not forget the way they came, the country where blood watered the flowers, life and death depend on each other only for that promise, repaying you is my only confiding ......"

I am grateful for the sparks that year, and welcome the peace of the world today. On the occasion of the July 1st Party Day, I wish the great, glorious and correct party a happy birthday, eternal youth, and in the great era of China, with the glory and dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, do not forget the original intention, and continue to move forward!

——The book is written on July 1, 2024, and I would like to wish the party a happy 103rd birthday with this article.

I am grateful for the sparks that year, and welcome the peace of the world today

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