
Oolong? More than 100,000 depositors' deposits disappeared, and the teller paid out of his own pocket to settle, but the bank claimed to have made a mistake

author:Avenue whispers

Banks, in the eyes of ordinary people, are the safest places, so we generally choose to deposit deposits in the bank, one to eat some interest, and the other to be safe.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. No, it is rumored on the Internet that Ms. Deng of Pingli, Shaanxi Province recently encountered an annoyance. According to her, more than 100,000 yuan that her husband had in the bank suddenly disappeared for no apparent reason.

What's going on here? Isn't it said that banks are the safest place? How is it possible to disappear in the air? Let's take a look.

Oolong? More than 100,000 depositors' deposits disappeared, and the teller paid out of his own pocket to settle, but the bank claimed to have made a mistake

According to Ms. Deng, her husband passed away not long ago, and in her grief, while counting her husband's belongings, she stumbled upon a passbook (few people use this now, they all use cards), and the last column of the passbook clearly shows that there is a balance of 133,900 yuan.

Thinking that there were more than 10 yuan on the passbook, Ms. Deng was overjoyed, and she didn't expect that the old man had left her a little money.

Thinking about the funeral, I was short of money at hand. So, I took my passbook and rushed to the bank to withdraw money.

Upon learning of Ms. Deng's situation, the counter staff asked her to go through the relevant procedures, such as the notice of deposit inquiry, notarization of inheritance rights, etc. Ms. Tang knew that there were many bank rules and they all followed them. It took several days to get these things done, but when she came to withdraw the money with joy, the bank teller scanned the code and told her: "There is no money in the passbook, the money has already been withdrawn, and the accounts have been cancelled!" ”

Ms. Deng was puzzled, wasn't the bank confirmed? There is even an official deposit inquiry certificate, written in black and white, why is it said that it is gone?

Oolong? More than 100,000 depositors' deposits disappeared, and the teller paid out of his own pocket to settle, but the bank claimed to have made a mistake

Ms. Deng was not convinced, so she quarreled with the bank staff, and the two sides held their own words, and no one could convince anyone.

So, Ms. Deng asked the bank clerk who gave her the certificate to come out and take two steps. After much coordination, that dynasty finally came to the fore. He invited Ms. Deng into the office and explained the situation to her, only saying that he had made a mistake and that it was his work mistake, and even proposed that he was willing to give Ms. Deng 2,000 yuan to stop making trouble.

For this hush money, Ms. Deng directly refused. Of course, no one will accept it, 2000 can't be equal to 130,000 anyway, isn't it a joke? She said she wanted to go through the legal process, so she went home first in a rage.

Who knew that this dynasty did not stop, one night in the middle of the night, he and his colleagues came to the door of Ms. Deng's house again, asking Ms. Deng to be private and not to make a big fuss.

Oolong? More than 100,000 depositors' deposits disappeared, and the teller paid out of his own pocket to settle, but the bank claimed to have made a mistake

This series of events made Ms. Deng wonder: Is there something wrong with the bank? Is there an unspeakable secret? In this regard, Ms. Deng became more and more unconvinced, and was determined to ask for an explanation and return the more than 100,000 yuan.

At the end of June 2024, the head of the bank's office had to come forward, but still insisted: the matter was a staff mistake and was already being dealt with.

After this happened, it quickly spread to the Internet, triggering a continuous fermentation of public opinion. And the person in charge's rhetoric obviously can't calm the anger of netizens, what netizens need is the truth, not a "mistake" that can be dismissed.

A few days later, the bank finally issued a statement of the situation, and with this explanation, all the mysteries were solved, and it turned out that the matter was purely oolong!

It turned out that when Ms. Deng's husband opened an account, for the sake of insurance, he opened a passbook and a bank card at the same time, sharing the same account number.

Oolong? More than 100,000 depositors' deposits disappeared, and the teller paid out of his own pocket to settle, but the bank claimed to have made a mistake

However, Ms. Deng's husband generally likes to use bank cards, and the passbook has not been touched a few times when lying in the drawer, which directly leads to the fact that although the money in the account has moved, or even withdrawn the money, if the passbook is not refreshed and printed at the bank counter, then the balance displayed on the passbook is still the most recent printed number, which means that it will always stay in the state of money. For example, if Ms. Deng's husband still has a balance of $133,900 in his account when he uses the passbook, and if he doesn't use the passbook again, the passbook will always show the $133,900, but later her husband uses the bank card again, and even uses up all the money, but the balance of the passbook still shows that there is money.

And this new employee dynasty, perhaps because he is not familiar with the business, or is lazy, did not check on the Internet, so he directly mistook this historical data as a real-time balance, and also issued a query book, resulting in a de facto error.

Oolong? More than 100,000 depositors' deposits disappeared, and the teller paid out of his own pocket to settle, but the bank claimed to have made a mistake

At this point, the problem of more than 100,000 people disappearing out of thin air is basically clear. To be honest, such a thing is actually not difficult to solve, all the operations of the bank have a flow, as long as the husband's flow over the years can be seen clearly.

I don't think it's possible for a bank to deliberately embezzle personal property like this, because it's not personal money, so there's really no need for it.

As for the Yu Dynasty, he is a bit stupid, in order to calm things down, he made it mysterious, just to keep his job, such a thing is a fine at least and expelled at worst, so he made this decision.

However, although the matter has been clarified, there are still a few questions to be solved: Is the bank account only canceling the bank card? Shouldn't everything related to the account have to be cancelled? In addition, is it up to a teller to check the balance of the proof? What's more, it has to be stamped with the official seal of the unit, so does such a major matter do not need to be approved?

Therefore, in any case, the bank has an unshirkable responsibility for such a major mistake, and it is no wonder that netizens do not buy this statement.

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