
In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"

author:Trade union information
In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"
In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"

On July 1, on the occasion of the "July 1st" Party Day, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions carried out summer cooling condolences and warmth activities, and sent the care of the party, the government and the trade union organization to the hearts of the majority of employees.

In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"
In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"
In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"
In the hot summer, "send coolness" and care "warm people's hearts"

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In order to do a good job in the labor protection of employees in hot work and hot weather operations, Gong Chengshu, Secretary of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and his party successively came to Putian Railway Station, Putian Liancheng Yuantong Express Co., Ltd., and Fengxiang Company to visit and comfort front-line workers, send them heatstroke prevention and cooling condolences, and urge enterprises and trade unions to work together to implement various heatstroke prevention and cooling measures, and effectively safeguard the labor safety and health rights and interests of the majority of employees.

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and cultivate the feelings of loving the party, the country and the army, the condolence group came to the Municipal Glory Hospital to carry out the "July 1st" condolence activities, learn more about the work of the Municipal Glory Hospital, care about the daily life and physical condition of the veterans, express respect to the hard-working staff of the hospital, and tell the staff to provide more thoughtful services for the residents, help solve practical difficulties in a timely manner, and make the veterans feel more satisfied.

This year, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions arranged a special fund of 400,000 yuan for heatstroke prevention and cooling at the same level, and will continue to carry out "five sends" activities such as sending cool materials, sending policy publicity, sending health training, sending health examinations, and sending legal rights protection throughout the city. Focusing on the theme of "Trade Unions Entering Ten Thousand Homes and Warming Four Seasons", we will highlight the leading role of warmth demonstration, form a work pattern of demonstration on major festivals, assistance for special groups, and condolences for major activities, organically combine warmth with difficult assistance, mutual assistance, and life services, build a normalized assistance service work system, and continuously improve the sense of gain, happiness and security of the workers.

Submission email: [email protected]

Source: Putian Federation of Trade Unions

Review: Huang Lingyan

Editor: Wu Bingying

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